cmconner156 / trade_manager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a telegram forex channel watcher designed to cleanup messages and send to a new channel.

Get api_id and api_hash from telegram for your account

Install docker, docker-compose, git.

git clone
cd trade_manager
cp env.env.example env.env
docker-compose build
docker rm generate_telegram_token
docker run -d --name generate_telegram_token -v $(pwd)/app:/app -e TG_API_ID=123456 -e TG_API_HASH=78987323523523 app sleep 10000
docker exec -it generate_telegram_token python3 /app/

You'll see output like:

cconner@ubuntumt4:~/trade_manager$ docker exec -it generate_telegram_token python3 /app/
Please enter your phone (or bot token):

Enter your phone number where you are asked - US = 15552221234

Then you'll see:

Please enter the code you received:

Enter the code from telegram.

You will now see:

Signed in successfully as Christopher Conner
Put this in the TG_SESSION= section of your env.env
Don't forget to include TG_API_ID= and TG_API_HASH= as well based on same entries from this command
Your env.env TELEGRAM section should look like:

Now edit your env.env file, find the TELEGRAM section and add the output from the command

Now we start the app!

docker-compose up -d

Watch the logs for issues:

docker-compose logs -f

Make sure everything is started:

cconner@ubuntumt4:~/trade_manager$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES
939e14208a17 nginx:latest "nginx -g 'daemon of…" 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes>5555/tcp, 80/tcp,>8000/tcp trade_manager_nginx_1
5edb5de75710 app "bash -c '/wait-for-…" 5 minutes ago Up 4 minutes 8000/tcp trade_manager_watcher_1
90292f07d297 app "bash -c '/wait-for-…" 5 minutes ago Up 4 minutes 8000/tcp trade_manager_worker_1
6c797d080f58 app "bash -c '/wait-for-…" 5 minutes ago Up 4 minutes 8000/tcp trade_manager_app_1
4a754b354b99 zoomeranalytics/flower:0.9.1-4.0.2 "/bin/bash /app/star…" 5 minutes ago Up 4 minutes 5555/tcp trade_manager_flower_1
03b702716a34 mysql:5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp trade_manager_db_1
2e6df3f69671 rabbitmq:3 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 5 minutes ago Up 5 minutes 4369/tcp, 5671-5672/tcp, 25672/tcp trade_manager_broker_1

You should have 3 app containers, an nginx container, mysql container, rabbitmq container and flower container.

Now watch the logs for the telegram watcher:

docker-compose logs -f watcher

You will see:

cconner@ubuntumt4:~/trade_manager$ docker-compose logs -f watcher Attaching to trade_manager_watcher_1 watcher_1 | waiting 60 seconds for app:8000 watcher_1 | app:8000 is available after 26 seconds watcher_1 | [ INFO/2019-11-15 21:33:47,638] telethon.crypto.aes: libssl detected, it will be used for encryption watcher_1 | [ INFO/2019-11-15 21:33:48,088] Connecting to watcher_1 | [ INFO/2019-11-15 21:33:48,126] Connection to complete!

Now create a private channel in Telegram and send a trade to it like:

EURGBP SELL ENTRY: 0.86356 TP: 0.86016 SL: 0.86641

You should see a message showing it came through:

watcher_1 | [ INFO/2019-11-15 21:41:44,481] root: NEW MESSAGE TO DB: NewMessage.Event(original_update=UpdateNewChannelMessage(message=Message(id=173, to_id=PeerChannel(channel_id=1256178279), date=datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 15, 21, 41, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), message='EURGBP SELL\nENTRY: 0.86356\nTP: 0.86016\nSL: 0.86641', out=True, mentioned=False, media_unread=False, silent=False, post=True, from_scheduled=False, legacy=False, edit_hide=False, from_id=None, fwd_from=None, via_bot_id=None, reply_to_msg_id=None, media=None, reply_markup=None, entities=[MessageEntityCode(offset=0, length=50)], views=1, edit_date=None, post_author=None, grouped_id=None, restriction_reason=[]), pts=182, pts_count=1), pattern_match=None, message=Message(id=173, to_id=PeerChannel(channel_id=1256178279), date=datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 15, 21, 41, 44, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), message='EURGBP SELL\nENTRY: 0.86356\nTP: 0.86016\nSL: 0.86641', out=True, mentioned=False, media_unread=False, silent=False, post=True, from_scheduled=False, legacy=False, edit_hide=False, from_id=None, fwd_from=None, via_bot_id=None, reply_to_msg_id=None, media=None, reply_markup=None, entities=[MessageEntityCode(offset=0, length=50)], views=1, edit_date=None, post_author=None, grouped_id=None, restriction_reason=[]))

Now you should be able to check the database and see that same message:

docker-compose exec db mysql -h db -u trade_manager --password=password trade_manager -e "select * from api_tgmessage;"

cconner@ubuntumt4:~/trade_manager$ docker-compose exec db mysql -h db -u trade_manager --password=password trade_manager -e "select * from api_tgmessage;"
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
| id | message_id | sender_id | received_date | message_date | channel_name | channel_id | raw_text | status | ack |
| 1 | 172 | -1001256178279 | 2019-11-15 21:35:26.906524 | 2019-11-15 21:35:26.906573 | ChrisConner - (PREMIUM) CHRIS GROUP1 - 1TP | 1256178279 | EURGBP SELL ENTRY: 0.86356 TP: 0.86016 SL: 0.86641 | NEW | 0 |
| 2 | 173 | -1001256178279 | 2019-11-15 21:41:44.482039 | 2019-11-15 21:41:44.482093 | ChrisConner - (PREMIUM) CHRIS GROUP1 - 1TP | 1256178279 | EURGBP SELL ENTRY: 0.86356 TP: 0.86016 SL: 0.86641 | NEW | 0 |



  • Python 3
  • Telegram
  • telethon:

pip3 install telethon

  • Telegram API Key and Hash Key



Language:Python 85.5%Language:Shell 8.6%Language:Makefile 4.1%Language:Dockerfile 1.8%