cmack / cl-wayland-client

Autogenerated Common Lisp bindings for libwayland-client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This package provides lispy bindings for libwayland-client by generating protocol wrappers from Wayland’s XML protocol definitions. The bindings work as follows:


Each Wayland interface is represented by its own subclass of WAYLAND-PROXY, eg. objects of type wl_registry can be represented by (subclasses of) the WL-REGISTRY class. Objects of these classes act, to CL-WAYLAND-CLIENT, as opaque handles which can be passed to requests and get returned by events. Each Wayland object may be associated with, at most, one Lisp object; this assocation is established when the object is passed to any allocation request. You may override the version of an object using the INITARG :VERSION; this will be capped at the maximum version supported by the XML protocol definition.


Each Wayland request is represented by a function which takes the same parameters as the request. The first parameter is always an object in whose interface the request is defined. As a convenience, if the request takes a new_id parameter, the object passed to that parameter will be returned from the request. Parameters are encoded as follows:

  • Ints, unsigned ints, and file descriptors are passed as integers.
  • Fixeds are represented as any kind of NUMBER which is an exact multiple of 1/256 and fits within the range of Wayland fixed-point numbers. For instance, the number may be represented by an INTEGER, a RATIONAL, or a FLOAT (be mindful of precision, especially if you use a SINGLE-FLOAT).
  • Strings are represented by Lisp strings.
  • Arrays are represented by Lisp arrays created by CFFI:MAKE-SHAREABLE-BYTE-VECTOR. All known implementations use a (SIMPLE-ARRAY (UNSIGNED-BYTE 8)) for this.
  • Objects (including new_id’s) are represented by instances of interface classes, as discussed above.
  • If any parameter is permitted to be NULL, NIL may be passed to represent this case. This applies to strings, arrays, and objects.


Each Wayland event is represented as a generic function which is called by WL-DISPLAY-DISPATCH (see below) when the event is emitted by the compositor. Its first parameter is the object which emitted the event; the remaining parameters are the event parameters, encoded in the same way as for requests, with one exception: arrays are instead passed as a (CONS LENGTH POINTER) (where LENGTH is in bytes), to avoid the overhead of copying.


CL-WAYLAND-CLIENT provides a small number of other functions you may be interested in:

creates a WL-DISPLAY connected to Wayland display NAME (NIL for default). See the documentation for wl_display_connect for details about the NAME.
disconnects a WL-DISPLAY.
receive and dispatch all pending events on the connection associated with the WL-DISPLAY DISPLAY.
destroy an object that represents an interface. If the interface has a destructor request, the destructor will be called.

Protocol Extensions

The core wayland protocol, along with the helpers, is provided through the package COM.ANDREWSOUTAR.CL-WAYLAND-CLIENT (and the ASDF system of the same name, lowercased). Bindings for protocol extensions may be loaded on-demand in the packages COM.ANDREWSOUTAR.CL-WAYLAND-CLIENT.PROTOCOL/PROTOCOL-PATH (and ASDF systems of the same name, lowercase). PROTOCOL-PATH is given relative to /usr/share/wayland-protocols; eg. for the xdg-shell extension, you should :DEPENDS-ON ("com.andrewsoutar.wayland-client.protocol/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell") and (USE-PACKAGE #:COM.ANDREWSOUTAR.WAYLAND-CLIENT.PROTOCOL/STABLE/XDG-SHELL/XDG-SHELL).


The following example runs in SBCL (it uses sb-posix for creating shared memory files); ports are welcome.

;;; Load the core protocol and the xdg-shell extension (from
;;; /usr/share/wayland-protocols/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml).

