cloud-ark / firstmile

Full-stack web applications development & deployment tool for AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Google App Engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FirstMile is a cloud developer's sandbox. 

FirstMile simplifies the process of developing and deploying web applications to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk 
and Google App Engine (GAE). FirstMile is unique in that you don't need to make any changes to your application code 
in order to deploy it on Beanstalk or GAE. FirstMile supports testing your applications locally by deploying 
them in FirstMile's Docker-based sandbox. Additionally, FirstMile supports provisioning of relational database instances 
and their secure binding with your web applications.

Currently FirstMile supports Python Flask based web applications.

FirstMile has been tested on: Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04, Mac OS X (El Capitan, Darwin 15.4.0)

Completely scripted installation
- Run ./

Manual installation 
If completely scripted installation fails for some reason, you can do manual setup of FirstMile as follows:

Open a terminal window and execute following:

$ ./

$ source firstmile/bin/activate

$ python

Open another terminal window and execute following:

$ <cd to directory where you have cloned firstmile>

$ source firstmile/bin/activate

$ cld app list

Mac OS:
Open a terminal window and execute following:

Install Docker for Mac

$ eval "$(docker-machine env default)"

  --> This command will enable this shell window to run Docker commands
      without sudo

$ ./

$ source firstmile/bin/activate

$ python

Open another terminal window and execute following:

$ <cd to directory where you have cloned firstmile>

$ source firstmile/bin/activate

$ cld app list

Available Commands

$ cld --help

usage: cld [--version] [-v | -q] [--log-file LOG_FILE] [-h] [--debug]

Multi-cloud application orchestration and service provisioning CLI.

optional arguments:
  --version            show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose        Increase verbosity of output. Can be repeated.
  -q, --quiet          Suppress output except warnings and errors.
  --log-file LOG_FILE  Specify a file to log output. Disabled by default.
  -h, --help           Show help message and exit.
  --debug              Show tracebacks on errors.

  app delete     Delete application
  app deploy     Build and deploy application
  app list       List applications
  app logs       Retrieve application deployment and runtime logs
  app show       Display application information
  cloud reset    Reset cloud setup in FirstMile sandbox
  cloud setup    Setup FirstMile sandbox for a particular cloud
  complete       print bash completion command (cliff)
  fm cleanup     Display steps to cleanup FirstMile workspace
  fm logs        Retrieve FirstMile sandbox logs
  fm restart     Display steps to restart FirstMile sandbox
  help           print detailed help for another command (cliff)
  service delete  Delete service instance
  service list   List service instances
  service provision  Provision service instance
  service restrict-access  Restrict access to a service instance
  service show   Display service instance information

Deployment to local Docker sandbox:
1) Deploy hello-world sample application:
   - Navigate to the application folder (cd ./examples/hello-world)
   - Deploy application:
     > cld app deploy --cloud local-docker
     |     App Name     | Deploy ID |    Cloud        |
     | hello-world      |    1      | local-docker    |

2) Check deployment status
   > cld app show --deploy-id 1
   |     App Name     | Deploy ID |        Status       | Cloud        |      App URL           |
   | hello-world      |    1      | DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE | local-docker |       |

Deployment to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk:
1) Sign up for Amazon AWS account
2) Login to Amazon AWS web console and from the IAM panel do following:
   - Create a IAM User (choose any name)
   - Grant following permission to the user: "AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess - AWS Managed Policy" by
     clicking the "Add permissions" button on the user panel.
3) Note down SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and ACCESS_KEY_ID for this user. 
4) Setup FirstMile to work with AWS
   - cld cloud setup --cloud aws
     > Provide values when asked by cld.

5) Deploy hello-world sample application:
   - Navigate to the application folder (cd ./examples/hello-world)
   - Deploy application:
     > cld app deploy --cloud aws
     |     App Name     | Deploy ID |    Cloud   |
     | hello-world      |    2      |     aws    |

6) Check deployment status
   > cld app show --deploy-id 2
   |     App Name     | Deploy ID |        Status       |     Cloud    |        App URL         |
   | hello-world      |    2      | DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE |      aws     | <App URL on AWS>       |

Deployment to Google App Engine:
1) Sign up for a Google cloud account by visiting
2) In order to deploy an application on Google App Engine, you will need to first
   create a Google App Engine project from the GAE Console.
   - Create a project and note down the Project ID (Note that it is important to use Project ID and not the Project name).
3) Setup FirstMile to work with Google 
   - cld cloud setup --cloud google
     > Provide values when asked by cld.

4) Deploy sample application greetings-python:
   - Navigate to the application folder (cd ./examples/greetings-python)
   - Deploy application: 
     > cld app deploy --cloud google --service mysql

     |     App Name     | Deploy ID | Cloud  |
     | greetings-python |    3      | google |

5) Check deployment status
   > cld app show --deploy-id 1

   |     App Name     | Deploy ID |        Status       | Cloud  |                App URL                |
   | greetings-python |    3      | DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE | google | |

- Your application and all its resources will be deployed in the us-central region of GAE

App commands:
1) cld app deploy --cloud <cloud>
2) cld app deploy --cloud <cloud> --service mysql
3) cld app show --deploy-id <deploy-id>
4) cld app show --app-name <app-name>
   cld app show --app-name express-checkout
| Deploy ID |     App Version     | Cloud  |                                   App URL                                   |
|    153    | 2016-12-19-14-47-41 | google |                        |
|    154    | 2016-12-19-14-59-34 |  aws   | |
|    155    | 2016-12-19-15-14-52 | local  |                                            |

5) cld app show --cloud <cloud>
   cld app show --cloud google

| Deploy ID |     App Name     |     App Version     |                   App URL                    |
|    104    |   hello-world    | 2016-12-18-11-22-40 |    |
|    145    | greetings-python | 2016-12-19-11-52-40 |     |
|    151    | express-checkout | 2016-12-19-13-40-03 | |

6) cld app logs --deploy-id <deploy-id>
7) cld app delete --deploy-id <deploy-id>

Service commands:
1) cld service provision --service <service-name>
2) cld service show --service-name <service-name>
3) cld service list
4) cld service delete --deploy-id <deploy-id>
5) cld service restrict-access --deploy-id <deploy-id>

Deploying using YAML file
FirstMile supports YAML file for deployments.

The yaml file needs to be named 'cld.yaml' and it needs to be placed in the application directory.

cld.yaml allows providing of all the inputs to FirstMile CLI
in one step instead of using different command line flags.

Structure of YAML file:
The YAML file consists of three sections: application, services, cloud.
The cloud section is compulsory whereas application and services section
can be included depending on whether you want to deploy a service instance
or an application. Below is an example of YAML file containing all three sections.

  type: python
  - service:
      type: mysql
  type: google
  project_id: greetings-python

Here are some examples of YAML file for different deployments.

1) Deploying MySQL service instance locally
  - service:
      type: mysql
  type: local-docker

2) Deploying Cloud SQL service instance on Google cloud
  - service:
      type: mysql
  type: google
  project_id: greetings-python

3) Deploying RDS instance on AWS cloud
  - service:
      type: mysql
  type: aws
  SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: secret-access-key
  ACCESS_KEY_ID: access-key-id

4) Deploying application on Google cloud and using env_variables to 
   connect to an existing Cloud SQL instance:
  type: python
    DB: testdb
    USER: testuser
    PASSWORD: testpass123!@#
  type: google
  project_id: greetings-python


Full-stack web applications development & deployment tool for AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Google App Engine

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 94.4%Language:Shell 5.6%