clystian / algo-find-pair

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Find Pair

Find the pairs in an array whose sum of a number N


create a function that finds pairs of integers from a list that sum to a given value. The function will take as input the list of numbers as well as the target sum.

create a command line tool that takes as command line arguments a comma separated list of integers, and the target integer.

You can assume that all input values are integers. You can assume that there aren't any repeat values in the list.

How to run tests

npm run test

How to run on command line with custom inputs

and run with custom inputs -a -> numbers separated by comma, example: 1,2,3,4 -n -> integer number, example: 4

running with npx

npx algo-find-pair -a 1,9,5,0,20,-4,12,16,7 -n 12  

execution animation

running from source code

Before any execution we need install dependencies

npm install
node . -a 1,9,5,0,20,-4,12,16,7 -n 12  



Language:JavaScript 100.0%