;;; Apologies for the long example; Wayland can be rather verbose.
 (ql:quickload '(:cffi

;;; Create a registry object which records all globals
(defclass recording-registry (wl-registry)
  ((globals :type list :accessor globals :initform ())))

;;; React to events on the registry
(defmethod wl-registry-global ((self recording-registry) name interface version)
  (push (list name interface version) (globals self)))

(defmethod wl-registry-global-remove ((self recording-registry) name)
  (setf (globals self) (delete name (globals self) :key #'first)))

(defun wl-registry-find-or-lose (registry interface &optional version)
  (or (dolist (global (globals registry))
        (destructuring-bind (gname ginterface gversion) global
          (when (and (equal ginterface interface)
                     (or (null version) (>= gversion version)))
            (return (values gname gversion)))))
      (error "Wayland: could not find interface ~A~@[ version ~A~] in registry"
             interface version)))

;;; Create a xdg_wm_base subclass which responds to pings
(defclass xdg-wm-base-pingpong (xdg-wm-base) ())

;;; Every time we receive a ping, send back a pong
(defmethod xdg-wm-base-ping ((self xdg-wm-base-pingpong) serial)
  (xdg-wm-base-pong self serial))

;;; wl-callbacks created from this class will call the callback fun
(defclass invoking-callback (wl-callback)
  ((fun :type (function ((unsigned-byte 32)) *) :accessor fun :initarg :fun)))

(defmethod wl-callback-done ((self invoking-callback) data)
  (funcall (fun self) data))

(defun roundtrip (display)
  "Wait for all previous requests to be processed by the wayland compositor"
  (let (callback done-p)
         (flet ((set-done (x)
                  (declare (ignore x))
                  (setf done-p t)))
           ;; This request simply invokes the provided callback as
           ;; soon as it's processed. Since Wayland processes requests
           ;; in order, it won't be processed until all prior requests
           ;; are done being processed.
           (setf callback (wl-display-sync display (make-instance 'invoking-callback :fun #'set-done)))
           (loop until done-p do (wl-display-dispatch display)))
      (when callback (wayland-destroy callback)))))

#-sbcl (error "This is only supported on SBCL")
(defun tmpfile (size)
  "Create an anonymous temporary file of the given size. Returns a file descriptor."
  (let (done fd pathname)
           (setf (values fd pathname) (sb-posix:mkstemp "/dev/shm/tmp.XXXXXXXX"))
           (sb-posix:unlink pathname)
           (sb-posix:ftruncate fd size)
           (setf done t))
      (when (and fd (not done)) (sb-posix:close fd)))

;;; Something to keep track of the window we're going to create
(defvar *window*)
(defclass window (wl-surface)
  ((open-p :initform t :accessor open-p)
   (needs-redraw-p :initform nil :accessor needs-redraw-p)))

(defclass window-xdg-surface (xdg-surface) ())
(defmethod xdg-surface-configure ((self window-xdg-surface) serial)
  ;; Once we've been configured, we need to redraw
  (setf (needs-redraw-p *window*) t)
  ;; We handle configuration events immediately, so we can acknowledge
  ;; right away
  (xdg-surface-ack-configure self serial))

(defclass window-xdg-toplevel (xdg-toplevel) ())
(defmethod xdg-toplevel-configure ((self window-xdg-toplevel) width height states)
  ;; We're not implementing resizing or anything
  (declare (ignore width height states))
  (setf (needs-redraw-p *window*) t))
(defmethod xdg-toplevel-close ((self window-xdg-toplevel))
  (setf (open-p *window*) nil))

(defparameter *height* 400)
(defparameter *width* 600)

;;; 4 bytes per pixel for XRGB8888
(defparameter *depth* 4)

(defun pool-size ()
  ;; 2 buffers (front and back)
  (* 2 *height* *width* *depth*))

(defun main ()
  (let #1=(display registry compositor *window* wm-base xdg-surface xdg-toplevel wl-shm fd mmap
                   shm-pool wl-buffer-0 wl-buffer-1)
           ;; Connect to the default display
           (setf display (wl-display-connect nil))
           ;; Make a new recording-registry, and connect it to the
           ;; display. Since the registry is a new_id parameter, it is
           ;; returned from the request.
           (setf registry (wl-display-get-registry display (make-instance 'recording-registry)))
           ;; Wait for all wl_registry_global callbacks to be received
           (roundtrip display)

           ;; Boilerplate for creating a window:

