cmerot / AssetDistribution

Distribute digital assets (video, audio, document, image) trough multimedia hosting providers (YouTube for now, but could support Vimeo, SoundCloud or SlideShare soon)

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PHP AssetDistribution component

PHP component that uploads and manage asset from remote social/content provider.

Currently handle video for YouTube. The component could easily handle video for Vimeo, Dailymotion, Metacafé... but also documents for SlideShare, Scribd, or audio for SoundCloud.

Please feel free to integrate other asset/providers :)


  • a Asset defines the file (video, audio, document...) and its metadata. By itself, the asset is not related to any provider. Therefore, a Provider object or collection has to be affected to a asset to enable its corresponding management.

  • Provider are composed of Credentials and a Manager. Providers also store settings (static metadata such as webservice endpoints) and parameters (session dependant informations such as authentication token).

    When serialized, provider objects register all parameters (settings should be statically described inside their specialized class or coming from a setter so they can't be persisted eg. \Libcast\AssetDistribution\Provider\YoutubeProvider). This way, Provider objects can be persisted with anything but the required data for future use.

  • ProviderCollection serializable collection of Provider objects.

  • Credentials objects handle component authentication on its corresponding provider on behalf of a user. Users can be redirected on a dedicated login page and asked for aproval before any credential are given to the component.

  • Manager objects are used from Asset to handle the following methods:

    • save() uploads the file if the Asset is new or persists the asset's metadata otherwise
    • update() edit the asset from the remote provider
    • upload() transfers the file on the remote provider
    • delete() removes the asset from the remote provider
    • find( $key ) search the asset based on a $key


Use composer to install the component dependencies :

git clone
cd AssetDistribution
curl -sS | php
php composer.phar update

Use it

Here is how you set up a provider:

use Libcast\AssetDistribution\Provider\YoutubeProvider;

$youtube = new YoutubeProvider(array(
    'client_id' => '',
    'client_secret' => '1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l',
    'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost:8888/path/to/oauthcallback',

// Alternatively, you can use a '.ini' file to group all your providers configuration
in a single place. Here is how you submit your configuration then:
$youtube = new YoutubeProvider('/path/to/config.ini');

Here is how you declare your settings in a .ini configuration file:

client_id = ""
client_secret = "1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l"
redirect_uri = "http://localhost:8888/path/to/oauthcallback"

You also may want to declare some parameters like a refresh_token to avoid user login each time you need to manage its asset:

$youtube = new YoutubeProvider('/path/to/config.ini', array(
    'refresh_token' => '1/A1Bc2dE3Fg4h-I5Jk6lM7No8pQ9Rs0tU1Vw2x',

You can add several providers to a collection (eg. a same video must be sent to many YouTube accounts):

use Libcast\AssetDistribution\Provider\ProviderCollection;

$youtube1 = new YoutubeProvider(array(
    'client_id' => '',
    'client_secret' => '1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l',
    'redirect_uri' => 'http://localhost:8888/path/to/oauthcallback',
), array(
    'refresh_token' => '1/A1Bc2dE3Fg4h-I5Jk6lM7No8pQ9Rs0tU1Vw2x',

$youtube2 = new YoutubeProvider('/path/to/config.ini', array(
    'refresh_token' => '1/I5Jk6lM7No8p-A1Bc2dE3Fg4hQ9Rs0tU1Vw2x',

$collection = new ProviderCollection;
$collection[] = $youtube1;
$collection[] = $youtube2;

Then all you have to create an Asset object on which you must inject either a Provider or a ProviderCollection so that you can trigger manager's methods like save() directly from the resulting object:

use Libcast\AssetDistribution\Asset\Asset;

$video = Asset::load('/path/to/a/video.mp4', $collection);

You may want to persist a Provider, a ProviderCollection or an Asset to be able to use them later.

All you have to do is to serialize the object.

  • Serialized Provider will register all parameters (eg. oAuth refresh_token)
  • Serialized ProviderCollection will list a group of serialized Provider objects
  • Serialized Asset will register all parameters (global and provider specific)

To update an Asset from its providers, all you have to do is :

$serializedCollection; // serialized ProviderCollection
$serializedVideo;      // serialized Asset

$video = unserialize($serializedVideo);
$provider = unserialize($serializedCollection);

    ->setParameter('keywords', array('foo', 'bar'))

Complete example


require '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';

use Libcast\AssetDistribution\Provider\YoutubeProvider;
use Libcast\AssetDistribution\Asset\Asset;

$youtube = new YoutubeProvider('/path/to/config.ini', array(
    'refresh_token' => '1/I5Jk6lM7No8p-A1Bc2dE3Fg4hQ9Rs0tU1Vw2x',

$video = Asset::load('/path/to/a/video.mp4', $youtube);
    ->setParameter('title',       'Title of my awesome video!')
    ->setParameter('description', 'This video is pure awesomeness! xD')
    ->setParameter('keywords',    array('awesome', 'fun'))
    ->setParameter('category',    22)

Get credentials manually

If you don't want the authentication process to be triggered automatically on manager's actions like $video->save() you can use this trick directly on a Provider:

use Libcast\AssetDistribution\Provider\YoutubeProvider;

$provider = new YoutubeProvider('/path/to/config.ini');

If you have persisted a Provider or already may have authenticate in your script, and need to check if authentication is required again, you can use the $provider->isAuthorized() method.

API and tests

Generate the API doc:

php vendor/bin/sami.php update config/sami.php

Run tests

php vendor/bin/phpunit


Distribute digital assets (video, audio, document, image) trough multimedia hosting providers (YouTube for now, but could support Vimeo, SoundCloud or SlideShare soon)



Language:PHP 100.0%