cmaraziaris / ctf-csec-uoa-2021

Solution to the CTF challenge assigned in the Computer Security class, Spring '21, University of Athens.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

2021 Project 2


  1. Πού βρίσκεται ο Γιώργος;
  2. Ποιος έκλεψε τα αρχεία του "Plan X";
  3. Πού βρίσκονται τα αρχεία του "Plan X";
  4. Ποια είναι τα results του "Plan Y";
  5. Ποιο είναι το code του "Plan Z";


  • Οι ίδιες ομάδες με την εργασία 1

  • Εγγραφή στο github:

  • Μόλις ολοκληρώσετε κάθε βήμα στέλνετε claim στο

  • Για τα βήματα 3-5 απαιτείται να γράψετε ένα πρόγραμμα που να αυτοματοποιεί την εύρεση της λύσης. Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε ό,τι γλώσσα προγραμματισμού θέλετε, αλλά θα πρέπει να μπορώ να το τρέξω σε Ubuntu 20.04 χρησιμοποιώντας software που είναι διαθέσιμο στο Ubuntu. Θα πρέπει επίσης να φτιάξετε ένα script που εκτελεί το πρόγραμμα με ό,τι παραμέτρους χρειάζονται.

  • Επίσης γράφετε report στο με τα βήματα που ακολουθήσατε, και το κάνετε commit μαζί με οποιοδήποτε κώδικα χρησιμοποιήσατε

  • Βαθμολογία

    • Η δυσκολία στα βήματα αυξάνεται απότομα.
    • Για ό,τι δεν ολοκληρώσετε περιγράψτε (και υλοποιήστε στο πρόγραμμα) την πρόοδό σας και πώς θα μπορούσατε να συνεχίσετε.
    • Με τα πρώτα 2 βήματα παίρνετε 5 στο μάθημα (αν έχετε πάει καλά στην εργασία 1)
    • Με τα 3-5 φτάνετε μέχρι το 10 (δεν υπάρχει γραπτή εξέταση)
    • Για τους μεταπτυχιακούς τα 3-5 είναι προαιρετικά. ΔΕΝ αντικαθιστούν το project (αλλά μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν προσθετικά στο βαθμό της εργασίας 1)
    • Για τα βήματα 3-5 μπορεί να γίνει προφορική εξέταση
  • Timeline

    • Την πρώτη εβδομάδα δεν υπάρχουν hints
    • 11/6: αρχίζουν τα hints για τα βήματα 1,2
    • 16/6: deadline για τα βήματα 1,2
    • Για τα βήματα 3-5 δίνονται hints μόνο σε όσους ζητήσουν (με μικρό penalty)
    • 11/7: deadline για τα βήματα 3-5
  • Η ταχύτητα των λύσεων (και ο αριθμός hints που έχουν δοθεί) μετράει στο βαθμό (ειδικά για τα βήματα 1,2)

  • Οχι spoilers

  • Οχι DoS (ή μαζικά requests, δε χρειάζεται κάτι τέτοιο)

CTF Report

Step 1

First things first

While visiting and browsing the code of the instructor-given .onion link, we skimmed the blog-article about onion site security, hence we discovered that the site-creator allowed us to view the /server-info page. There we discovered the existence of a second site. At the same time we noticed that the cookie in the site, when changed, printed some interesting messages in the user id section. We also discovered that the cookie was generated by the following algorithm:

Let 'L' be the message you want to display in user id field. 
1) Y = "SHA256(L)"
2) X = "L:Y"

so we constructed a small python script to generate cookies that would print our desired input.

The bypass

Visiting the second site we bumped into a user validation page. Since we failed to login with simple credentials, we checked the respective /server-info page and also we tried to access the /robots.txt page, where we found something quite interesting: .phps files where allowed, but why? So we checked if there was a access.phps page. So now we just had to find the $desired variable, being 1337 and now we had to find the password. After a little googling we found out that the strcmp() function was quite vulnerable even if the condition check was strict. We could pass an array as $password and bypass the login section. We tried something like this: ?user=0001337&password[]=0.


