cmanda / Roam-Enhancement

Collection of JavaScript extensions for RoamResearch.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Table of Contents


This repository contains a set of JavaScript plugin/extensions (and their related CSS) for Roam Research. I call them enhancements because they improve my daily interaction with Roam. I will gradually add more extensions that I develop for my needs here and update the old ones.

Here is the general installation guideline for all of the JavaScript and CSS codes.

JavaScript Installation

To install, do the same thing you do for any roam/js script.

  1. Create page in Roam (if not already present) called [[roam/js]]

  2. Create a block in the [[roam/js]] page and enter {{[[roam/js]]}}

  3. Create a new block under the {{[[roam/js]]}} block and enter: ```

  4. This ``` create a code block for which you can select a language.

  5. Make sure the code language is set as JavaScript

  6. Paste the JavaScript code into the code block. Usually it looks something like this:

    window.parameters = {
    	//Parameters that you can customize 
    var s = document.createElement("script");
    s.type = "text/javascript";
    s.src = "";
  7. A red warning box shows up asking you to review the risks of using roam/js.

  8. Once you have reviewed the warning and understand/accept the risk, click Yes.

  9. Refresh Roam and the script should now be installed!

CSS Installation

To install the CSS put this line in a CSS code block on you [[roam/css]] page. Make sure the code language is set to CSS

@import url('');

Demo Videos

I usually make YouTube demo video(s) for each extension to explain functionalities and known issues. The main purpose of videos is to prevent confusion and ultimately reduce the number of questions I receive. So please watch them before sending in your questions!

Reporting Issues and Feature Request

You can report bugs and suggest new features through GitHub:

Each extension has its own label that you can use when reporting issues.

I'll post community wetted solutions to issues here over time.


Mixed Text Direction

This extension detects right-to-left and left-to-right characters at the beginning of each block and changes the block direction. You can infinitely nest rtl and ltr blocks with no issue. You can also have different font for each of rtl and ltr languages.


var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "";


@import url('');
/* More fonts here: 
For example for 'Markazi Text', import the following: */
@import url(''); 
@import url(//;
@import url(//;

:root {  
  --rm-block-sep-min-width: 0px;
  /*****RTL Variables*****/ 
  --rtl-margin-right: 31px;
  --rtl-margin-left: 31px; 
  --rtl-bullet-margin-top: 5px;
  --rtl-control-margin-top: 4px;
  --rtl-generic-font: san-serif;
  --rtl-font: 'Noto Naskh Arabic'; /*'Markazi Text'*/ /*Make sure you select the generic font first*/
  --rtl-font-size: 1em;
  --rtl-textarea-background-color: rgba(253,253,168,0.53);
  --rtl-textarea-font-size: 1em;
  --rtl-textarea-line-height: 1.75em;
  /*****LTR Variables*****/ 
  --ltr-margin-right: 31px; 
  --ltr-margin-left: 31px; 
  --ltr-bullet-margin-top: unset;
  --ltr-control-margin-top: unset;
  --ltr-generic-font: unset; /*san-serif;*/
  --ltr-font: unset; /*'Lato';*/ /*Make sure you select the generic font first*/
  --ltr-font-size: unset; /*1em;*/
  --ltr-textarea-background-color: rgba(253,253,168,0.53); /*unset;*/
  --ltr-textarea-font-size: unset; /*1em;*/
  --ltr-textarea-line-height: unset; /*1.5em*/

PDF Highlighter

Thanks to the following roamcult members who supported the development of this extension (no specific order):


window.pdfParams = {
	outputHighlighAt: 'cousin', //cousin, child
	highlightHeading: '**Highlights**', //for cousin mode only 
	appendHighlight: true, //append: true, prepend: false
	///Rest of Highlight Options
	breadCrumbAttribute: 'Title', //Title, Author, Citekey, etc. 
	addColoredHighlight: true,//bring the color of highlights into your graph
	//Rerference to Highlight 
	///Block References Related
	copyBlockRef: true,//false: copy captured text
	sortBtnText: 'sort them all!',//{ { sort them all! } } btn will sort highlight refs.
	///Block Reference Buttons  
	aliasChar: '✳', //use '' to disable
	textChar: 'T', //use '' to disable	
	//PDF Viewer
	pdfStaticHeight: 900,
	pdfStaticWidth: 1200,
	pdfMinWidth: 450,
	pdfMinHeight: 900,
	////use Citekey and page in any formating string 
	////page can be offset by `Page Offset` attribute. 
	////common usecase: 
	/////Zotero imports with 'roam page title' = @Citekey and Citekey attribute
	/////"[(${Citekey}, ${page})]([[@${Citekey}]])" 
	/////use '' to disable  
	citationFormat: '',
	blockQPerfix: ''//use '' to disable. Alternatives are: > or [[>]].
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "";


