cloudspinx / terraform-openstack

Collection of OpenStack Terraform modules (work in Progress)

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OpenStack Terraform modules

Terraform modules which creates the following resources on OpenStack (Work in progress, other modules to be added):

  • ✅ Upload image to Glance
  • ✅ Create SSH keypair
  • ✅ Create nova flavors
  • ✅ Create private networks
  • ✅ Create security groups
  • ✅ Create nova instances with attached cinder volumes (optional) and floating ip(optional)
  • ❌ Dedicated Cinder volumes creation
  • ❌ Magnum Container Platform
  • ❌ Octavia Load balancer
  • ❌ Swift Object Storage
  • ❌ Manilla Shared Storage
  • ❌ Trove databases

1. Using plain Terraform / OpenTofu

Defining openstack provider

Customize the following configurations to configure OpenStack provider:

# Define required providers
terraform {
  required_providers {
    openstack = {
      source = "hashicorp/openstack"

# Configure the OpenStack Provider
provider "openstack" {
  user_name   = "admin"
  tenant_name = "admin"
  password    = "pwd"
  auth_url    = "http://myauthurl:5000/v3"
  region      = "RegionOne"

For local state file you can use the following:

terraform {
  backend "local" {
    path = "${path.module}/terraform.tfstate"

Uploading an image to OpenStack Glance

module "glance_image" {
  source = "git::"

  image_name        = "my-image"
  disk_format       = "qcow2"
  container_format  = "bare"
  visibility        = "public"
  local_file_path   = "path/to/local/image.qcow2"
  #min_disk_gb      = 10
  #min_ram_mb       = 512
  #tags             = ["tag1", "tag2"]

SSH Keypair creation

module "keypair" {

  source       = "git::"
  keypair_name = "my-keypair"
  public_key   = file("path/to/your/public/")

Nova flavor creation

module "flavors" {
  source = "git::"

  flavors = [
      name      = "small"
      ram       = 2048
      vcpus     = 1
      disk      = 20
      swap      = 0
      is_public = true
      name      = "medium"
      ram       = 4096
      vcpus     = 2
      disk      = 40
      swap      = 0
      is_public = true
      name      = "large"
      ram       = 8192
      vcpus     = 4
      disk      = 80
      swap      = 0
      is_public = true

Network creation

module "network" {
  source = "git::"

  network_name          = privatenet
  subnet_name           = privatenet_subnet
  subnet_cidr           =
  external_network_name = public
  region                = RegionOne
  dns_nameservers       = ["", ""]

Security group creation

module "security_group" {
  source = "git::"

  security_group_name = "test_sg"
  rules = [
      direction = "ingress"
      ethertype = "IPv4"
      protocol  = "icmp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""
      direction = "ingress"
      ethertype = "IPv4"
      protocol  = "tcp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""
      direction = "egress"
      ethertype = "IPv4"
      protocol  = "tcp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""

Instances creation

What you can optionally enable:

  • Assigning fixed ip fixed_ip, set to null to use dhcp
  • Assigning floating IP to the instance assign_floating_ip, disable by setting it to false
  • Using cloud init data, specify path to enable, for example ./cloud-init.yml, disable with null
  • Attaching volumes to the instance. Only use if you have "Cinder" configured. Disable by setting to []

Single instance without block storage

module "instance" {
  source = "git::"
  floating_ip_pool = "public"
  instances = [
            name               = "instancename"
            image_id           = "imageid"
            #image_id          = module.glance_image.image_id
            flavor_id          = module.flavors.flavor_ids["medium"]
            key_pair           = module.keypair.keypair_name
            network_id         =
            fixed_ip           = ""
            assign_floating_ip = true
            security_groups    = [module.security_group.security_group_id]
            userdata_file      = null
            metadata_role      = "web-server"
            volumes            = []

Creating instance with Cinder volume

module "instance" {
  source = "git::"
  floating_ip_pool = "public"
  instances = [
            name               = "instancename"
            image_id           = "imageid"
            #image_id          = module.glance_image.image_id
            flavor_id          = module.flavors.flavor_ids["medium"]
            key_pair           = "keypair"
            network_id         =
            fixed_ip           = null
            assign_floating_ip = false
            security_groups    = [module.security_group.security_group_id]
            userdata_file      = "./cloud-init.yaml"
            metadata_role      = "web-server"
            volumes            = [
                    volume_size       = 50
Attaching multiple disk volumes
            volumes            = [
                    volume_size       = 50
                    volume_size       = 50

2. Using Terragrunt

Sample folder structure

├── flavors
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
├── glance_image
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
├── instance
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
├── keypair
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
├── network
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
├── security_group
│   └── terragrunt.hcl
└── terragrunt.hcl

Saple of the main parent terragrunt.hcl file:

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is the configuration for Terragrunt, a thin wrapper for Terraform and OpenTofu that helps keep your code DRY and
# maintainable:
locals {
    # Automatically load environment-level variables
    #environment_vars = read_terragrunt_config(find_in_parent_folders("env.hcl"))
    user_name   = "admin"
    tenant_name = "admin"
    password    = "password"
    auth_url    = "http://myauthurl:5000/v3"
    region      = "RegionOne"
    user_domain_name = "Default"
    project_domain_name = "Default"