After loggin in, we browsed the blog a little and found out a quite-obscurely hidden post-page named /post3.html under /blogposts7589109238/ that actualy gave us the user-id we had to use at YS13 fixers site. Using our script and changing the cookie via the document.cookie attribute in the JS console, we found about George Komninos' secret back-up, that contained the encrypted files of firefox and signal logs, so we knew that should do it, but we did not find the decryption key... yet.

Ethereum Transactions

Reading the note George left, we got interested in the meaning of the last line ropsten <hex number>. We tried to transform it to ascii, in case we got anything secret-like and that failed. Then we googled about ropsten. Firstly, we found it was a transaction wallet, but (little did we knew) we thought this was a long shot. The next thing we came accross was a Sweden bus station in Stockholm... well we revisited the first idea. We found out that we could embed the hex into a transaction-record link and there we actually found that the hex line in the note resembled an Ethereum Transaction Hash, that has taken place 13 days earlier (what a coincidence!?) and has the ammount of 0.01 Ethereum ($0.00 USD). This record had an inputData line bigtent in hex encoding. We kept that in mind and continued...

Decrypting Logs

Having bigtent as our latest discovery, we assumed that it is the <secret string> part of the key's SHA256 input. Thus, we only needed to find the <current date in RFC3339 format> field. Having ran out of clues, we tried to brute-force the date (after all, it was very unlikely that George would showcase a future date for his example SHA256("2020-05-18 cement"), so we thought that the actual date was somewhere in 2020 or 2021 - a total of around 700 dates to try). We used /step1/ and our favorite scripting language (bash for life) for the cracking.

After successfully decrypting the logs, we read the signal.log and assumed that we should look for a specific commit, for which we knew its hash. But, in which repo?

The answer was revealed to us after dumping around 500MB of "" lines in the firefox.log, with the divine command $ cat firefox.log | grep -v 'The_Conversation[^H]'. It was none other than the tor-project fork by the infamous dev asd-d6: .

Git commits and RSA hackz

The commit we were instructed to look for contained the following cryptic message:

 * Hey Maria... So I went to the Rivest club again yesterday and met a guy who
 * sold me tickets that will take me out of this crazy city. I hope that in a
 * few days we will be together again. Find me at:
 *     http://aqwlvm4ms72zriryeunpo3uk7myqjvatba4ikl3wy6etdrrblbezlfqd.onion/x||y||x||y.txt
 *          where || means concatenation
 * N = 127670779
 * e = 7
 * E(x) = 122880244
 * E(y) = 27613890

Just by observing N and e the RSA crypto algorithm came to mind. Having a famous quote as our guide, we tried a very advanced and underground technique to crack RSA, brute-force. We noticed that N is a pretty small integer (< 32bits) thus we used the script to learn the p and q used in the generation of the keys. Knowing p and q, we used for a couple of modulo operations and eventually got x = 306 and y = 3735.

The /30637353063735.txt file we found stated:

Hey M,

I just started my ascent to the Gilman's Point on the Kilimanjaro.

I will set my camp there and wait for you. Please bring some clean water because
the people in the village were trying to poison me so I didn't get any.

see you~~

Thus disclosing George's location (Gilman's Point on the Kilimanjaro).

PS. We noticed the eerie resemblance between George and the famous Kurt Gödel, in the fear of getting poisoned - hopefully George won't end up like his counterpart (guess we'll find out next year).

Step 2

Getting access to the blog file, allowed us to get the link for an onion server that required username and password (we did not yet acquired). According to the relative post the server src code was in a github repo, chatziko/pico, so we cloned it and installed it in our machines. The moment we compiled the code we noticed a warning (unsual for chatziko coding standards) with a -Wformat-security flag, so we investigate it a little further. The first thing we bumped into was Format String Software Attack by OWASP so we knew we did good. A couple minutes later we tried the described attack and we passed the following username %x %x %x %x %x %x %s and got the username admin and the password md5 hash e5614e27f3c21283ad532a1d23b9e29d that we cracked by putting it in famous online md5 crackers and got the password bob's your uncle.

After a successful log-in, we were greeted by a not-so-friendly message:

Hacked by 5l0ppy 8uff00n5 

Thus we figured that 5l0ppy 8uff00n5 stole the "Plan X" server files.

