clugen / clugenr

Multidimensional cluster generation in R

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clugenr is an R implementation of the clugen algorithm for generating multidimensional clusters with arbitrary distributions. Each cluster is supported by a line segment, the position, orientation and length of which guide where the respective points are placed.

How to install

A stable version of the package is available on CRAN and can be installed with the following instruction:


Alternatively, install the development version from GitHub with the following command (requires the devtools package):



All methods and functions are fully documented and can be queried using the built-in help system. After installation, to access the man pages, invoke the clugenr help page as follows:


The complete online documentation is available here.

Quick start

x <- clugen(2, 5, 1000, c(1, -0.5), 0.5, c(4, 6), 6, 0.2, 0.5)
plot(x$points, col = x$clusters, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", asp = 1)

library(rgl) # For 3D plots
x <- clugen(3, 5, 2000, c(1, 0.5, -0.7), 0.5, c(15, 10, 20), 15, 3, 10)
plot3d(x$points, col = x$clusters, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", zlab = "z", aspect = T)

See also

  • pyclugen, a Python implementation of the clugen algorithm.
  • CluGen.jl, an Julia implementation of the clugen algorithm.
  • MOCluGen, a MATLAB/Octave implementation of the clugen algorithm.


If you use this software, please cite the following reference:


MIT License