clives / EndpointAnalytics

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

User Analytic

Web service to keep user analytic ( timestamp,userid, {click | impression})

Adding /Post: around 6000 requests per second

Consuming / Get: few requests per second

Techno: Http Akka, Slick, Mysql, Flyway, Gatling.

How to run it:

1/ follow the MySql steps

2/ execute "sbt run"


>brew install mysql
>brew start mysql
>mysqladmin -u root password 'yourpassword'
>mysql -u root -p

note: if mysql is not in your path, you can use "brew info mysql" to see the path.

CREATE USER 'fcuseranalytic'@'LOCALHOST' IDENTIFIED BY 'change0me';
GRANT ALL ON analyticdb.* TO 'fcuseranalytic'@'localhost';

check the content:

use analyticdb
select * from UserAnalytic


sbt scalastyleGenerateConfig (only the first time)
sbt scalastyle

Load testing:

Gatling :

>sbt GatlingTesting/gatling:test**

Only for the post as we have only a few request per second in get. I would recommend to run it a few times (the first time, the result are kind of bad, depending on the OS,memory allocation,..)



Language:Scala 100.0%