cloudydeno / deno-docker_registry_client

Typescript client for the OCI / Docker Registry API. Useful for inspecting and managing images or tags.

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Deno /x/docker_registry_client

A port of a Docker Registry API V2 client.


Check out the README in lib/.


Most usage of this package involves creating a Registry API client for a specific repository and calling its methods.

A Registry client requires a repository name (called a repo in the code):

[INDEX/]NAME                # a "repo name"


mongo                       # implies default index ( and namespace (library)             # same thing     # same thing   # a "busybox" repo on a private registry          # trentm's "foo" repo on the service

The parseRepo function is used to parse these. See "examples/parseRepo.ts" to see how they are parsed:

$ ./examples/parseRepo.ts mongo
    "index": {
        "name": "",
        "official": true
    "official": true,
    "remoteName": "library/mongo",
    "localName": "mongo",
    "canonicalName": ""

Commonly, a "repo name and tag" string is used for working with a Docker registry, e.g. docker pull busybox:latest. The v2 API adds support for using "repo name and digest" to stably identify images, e.g. docker pull alpine@sha256:fb9f16730ac6316afa4d97caa5130219927bfcecf0b0ce35c01dcb612f449739. This package provides a parseRepoAndRef (and the synonym parseRepoAndTag) for that, e.g.:

$ ./examples/parseRepoAndRef.ts
    "index": {
        "name": "",
        "official": false
    "official": false,
    "remoteName": "busybox",
    "localName": "",
    "canonicalName": "",
    "tag": "foo"

Slightly different than docker.git's parsing, this package allows the scheme to be given on the index:

$ ./examples/parseRepoAndRef.ts
    "index": {
        "scheme": "https",              // <--- scheme
        "name": "",
        "official": false
    "official": false,
    "remoteName": "trentm/foo",
    "localName": "",
    "canonicalName": "",
    "tag": "latest"                     // <--- default to 'latest' tag

If a scheme isn't given, then "https" is assumed.

v2 API

See "examples/v2/*.ts" for short code examples one can run from the CLI for each API endpoint. E.g.:

$ ./examples/v2/listTags.ts busybox
    "name": "library/busybox",
    "tags": [

You can also get logging on processing and HTTP requests/responses via the -v option to the example scripts.

$ ./examples/v2/listTags.ts -v busybox
// NOTE: verbose logging is not currently implemented
    "name": "library/busybox",
    "tags": [

v1 API

Not implemented. I see no reason to maintain v1 client code.


Naming convensions

For naming this package attempts to consistently use repo for repository, img for image, etc.


Typescript client for the OCI / Docker Registry API. Useful for inspecting and managing images or tags.

License:Mozilla Public License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 100.0%