clsty / uhuruphotos-android-testbuild

Non-official hint and files for building and localization for uhuruphotos-android

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

What is uhuruphotos-android?

You may see it as a FOSS gallery manager and also a client for LibrePhotos.

See official repo for details.

What is this repo for?

This is a non-official repo, not related with uhuruphotos-android.

Also note that I don't know about android developing (at least for now), don't take my instructions here too seriously (although I'll try to write it better).

I created this repo for notes and backup about building and translation (localization) thingy.

I've also forked the official repo when I tested building. You may find the result apk file there.

How to translate

The official provides a link to weblate, where you can contribute translation online.

Also, the localization file is actually at foundation/strings/api/src/main/res/values* inside the git repo.

You may download those files packed as zip from weblate once you've done translations, or edit the file directly.

Sync entries

Ideally, the strings of the original file and the translated file should be automatically synchronized, but in practice, there may be differences.

Here's a stupid way to synchronize them mannually.

Firstly, cp them to a temp dir:

cd foundation/strings/api/src/main/res/values
t=/tmp/uhurut;mkdir $t
cp ./strings.xml $t/strings-en.xml
cp ../values-zh-rCN/strings.xml $t/
cd $t

Now if you run ls, there should be strings-en.xml strings.xml.

Then, open them with vim (or neovim) splitted horizontally:

vim -O *.xml

In every window (you may use Ctrl+W to switch window for normal mode), use the command to sort all lines:


and then:

:%s/<string name="\([^"]*\)">[^<]*<\/string>/<string name="\1"><\/string>/g

This will delete the content between <string name="NAME"> and </string>.

Now, remove every lines (using dd) except for plurals and string ones (examples below):

<plurals name="days">
<string name="about"></string>

That's done! Now you can tell the differences of the entries easily. You can also save and exit and use diff *.xml to show them even more clearly.

How to build

For system on the build machine, take Arch Linux as an example.

Get the repo:

git clone

Install dependencies:

sudo pacman -S jdk-openjdk gradle
yay -S android-sdk{,-build-tools}

Add the following to your .bashrc or .zshrc:

export ANDROID_HOME=/usr/lib/android-sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

Then, check the file build.gradle under the git repo. Search for android block, for example:

    android {
        compileSdk 34

        defaultConfig {
            minSdk 24
            targetSdk 34

In this example, we take the 34 here, and therefore we do:

sdkmanager --list|grep 34|grep "build-tools\|platforms"

Example output:

build-tools;34.0.0           | 34.0.0      | Android SDK Build-Tools 34                                          
build-tools;34.0.0-rc1       | 34.0.0 rc1  | Android SDK Build-Tools 34-rc1                                      
build-tools;34.0.0-rc2       | 34.0.0 rc2  | Android SDK Build-Tools 34-rc2                                      
build-tools;34.0.0-rc3       | 34.0.0 rc3  | Android SDK Build-Tools 34-rc3                                      
platforms;android-34         | 2           | Android SDK Platform 34                                             
platforms;android-34-ext10   | 1           | Android SDK Platform 34-ext10                                       
platforms;android-34-ext8    | 1           | Android SDK Platform 34-ext8   

So we need to install:

sudo sdkmanager "build-tools;34.0.0-rc3" "platforms;android-34"

Now, let's build the project (before that you may want to overwrite the localization file as we mentioned above).

Change dir (cd) to the repo before executing the gradle wrapper inside:

./gradlew assembleDebug --stacktrace

And that's done! If it went all right, then you'll find your apk file at app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk.

However, there could be one or more errors preventing a successful build. I just encountered that myself (see issue).

Below is how you may deal with those errors.

Refer to GitHub workflow file

An error I encountered was:

> Task :app:processDebugGoogleServices FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'.
> File google-services.json is missing. The Google Services Plugin cannot function without it.

After I refer to the workflow file:

    - name: Create local properties
      run: touch
    - name: Copy mock google services
      run: cp mock-google-services.json app/google-services.json

I ran cp and cp mock-google-services.json app/google-services.json under the git repo. Then the error disapeared.


NOTE: This appeared to be of no effect, so this operation may be unnecessary.

Use ./gradlew clean to clean cache.

Update packages

NOTE: This appeared to be of no effect, so this operation may be unnecessary.

I noticed that in Pull Requests of the official repo, there're some PRs created by a bot named renovate, all of which modifying version info in the file gradle/libs.versions.toml.

So, I mannually applied the commits into that file.

Also, I searched checked the file gradle/wrapper/ and edit the to

Make use of flag --stacktrace

I actually didn't use that flag at first; however, after the flag was applied, the real problem behind finally showed up.

Caused by: /xxx/uhuruphotos-android/feature/feed/domain/implementation/build/intermediates/javac/debug/classes/com/savvasdalkitsis/uhuruphotos/feature/feed/domain/implementation/broadcast/Hilt_CancelFeedDetailsDownloadWorkBroadcastReceiver.class (No such file or directory)

And then, it seemed that /xxx/uhuruphotos-android/feature/feed/domain/implementation/build/intermediates/javac/debug/ had no classes folder under it but a compileDebugJavaWithJavac ; However, the /xxx/uhuruphotos-android/feature/feed/domain/implementation/build/intermediates/javac/debug/compileDebugJavaWithJavac/classes exist, and the file


also exist.

Apprently, the following command may solve the problem:

cd /xxx/uhuruphotos-android/feature/feed/domain/implementation/build/intermediates/javac/debug
cp -r compileDebugJavaWithJavac/classes classes

And that's it! As I built again, it worked!

Extra notes

To setup a LibrePhotos server, if you use docker, it may not create an admin account for you automatically. If this happened, you may do:

c(){docker exec -ti backend python $@ ; }
c createsuperuser

Also c --help to see a list of available commands.


Non-official hint and files for building and localization for uhuruphotos-android

License:Apache License 2.0