cmdotcom / text-sdk-dotnet

.NET Standard SDK to send messages with

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A software development kit to provide ways to interact with's Text service. API's used:


Instantiate the client

Using your unique ApiKey (or product token) which authorizes you on the CM platform. Always keep this key secret!

The product token can be found in the Channels application on the platform, under the Gateway section.

var client = new TextClient(new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]));

Send a message

By calling SendMessageAsync and providing message text, sender name, recipient phone number(s) and a reference (optional).

var result = await client.SendMessageAsync("Message_Text", "Sender_Name", new List<string> { "Recipient_PhoneNumber" }, "Your_Reference").ConfigureAwait(false);

Get the result

SendMessageAsync returns an object of type TextClientResult, example:

  "statusMessage": "Created 1 message(s)",
  "statusCode": 201,
  "details": [
      "reference": "Example_Reference",
      "status": "Accepted",
      "to": "Example_PhoneNumber",
      "parts": 1,
      "details": null
      "reference": "Example_Reference2",
      "status": "Rejected",
      "to": "Example_PhoneNumber2",
      "parts": 0,
      "details": "A body without content was found"

Sending a rich message

By using the MessageBuilder it is possible to create images with media for channels such as WhatsApp and RCS

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
        new MediaMessage(
var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Status codes

For all possible status codes, please reference the TextClientStatusCode enum.

Sending a WhatsApp template message

By using the MessageBuilder it is possible to create template messages. Please note that this is WhatsApp only and your template needs to be approved before sending. For more info please check our documentation:

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
 .WithTemplate(new TemplateMessage() {
  Content = new TemplateMessageContent() {
   Whatsapp = new WhatsappTemplate() {
    Name = "template-name",
     Namespace = "the-namespace-of-template",
     Language = new Language() {
      Code = "en",
       Policy = "deterministic"
     Components = new TemplateComponents[] {
      new TemplateComponents() {
       Type = "body",
        ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[] {
         new ComponentParameters() {
          Type = "text",
           Text = "firstname"

var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Sending a rich WhatsApp template message

It is also possible to send a rich template with an image!

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
 .WithTemplate(new TemplateMessage() {
  Content = new TemplateMessageContent() {
   Whatsapp = new WhatsappTemplate() {
    Name = "template-name",
     Namespace = "the-namespace-of-template",
     Language = new Language() {
      Code = "en",
       Policy = "deterministic"
     Components = new TemplateComponents[] {
      new TemplateComponents() {
        Type = "header",
         ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[] {
          new ComponentParameters() {
           Type = "image",
            Media = new MediaContent() {
             MediaName = "",
              MediaUri = ""
       new TemplateComponents() {
        Type = "body",
         ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[] {
          new ComponentParameters() {
           Type = "text",
            Text = "firstname"

var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Sending a WhatsApp template message with date and Currency

It is also possible to send a rich template with an currency and an date! please note that the timezone is in UTC format

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
 .WithTemplate(new TemplateMessage() {
  Content = new TemplateMessageContent() {
   Whatsapp = new WhatsappTemplate() {
                            Name = "template-name",
                            Namespace = "the-namespace-of-template",
                            Language = new Language()
                                Code = "en",
                                Policy = "deterministic"
                            Components = new TemplateComponents[] {
                                new TemplateComponents() {
                                    Type = "header",
                                    ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[] {
                                        new ComponentParameters() {
                                            Type = "image",
                                            Media = new MediaContent() {
                                                MediaName = "",
                                                MediaUri = ""
                                new TemplateComponents()
                                    Type = "body",
                                    ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[]
                                        new ComponentParameters()
                                           Type = "currency",
                                           Currency = new TemplateCurrency()
                                               FallbackValue = "$100.99",
                                               Amount = 100990,
                                               CurrencyCode = "USD"
                                       new ComponentParameters()
                                           Type = "date_time",
                                           DateTime = new TemplateDateTime(DateTime.Now)

   var message = builder.Build();
   var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Sending interactive template messages

Interactive templates allows you to send templates that include buttons. For more info please visit