Step 3

For this step, there wasn't a clear sign indicating where the answer was. However, we noticed that while we had access to the /index.html page using the credentials found in the previous step, we weren't able get access to the file /ultimate.html. A comment in the source code explained the reason:

ROUTE_POST("/ultimate.html") {
    // An extra layer of protection: require an admin password in POST
    Line admin_pwd[1];
    read_file("/etc/admin_pwd", admin_pwd, 1);
    char* given_pwd = post_param("admin_pwd");
    int allowed = given_pwd != NULL && strcmp(admin_pwd[0], given_pwd) == 0;

    if (allowed)
      printf("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden\r\n\r\nForbidden");


Sadly, the admin_pwd[1] required, was not the one we had already discovered.

Having no other obvious way to proceed, we decided to get ultimate.html or die trying. We noticed that all we had to do, was to somehow be able to call serve_ultimate() through the normal flow of control of the pico-server. The only function calls during the execution of ROUTE_POST("/ultimate.html") are:

  1. read_file
  2. post_param
  3. strcmp
  4. serve_ultimate
  5. printf
  6. free

Having a glimpse at the post_param() source code, we noticed a suspicious point of possible exploit:

// Parses and returns (in new memory) the value of a POST param
char* post_param(char* param_name) {
  // These are provided by pico:
  //  payload      : points to the POST data
  //  payload_size : the size of the paylaod

  // The POST data are in the form name1=value1&name2=value2&...
  // We need NULL terminated strings, so change '&' and '=' to '\0'
  // (copy first to avoid changing the real payload).

  char post_data[payload_size+1];     // dynamic size, to ensure it's big enough
  strcpy(post_data, payload);

  for (char* c = post_data; *c != '\0'; c++)
    if (*c == '&' || *c == '=')
      *c = '\0';

In attempt to solve the mystery surrounding the origin of the payload variable we found that payload indeed contained the POST request data, however payload_size value was determined in a pretty questionable fashion:

    t += 3; // now the *t shall be the beginning of user payload, after \r\n
    t2 = request_header("Content-Length"); // and the related header if there is
    payload = t;
    payload_size = t2 ? atol(t2) : (rcvd - (t - buf));

Namely, payload_size could be set by the Content-Length header of any malicious HTTP request.

With these discoveries in mind, the attack scheme was more than obvious in our minds, and it was none other than:

Hacking into the university's infrastructure and set our course grade to the maximum.

However, we tried a more modest approach, the buffer overflow one. The idea was quite simple: send a POST http request, with the malicious payload as the post data and a suitably crafted Content-Length header, that would initialize the post_data[] buffer with less bytes than the post-data ones, that would later be copied to the buffer via the strcpy call - buffer overflow. Our payload would target the return address of post_param so that, instead of returning to main(), it would return to our top secret target,serve_ultimate().

A couple things were required in order to perform the attack:

  • The serve_ultimate address in the .text segment of the program - easily found using the command disas serve_ultimate in GDB.
  • the canary

During the development of the attack, we knew that the server was running in a specific machine, to which we had access via ssh. However, we were constrained by the fact that we could only test our attack with the help of GDB. Thus, we were required to make our exploit generic enough, so that it would work with any memory layout (since executing through GDB produces a different memory layout than a clean execution).

This problem is solved by making use of offsets, instead of hardcoded memory addresses. Thus, it would be really neat if we somehow obtained a fixed-point* address in the server's machine, from where we would reference all of our target addresses using suitable offsets. Sounds familiar right?

Looking back at step 2, we did just that; we extracted some stack addresses from the server's machine. Thus, we have a powerful tool to aid our cause. Using the printf vulnerability:

  if(password_md5 == NULL) {
    printf("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized\r\n");
    printf("WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=\"");
    printf("Invalid user: ");

    return 0;

with a payload like this: %x [29 more times %x] %x we were able to acquire:

  • the address of main() in the text segment (our desired fixed-point)
  • the canary

Up to that moment, happiness and excitement was filling the team members' hearts as they were about to do something that every human being shall experience at least once in their life - a buffer overflow.

We calculated the offset between the .text addresses of the mainand serve_ultimate functions in GDB.
We had our fixed-point in the server's machine. Adding the offset to the fixed-point would produce the serve_ultimate address in the server's machine. We also experimented with the amount of dummy \xBB bytes required in the beginning of our payload, so that the canary and the return address would be aligned in the correct position inside the program's stack. All what was left to do was to plug in the canary, send the request to the server, and conquer the YS13 HOF. Easy-peasy, right?

