cmanallen / code_test

A RESTful API written in Python with a React front end.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

###Code Test

Written in Python 3 and ReactJS.

####Installation and Requirements

Create a virtual environment pyvenv env_name and pip install -r requirements.txt.

Linux installations should default to Python 3. If you're runnig an LTS, try installing the python3 package and running all files with the python3 command.

On a Mac? Try using pyenv to set a local environment (pyenv local 3.4.1). You'll need to brew install pyenv and then install the appropriate python-version.

####Running the API

  • In the repo root: source ./env_name/bin/activate
  • Change directory into financier.
  • With your environment active, ./ runserver --settings=financier.settings.base.
    • The RESTful API service is now running.
  • Open up a browser with cross origin requests allowed:
    • Linux: chromium --disable-web-security
    • Mac: Install the Chrome extension "Allow-Control-Allow-Origin"
  • Open index.html in the api folder in your Chrome browser.


Folders are loosely named after the task they're associated with:

  • Task 1: counter function in word_count module.
  • Task 2: financier is the RESTful API Backend.
  • Task 3: api/index.html is the consumer.
  • Task 4: ajax form submission in api/index.html


  • I naively round to keep things simple.
  • Because we're dealing with Floats, Javascript will routinely make up decimals.
    • Solution is to wrap parseInt() around everything.
  • DOM doesn't automatically update with React because of time constraints. Refresh the page to see new payments added.


A RESTful API written in Python with a React front end.


Language:Python 100.0%