# Configure Terragrunt to automatically store tfstate files in an S3 bucket
#remote_state {
#    backend = "s3"
#    config = {
#        encrypt         = true
#        bucket          = "${get_env("TG_BUCKET_PREFIX", "")}terragrunt-example-tf-state-${local.account_name}-${local.aws_region}"
#        key             = "${path_relative_to_include()}/tf.tfstate"
#        region          = local.aws_region
#        dynamodb_table  = "tf-locks"
#    }

# Generate OpenStack provider block
generate "provider" {
    path = ""
    if_exists = "overwrite_terragrunt"
    contents  = <<EOF
  provider "openstack" {
    auth_url        = "${local.auth_url}"
    user_name       = "${local.user_name}"
    tenant_name     = "${local.tenant_name}"
    password        = "${local.password}"
    region          = "${local.region}"

In each terragrunt file, you can include the following if storing state file locally:

remote_state {
  backend = "local"
  config = {
    path = "${get_parent_terragrunt_dir()}/${path_relative_to_include()}/terraform.tfstate"

  generate = {
    path = ""
    if_exists = "overwrite"

Keypair creation

  • keypair/terragrunt.hcl:
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::"

inputs = {
  keypair_name = "my-keypair"
  public_key   = file("path/to/your/public/")

Glance image uploading

  • glance_image/terragrunt.hcl:
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::"

inputs = {
  image_name        = "my-image"
  disk_format       = "qcow2"
  container_format  = "bare"
  visibility        = "public"
  local_file_path   = "path/to/local/image.qcow2"
  #min_disk_gb      = 10
  #min_ram_mb       = 512
  #tags             = ["tag1", "tag2"]

flavor creation

  • flavors/terragrunt.hcl
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::"

inputs = {
  flavors = [
      name      = "small"
      ram       = 2048
      vcpus     = 1
      disk      = 20
      swap      = 0
      is_public = true
      name      = "medium"
      ram       = 4096
      vcpus     = 2
      disk      = 40
      swap      = 0
      is_public = true
      name      = "large"
      ram       = 8192
      vcpus     = 4
      disk      = 80
      swap      = 0
      is_public = true

Network creation

  • network/terragrunt.hcl
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::"

inputs = {
  network_name          = "privatenet"
  subnet_name           = "privatenet_subnet"
  subnet_cidr           = ""
  external_network_name = "public"
  region                = "RegionOne"
  dns_nameservers       = ["", ""]

Security group creation

  • security_group/terragrunt.hcl
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::"

inputs = {
  security_group_name = "test_sg"
  rules = [
      direction = "ingress"
      ethertype = "IPv4"
      protocol  = "icmp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""
      direction = "ingress"
      ethertype = "IPv4"
      protocol  = "tcp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""
      direction = "egress"
      ethertype = "IPv4"
      protocol  = "tcp"
      remote_ip_prefix = ""

Instance creation

  • instance/terragrunt.hcl
include "root" {
  path = find_in_parent_folders()

terraform {
  source = "git::"

# Define dependencies
## Flavor
dependency "flavor" {
  config_path = "../flavors"
  mock_outputs = {
    flavor_ids = {
      "small"  = "temporary-flavor-id-small"
      "medium" = "temporary-flavor-id-medium"

## Security group
dependency "security_group" {
  config_path = "../security_group"
  mock_outputs = {
    security_group_id = "temporary-security-group-id"

## Keypair
dependency "keypair" {
  config_path = "../keypair"
  mock_outputs = {
    keypair_name = "temporary-keypair"

## Glance image
dependency "glance_image" {
  config_path = "../glance_image"
  mock_outputs = {
    keypair_name = "temporary-glance-image-id"

## Network
dependency "network" {
  config_path = "../network"
  mock_outputs = {
    network_id = "temporary-network-id"
    subnet_id  = "mock-subnet-id"

dependency "networking" {
  config_path = "../networking"
  mock_outputs_allowed_terraform_commands = ["validate", "plan", "apply"]
  mock_outputs = {
    network_id = "mock-network-id"
    subnet_id  = "mock-subnet-id"

inputs = {
  floating_ip_pool = "public"
  instances = [
          name               = "instancename"
          image_id           = dependency.glance_image.outputs.image_id
          #image_id          = "35ee8729-26b7-4e93-b045-71b13c574c73"
          flavor_id          = dependency.flavor.outputs.flavor_ids["medium"]
          key_pair           = dependency.keypair.outputs.keypair_name
          network_id         =
	        security_groups    = [dependency.security_group.outputs.security_group_id]
          fixed_ip           = ""
          assign_floating_ip = true
          userdata_file      = null
          metadata_role      = "that"
          volumes            = []

More options:

  • Using dhcp instead of static IP: fixed_ip = null
  • Not assigning floating ip: assign_floating_ip = false
  • metadata_role role of the instance e.g "Web-server", "Database", "Kubernetes", e.t.c.
  • Attaching volumes example:
# Single volume
          volumes            = [
                    volume_size       = 50

# Two volumes
          volumes            = [
                    volume_size       = 100
                    volume_size       = 30
# You can attach as many as you want


Collection of OpenStack Terraform modules (work in Progress)


Language:HCL 100.0%