cmbarton / landscapes_climate_mobility_N-Iberia

Data archive for Clark et al 2018 paper, Landscapes, Climate Change & Forager Mobility in the Upper Paleolithic of Northern Spain. Quaternary International

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The files in this package include data files and R Markdown analyses scripts for the published paper: 

GA Clark, CM Barton, and LG Straus (2018) Landscapes, Climate Change & Forager Mobility in the Upper Paleolithic of Northern Spain. Quaternary International.

This data and analysis package should be cited as:

Barton, C.M., Clark, G.A., Straus, L.G., 2018. Upper Paleolithic of N Spain - Lithic and C14 Data and Analysis.[zenodo DOI number].

You are welcome to use these data in scientific research but you should cite both the paper and this dataset. 

IMPORTANT CLARIFICATION: The data published here represent the data used for our analysis, extracted from published sources, matched to global DEMs. They should not be considered a gazeteer for geographically relocating individual archaeological sites (though others are welcome to use our data as a starting point for such a gazeteer). Moreover, sites represent single localities, within a region occupied by prehistoric groups, where people occasionally left material remains of their activities and which archaeologists happen to know about. Hence, for the purposes of studies like this one, site locations should be considered to be an imperfect, point sample of a regional occupation.

This package contains:

Clark_etal_QuaternaryInternational2018.Rmd [R Markdown Scripts for R version 3.4.4]

nwiberia_dates.csv [database of C14 date for the Upper Paleolithic through Mesolithic of Northern Iberia in csv text format]
nwiberia_dates.rda [database of C14 date for the Upper Paleolithic through Mesolithic of Northern Iberia in R data format]

nwiberia_lithics.csv [database of lithic asssemblages for the Upper Paleolithic through Mesolithic of Northern Iberia in csv text format]
nwiberia_lithics.rda [database of lithic asssemblages for the Upper Paleolithic through Mesolithic of Northern Iberia in R data format]

We were unable to receive permission by the time of publication of the QI paper to publish data we used from level 15 of Mirón. You will need to contact one of the excavators for these data: Manuel Gonzales Morales, Universidad de Cantabria or Lawrence Straus, University of New Mexico. 

ice_cores.csv [NGRIP2 and GISP2 ice core data from Greenland in csv text format]
ice_cores.rda [NGRIP2 and GISP2 ice core data from Greenland in R data format]

The ice core data are derived from data sets accompanying the following 2 papers:

Rasmussen, S.O., Bigler, M., Blockley, S.P., Blunier, T., Buchardt, S.L., Clausen, H.B., Cvijanovic, I., Dahl-Jensen, D., Johnsen, S.J., Fischer, H., Gkinis, V., Guillevic, M., Hoek, W.Z., Lowe, J.J., Pedro, J.B., Popp, T., Seierstad, I.K., Steffensen, J.P., Svensson, A.M., Vallelonga, P., Vinther, B.M., Walker, M.J.C., Wheatley, J.J., Winstrup, M., 2014. A stratigraphic framework for abrupt climatic changes during the Last Glacial period based on three synchronized Greenland ice-core records: refining and extending the INTIMATE event stratigraphy. Quaternary Science Reviews 106, 14-28.

Seierstad, I.K., Abbott, P.M., Bigler, M., Blunier, T., Bourne, A.J., Brook, E., Buchardt, S.L., Buizert, C., Clausen, H.B., Cook, E., Dahl-Jensen, D., Davies, S.M., Guillevic, M., Johnsen, S.J., Pedersen, D.S., Popp, T.J., Rasmussen, S.O., Severinghaus, J.P., Svensson, A., Vinther, B.M., 2014. Consistently dated records from the Greenland GRIP, GISP2 and NGRIP ice cores for the past 104 ka reveal regional millennial-scale δ18O gradients with possible Heinrich event imprint. Quaternary Science Reviews 106, 29-46.

Michael Barton
Arizona State University


Data archive for Clark et al 2018 paper, Landscapes, Climate Change & Forager Mobility in the Upper Paleolithic of Northern Spain. Quaternary International

License:GNU General Public License v3.0