           ;; We don't need to do anything special with the compositor
           ;; or the surface, so we can just use the base classes
           (setf compositor (wl-registry-bind registry (wl-registry-find-or-lose registry "wl_compositor" 4)
                                              (make-instance 'wl-compositor :version 4)))
           ;; Create the surface for the window itself - this is where
           ;; we'll draw everything
           (setf *window* (wl-compositor-create-surface compositor (make-instance 'window)))
           ;; Bind the global xdg_wm_base to an instance of our pingpong
           ;; class
           (setf wm-base (wl-registry-bind registry (wl-registry-find-or-lose registry "xdg_wm_base" 1)
                                           (make-instance 'xdg-wm-base-pingpong :version 1)))
           ;; Create a xdg_surface for our window
           (setf xdg-surface (xdg-wm-base-get-xdg-surface wm-base (make-instance 'window-xdg-surface) *window*))
           ;; Make the xdg_surface a toplevel window
           (setf xdg-toplevel (xdg-surface-get-toplevel xdg-surface (make-instance 'window-xdg-toplevel)))

           ;; Create a shared memory buffer for drawing to the window
           (setf wl-shm (wl-registry-bind registry (wl-registry-find-or-lose registry "wl_shm" 1)
                                          (make-instance 'wl-shm :version 1)))
           ;; Create an unlinked file to back the shared memory
           (setf fd (tmpfile (pool-size)))
           (setf mmap (sb-posix:mmap nil (pool-size) (logior sb-posix:prot-read sb-posix:prot-write)
                                     sb-posix:map-shared fd 0))

           ;; Hand the file to the compositor
           (setf shm-pool (wl-shm-create-pool wl-shm (make-instance 'wl-shm-pool) fd (pool-size)))

           ;; Create two buffers from the pool: one starting at zero...
           (setf wl-buffer-0 (wl-shm-pool-create-buffer shm-pool (make-instance 'wl-buffer) 0
                                                        *width* *height* (* *width* *depth*)
           ;; ...and one starting halfway through
           (setf wl-buffer-1 (wl-shm-pool-create-buffer shm-pool (make-instance 'wl-buffer) (/ (pool-size) 2)
                                                        *width* *height* (* *width* *depth*)

           (let ((front-buffer (cons (mem-aptr mmap :char 0) wl-buffer-0))
                 (back-buffer (cons (mem-aptr mmap :char (/ (pool-size) 2)) wl-buffer-1)))
             ;; First we commit the window surface, to indicate that it's fully configured
             (wl-surface-commit *window*)
             (loop while (open-p *window*) do
               ;; Dispatch any events we've received
               (wl-display-dispatch display)
               (when (needs-redraw-p *window*)
                 ;; Draw a nice checkerboard pattern to the back buffer
                 (loop for y from 0 below *height* do
                   (loop for x from 0 below *width* do
                     (setf (mem-aref (car back-buffer) :uint32 (+ x (* y *width*)))
                           (if (zerop (mod (+ (floor x 8) (floor y 8)) 2))
                 ;; Swap buffers
                 (rotatef front-buffer back-buffer)
                 ;; Attach the buffer to the window
                 (wl-surface-attach *window* (cdr front-buffer) 0 0)
                 ;; We're not doing damage tracking, so mark the whole
                 ;; surface as damaged
                 (wl-surface-damage-buffer *window* 0 0 *width* *height*)
                 ;; Commit to show onscreen
                 (format t "Drawing...~%")
                 (wl-surface-commit *window*)
                 (setf (needs-redraw-p *window*) nil)))))
      ;; Clean up all objects in reverse order that they were created
      (dolist (obj #.`(list ,@(reverse '#1#)))
        (when obj
          (cond ((eql obj display)
                 (wl-display-disconnect obj))
                ((eql obj fd)
                 (sb-posix:close fd))
                ((eql obj mmap)
                 (sb-posix:munmap mmap (pool-size)))
                (t (wayland-destroy obj))))))))


Autogenerated Common Lisp bindings for libwayland-client

License:MIT License


Language:Common Lisp 100.0%