clives / catslibraryexperiments

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Experiments on Cats with Eff, Effect, Monocle, Featherbed,...

Effect(IO) with featherbed:


  def getUUID(baseurl: String, service: String): IO[String] =
    IO async { cb=>
      val client = new featherbed.Client(new URL(baseurl))
      val simpleGetRequest = client.get(service).send[Response]() {
        case err@ErrorResponse(rep, reason) => cb(Left(err))

Either response from featherbed transformed into a IO async.

Can be executed using:

getUUID("", "uuid").unsafeToFuture

Eff - state with case class lens:


Allow us to change/update a field of the state represented as case class. In our case the case class is:

  case class personContact( name: String, phoneNumber: String)

definition how to read/set the field name.

  val getterName = ( personcontact: personContact) =>
  val setterName = ( personcontact: personContact, newName: String) => personcontact.copy( name= newName)

definition of a simple function to modify the name (uppercase)

  val nameUpperCase: Eff[ TSP, String] = for {
    _ <- modify[TSP, String ]( _.toUpperCase )
    result <- get[TSP, String]
  }yield result;
  val updateName = lensState(nameUpperCase, getterName, setterName)

then we can use it with:

updateName.runState( personContact("lowercasename", "0238")).run

Eff - simple use case implicit lens and functional compose of two functions with different signature.



  case class Order(price: Int, currentProfit: Int)
  case class UserOrders(orders: List[Order], userName: String)

basic function:

  def updateOrdersProfit[E : _writerString : _stateOrder ](currentprice: Int): Eff[ E, Unit] = for {
      _ <- modify[E, List[Order]] { orders: List[Order] => { order => order.copy(currentProfit = currentprice - order.price) }
    } yield ();

  def printUserOrders[E: _writerString : _stateUserOrders]:Eff[E,Unit] = for {
     v1 <- get[E, UserOrders]
     _ <- tell(  s"Username: ${v1.userName}, total profit: ${}")
  }yield ();

implicit setter/getter from UserOrders to List(Order)

  implicit val getterOrders : UserOrders => List[Order] = (userorders: UserOrders) => userorders.orders
  implicit val setterOrders : List[Order] => UserOrders => UserOrders = (orders: List[Order]) => (userorders: UserOrders)  => userorders.copy(orders = orders)

the program based on the two functions:

  def programUpdateProfitShowResult[E: _writerString : _stateUserOrders](newPrice: Int):Eff[E,Unit] = for {
    _ <- updateOrdersProfit(newPrice)
    _ <- printUserOrders

Library / Sources


Eff for cats

Reference book by underscore



Language:Scala 100.0%