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
builder.WithAllowedChannels(Channel.WhatsApp).WithTemplate(new TemplateMessage() {
	Content = new TemplateMessageContent() {
		Whatsapp = new WhatsappTemplate() {
			Name = "Template name",
			Namespace = "whatsapp template id",
			Language = new Language() {
				Code = "en",
				Policy = "deterministic"
			Components = new TemplateComponents[] {
				new TemplateComponents() {
					Type = "body",
					ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[] {
						new ComponentParameters() {
							Type = "text",
							Text = "your message here"
				new TemplateComponents() {
					Type = "button",
					SubType = "quick_reply",
					Index = 0,
					ComponentParameters = new ComponentParameters[] {
						new ComponentParameters() {
							Type = "payload",
							Payload = "developer defined payload"

var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Sending an Apple Pay Request

It is now possible to send an apple pay request only possible in Apple Business Chat

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
        .WithApplePay(new ApplePayRequest()
             ApplePayConfiguration = new ApplePayConfiguration()
                        Total = 1,
                        RecipientCountryCode = "recipient-country-code",
                        CurrencyCode = "currency-code",
                        Description = "product-description",
                        RecipientEmail = "recipient-email",
                        languageCountryCode = "language-country-code",
                        OrderReference = "unique-order-guid",
                        MerchantName = "merchant-name",
                        LineItems = new LineItem[]
                            new LineItem()
                                Amount = 1,
                                Label = "product-name",
                                Type = "final-or-pending"
var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Sending WhatsApp interactive messages

It is now possible to send list messages and reply buttons without using templates only supported in WhatsApp

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
 var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
     builder.WithAllowedChannels(Channel.WhatsApp).WithInteractive(new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.WhatsAppInteractiveMessage()
                whatsAppInteractiveContent = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.WhatsAppInteractiveContent()
                    Type = "list",
                    Header = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveHeader()
                        Type = "text",
                        Text = "List message example"
                    Body = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveBody()
                        Text = "checkout our list message demo"
                    Action = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveAction()
                        Button = "button text",
                        Sections = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveSection[]
                             new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveSection()
                                 Title = "Select an option",
                                 Rows = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.Rows[]
                                     new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.Rows()
                                         Id = "unique Id",
                                         Title = "unique title1",
                                         Description = "description text"
                                     new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.Rows()
                                         Id = "unique Id2",
                                         Title = "unique title2",
                                         Description = "description text"
                    Footer = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveFooter()
                        Text = "footer text"
var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Only with Reply buttons you can send media like image,video or document see following example.

var apiKey = new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]);
var client = new TextClient(apiKey);
 var builder = new MessageBuilder("Message Text", "Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
    builder.WithAllowedChannels(Channel.WhatsApp).WithInteractive(new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.WhatsAppInteractiveMessage()
                whatsAppInteractiveContent = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.WhatsAppInteractiveContent()
                    Type = "button",
                    Header = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveHeader()
                        Type = "image",                    
                        Media = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.MediaContent()
                                MediaUri = ""
                    Body = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveBody()
                        Text = "checkout our reply message demo"
                    Action = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveAction()
                        Buttons = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveButton[]
                            new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveButton()
                               Type = "reply",
                                Reply = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.ReplyMessage()
                                    Id = "unique-postback-id1",
                                    Title = "First Button"
                               new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.InteractiveButton()
                              Type = "reply",
                                Reply = new CM.Text.BusinessMessaging.Model.MultiChannel.ReplyMessage()
                                    Id = "unique-postback-id2",
                                    Title = "Second Button "
var message = builder.Build();
var result = await client.SendMessageAsync(message);

Using the OTP API

Send a simple OTP code

    var client = new TextClient(new Guid(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApiKey"]));
    var otpBuilder = new OtpRequestBuilder("Sender_name", "Recipient_PhoneNumber");
    otpBuilder.WithMessage("Your otp code is {code}.");
    var result = await textClient.SendOtpAsync(otpBuilder.Build());

Verify the response code

    var verifyResult = client.VerifyOtp("OTP-ID", "code");
    bool isValid = verifyResult.Verified;

For more advanced scenarios see also