No. Sadly for us, when we tried to execute our almost-flawless plan, we figured out that while the canary was properly established, everything after the canary in our payload didn't exist, as if the canary was the end of our payload... 🤔 After a good night's sleep a 6-hour marathon past midnight, we found out a workaround: we would substitute 0x00 (NULL) bytes in the payload with 0x26 (&) bytes. Then we'd let this God-given loop do the rest for us:

  for (char* c = post_data; *c != '\0'; c++)
    if (*c == '&' || *c == '=')
      *c = '\0';

what this loop does, is essentially substitute 0x26 with 0x00 after the strcpy call, aka after we install our payload in the program's stack.

After this sudden realization, success was inevitable. We ran our final exploit and the result we got was:

Thanks for the coins, I knew I can do business with you.

Your ssh access to the server should be restored, you can find your
files under /var/backup/ (see 'backup.log' for a list).

To avoid losing your files again, hire us!
5l0ppy 8uff00n5 can help you fix all your security issues.
Use the code tmmt8pN_lj4 to get 20% off our usual rates!

Thus, we figured out that the "Plan X" files reside under /var/backup/.

Step 4

For step 4 we used the script of the previous step and adjusted the final payload, so that we can read any file we want, by just passing the file-path, as an cmd-argument. To exploit the script we followed 2 different approaches. Both of them was based on the fact that stack was non-executable.

The first approach used the send_file() function from the server-app source code. This was a work-around for the ASLR mitigation that messed up system's offset, but it was not perfect still. By executing the send file we could not get an HTTP OK response so the output was never returned. This could be easily solved by just calling the serve_ultimate() before we overwrite the stack to call the send_file() routine. The payload was the same as in step 3 but with some extra small steps. Specifically we made sure that after serve_ultimate() the program would return into send_file() and we could set the argument in the stack, by just adding its address in the next 4 bytes and the actual argument in the last bytes of the payload. We found out how to do this and why it should work in one of the buffer overflow slides' references.

The stack after loading our payload was something like the following:

          |                     |                     |          |                         |                    |     |
top stack | payload from step 3 | return to send_file | fake eip | send_file_argument_addr | send_file argument | ... | bottom of the stack
          |                     |                     |          |                         |                    |     |

The second approach was to try executing libc code, specifically the system() routine in to execute shell code and pass a cat command. At first we could not find a fixed address in the programm since ASLR, messed all the offsets we acquired from gcc, run in linux02 machine. After a couple of tries we found a common fixed address between gcc-run and normal run of the server, we calculated the offset from the known stack address and found the libc return address we needed. At this point, we could execute arbitary code and get the terminal-output in the http response. FULL POWUH <3 <3

Again the stack would look like that:

          |                     |                     |          |                      |                 |     |
top stack | payload from step 3 | return to system    | fake eip | system_argument_addr | system argument | ... | bottom of the stack
          |                     |                     |          |                      |                 |     |

So after all that we displayed the containing of z.log and got

Computing, approximate answer: 41.998427123123

Step 5

For the fifth and last step we had to solve 2 problems, first of which was to find the next move in this particular chess sequence

1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Nd7 5.Ng5 Ngf6 6.Bd3 e6 7.N1f3 h6 8.Nxe6 Qe7 9.0-0 fxe6 10.Bg6+ Kd8 11.Bf4 b5 12.a4 Bb7 13.Re1 Nd5 14.Bg3 Kc8 15.axb5 cxb5 16.Qd3 Bc6 17.Bf5 exf5 18.Rxe7 Bxe7

which was 19. c4

The second task was to find the machine IP. To do that we used the second version of step 4, using system and pass the following cmd-command as an argument:

dig +short

We got the IP:, hence the final answer is


Final Thoughts

We wrapped up all the code for steps 3,4,5 in the relative directory and created a script, that contains all the hardcoded offsets of the programs stack. The program also executes the proper socat command to enable the communication with the onion server. The script that answers the last 3 steps can be run with


Remember to open-up tor browser before running the script.


Solution to the CTF challenge assigned in the Computer Security class, Spring '21, University of Athens.


Language:Python 55.6%Language:Shell 44.4%