Clinton Mbonu's repositories
This website shows a sneak peek of what I have done, projects developed and deployed, and what I can do to your projects! Developed with HTML, CSS, and Javascript
The Recipe app keeps track of all the users' recipes, ingredients, and inventory. It allows users to save ingredients, keep track of what they have, create recipes, and generate a shopping list based on what they have and what is missing from a recipe. Also, since sharing recipes is an important part of cooking the app allows users to make them public so anyone can access them.
The Budget App is a mobile-focused web application where you can manage your expenses: you have a list of expenses associated with a category, and this allows you see how much money you have spent on what and on which category. It also shows you which category you spend most on and your total expenses for the current month which helps you make more informed decisions about your finances.
Book Appointments backend is rails backend application for doctor book appoinemnts. This applications take works for API endpoints and users can load, create, and delete doctors and reservations. Users need to sign up or sign in to access the API endponits. They can sign up or sign in using the API endponts.
Book Appointments frontend is react frontend application for doctor book appointment. This applications is responsive and users can load, create, and delete doctors and reservations. Users need to sign up or sign in to access application. They can sign up or sign in using the sign up and login forms.
This project contains the first trial at connecting React on the front-end to Ruby-on-Rails on the backend. The app displays random messages contained in the database table.
Hello rails app (back-end) will serve as a front-end repository for developed rails endpoint, used to fetch random greetings from the database
Repo used for solving algorithmic and data structure challenges
This folder holds all angular classes to recap on developing with angular
Build a todo list using angular framework, refresher course
CORS Anywhere is a NodeJS proxy which adds CORS headers to the proxied request. The url to proxy is literally taken from the path, validated and proxied. The protocol part of the proxied URI is optional, and defaults to "http". If port 443 is specified, the protocol defaults to "https".
Hello rails app (back-end) will serve as a backend repository for developing endpoints used to integration in a react front-end
Focused on initialising a rails application with postgresql, studied the different folders created, created a controller and edited the controllers view
Learning programming in java and its basics
Re-train on the core basics of HTML and CSS to gain mastery
While learning the basics of python, this repo is used to track and store code used to practice different applications of python
Simple chat app with redux as its state management tool.
Refresher on TypeScript and TypeScript with react