@import url('');


Full tutorial here:

  • pdfhighlighter

Enhanced YouTube Player


To install, do the same thing you do for any roam/js script.

window.ytParams = {
  grabTitleKey : 'alt+a t',
  grabTimeKey : 'alt+a n',  
  ////Speed Controls
  normalSpeedKey : 'alt+a 0',
  speedUpKey: 'alt+a =',
  speedDownKey: 'alt+a -',
  ////Volume Controls
  muteKey: 'alt+a m',
  volUpKey: 'alt+a i',
  volDownKey: 'alt+a k',
  ////Playback Controls
  playPauseKey : 'alt+a p', 
  backwardKey: 'alt+a j',
  forwardKey: 'alt+a l'

var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
s.src = "";


@import url('');


Responsive/Resizable Player

You can set the original iframe size here in the code plus the border style.

  • Parameters: Border style of the video and its height and width when the right sidebar is closed.
    • borderStyle : border style
    • border : border thickness
    • borderRadius : curvature of corners
    • vidHeight : height
    • vidWidth : width
  • YouTube Demo
    • responsive player
YouTube Timestamp

You can add timestamps to videos using a shortcut.

  • Parameters:
    • grabTitleKey: if in a DIRECT child block of the YT video, grabs the title and paste it to the beginning of the current block.
    • grabTimeKey: if in ANY child blocks of the YT video, it captures the player's current time and pastes it to the beginning of the block.
  • YouTube Demo
    • timestamp
In-text Controllable Player

You can control the YT player while you are typing.

  • If you have one player on the page, shortcuts will control the player, easy.

  • When multi YT players are present

    • If only one is playing: shortcuts will control the playing one.
    • If nothing is playing, shortcuts will control the last playing video you paused by shortcut (not mouse click). For example, you can mute/unmute or -10/+10 the last video you paused or play it with alt+a p.
    • If multiple videos are playing, everything is ambiguous, so you can only control the first one (according to the order of appearance on the page). You can pause them all in order by alt+a p, though.
  • Parameters:

    • playPauseKey: play/pause the most recent player or the first one
    • backwardKey: go backward 10 sec
    • forwardKey: go forward 10 sec
    • normalSpeedKey: set the playback rate to 1
    • speedUpKey: increase the rate by .25
    • speedDownKey: decrease the rate by .25
    • muteKey: mute the player
    • volUpKey: increase volume by 10/100
    • volDownKey: decrease volume by 10/100
  • YouTube Demo

  • timestamp

  • Known Issues with Shortcuts:

    • Common installation problem: You need to have the code block as the child of {{[[roam/js]]}} so you need a tab befor the code block.

    • Shortcuts in mac: I'm not a mac user, I've compiled this list based on feedback I received, this is why the language is uncertain; I have not tested them myself. Special thanks to Abhay Prasanna and Jerome Wong.

      • For mac users 'option' instead of 'alt' has worked.
        • For example, you can replace 'alt+a n' with 'option+a n'
      • I specific keyboard modes 'option+a' will generate 'å' in mac. You can read about it here.
        • It seems you can fix this by changing the keyboard Input Source to "Unicode Hex Input" from "ABC".
          1. Go to Keyboard on your Mac System Preferences
          2. Click on Input Sources on the top
          3. Press the "+" button and add "Unicode Hex Input"
          4. Go to where you pasted the code on roam
          5. Change the shortcut key to something else besides alt (cmd, option, ctrl)
          6. Restart Roam
    • General notes:

      • To press 'alt+a n' you need to hold alt and a together for a fraction of a second (like when you press alt+tab to switch windows) and then RELEASE them and tap 'n'.
      • Make sure that the perfix 'alt+a' ('option+a' in mac), is not already assigned and captured by other programs.
        • Those programs can be installed on your operating system or be extensions in your browsers.
        • If there is a conflict, you need to change the shortcut of either that program or YT extension.
      • You can have 'alt+a+n' which means you need to hold all three buttons.
        • Pros: It is harder to miss compare to 'alt+a n'.
        • Cons: You need to make sure that there is no conflict with both sub-sequence key combination, i.e., 'alt+a' and 'alt+n'.


Collection of JavaScript extensions for RoamResearch.


Language:JavaScript 87.5%Language:CSS 12.5%