cmccarthyIrl / spring-cucumber-appium

This project executes Appium/Cucumber tests sequentially or in parallel using TestNG, Spring, Java, Logback and Extent Reports to provide a basic test harness.

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Appium Test Automation Framework


Start Run Report Advanced
Maven | Quickstart TestNG | Command Line | IDE Support | Java JDK | Troubleshooting Configuration | Environment Switching | Extent Reports | Allure Reports | Logging | Before / After Hooks JSON Transforms | Contributing


The Framework uses Spring Boot Test, Cucumber and Appium client implementations.

Spring <dependencies>:


Cucumber <dependencies>:


Appium <dependencies>:





set ANDROID_HOME=C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
set ANDROID_ROOT_DIR=C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk
set PATH=%PATH%;%ANDROID_HOME%\tools;%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools


By using the TestNG Framework, we can utilize the Cucumber Framework and the @CucumberOptions Annotation Type to execute the *.feature file tests.

Right-click the WikipediParallelRunner class and select Run

        features = {
        plugin = {
public class RunCucumberApp1Test extends AbstractTestNGCucumberTests {

    @DataProvider(parallel = true)
    public Object[][] scenarios() {
        return super.scenarios();


Command Line

Normally, you will use your IDE to run a *.feature file directly or via the * class. With the Test class, we can run tests from the command-line as well.

Note that the mvn test command only runs test classes that follow the * naming convention.

You can run a single test or a suite or tests like so:

mvn test -Dtest=RunCucumberApp1Test

Note that the mvn clean install command runs all test Classes that follow the * naming convention.

mvn clean install

IDE Support

To minimize the discrepancies between IDE versions and locales the <sourceEncoding> is set to UTF-8


Java JDK

The Java version to use is defined in the maven-compiler-plugin



The AbstractTestDefinition class is responsible for specifying each Step class as @SpringBootTest and its @ContextConfiguration

@ContextConfiguration(classes = {FrameworkContextConfiguration.class})
public class AbstractTestDefinition {

The FrameworkContextConfiguration class is responsible for specifying the Spring @Configuration, modules to scan, properties to use, etc.

        "com.cmccarthy.app1", "com.cmccarthy.common",
public class FrameworkContextConfiguration {

Environment Switching

There is only one thing you need to do to switch the environment - which is to set <activeByDefault> property in the Master POM.

By default, the value of is defined in the file which inherits its value from the Master POM property <activeByDefault>


You can then specify the profile to use when running Maven from the command line like so:

mvn clean install -P dev

Below is an example of the file.

Extent Reports

The Framework uses Extent Reports Framework to generate the HTML Test Reports

The example below is a report generated automatically by Extent Reports open-source library.

Allure Reports

The Framework uses Allure Reports to generate the HTML Test Reports

The example below is a report generated by Allure Reports open-source library.

To generate the above report navigate to the root directory of the module under test and execute the following command

mvn allure:serve or mvn allure:generate (for an offline report)


The Framework uses Log4j2 You can instantiate the logging service in any Class like so

private final Logger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(WikipediaPageSteps.class);

you can then use the logger like so :"This is a info message");
logger.warn("This is a warning message");
logger.debug("This is a info message");
logger.error("This is a error message");

Before / After Hooks

The Logback logging service is initialized from the Hooks.class

As the Cucumber Hooks are implemented by all steps we can configure the @CucumberContextConfiguration like so :

public class Hooks extends AbstractTestDefinition {

    private AppiumServer server;
    private HookUtils hookUtils;
    public void tearDown(Scenario scenario) {


  • Execute the following commands to resolve any dependency issues
    1. cd ~/install directory path/spring-cucumber-testng-parallel-test-harness
    2. mvn clean install -DskipTests


Spotted a mistake? Questions? Suggestions?

Open an Issue


This project executes Appium/Cucumber tests sequentially or in parallel using TestNG, Spring, Java, Logback and Extent Reports to provide a basic test harness.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 99.5%Language:Gherkin 0.5%