cliedeman / entimport

A tool for generating Ent schema from SQL schema

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


entimport is a tool for creating Ent schemas from existing SQL databases. Currently, MySQL and PostgreSQL are supported. The tool can import to ent schema any number of tables, including relations between them.


Setup A Go Environment

If your project directory is outside GOPATH or you are not familiar with GOPATH, setup a Go module project as follows:

go mod init <project>

Install ent

go install

After installing ent codegen tool, you should have it in your PATH. If you don't find it your path, you can also run: go run <command>

Create Schema Directory

Go to the root directory of your project, and run:

ent init

The command above will create <project>/ent/schema/ directory and the file inside <project>/ent/generate.go

Importing a Schema

Installing and running entimport

go run
  • For example, importing a MySQL schema with users table:
go run -dialect mysql -dsn "root:pass@tcp(localhost:3308)/test" -tables "users"

The command above will write a valid ent schema into the directory specified (or the default ./ent/schema):

├── generate.go
└── schema
    └── user.go

1 directory, 2 files

Code Generation:

In order to generate ent files from the produced schemas, run:

go run -mod=mod generate ./schema

# OR `ent` init:

go generate ./ent

If you are not yet familiar with ent, you can also follow the quick start guide.


entimport  -h
Usage of ./entimport:
  -dialect string
        database dialect (default "mysql")
  -dsn string
        data source name (connection information)
  -schema-path string
        output path for ent schema (default "./ent/schema")
  -tables value
        comma-separated list of tables to inspect (all if empty)


  1. Import ent schema from Postgres database

Note: add search_path=foo if you use non public schema.

go run -dialect postgres -dsn "host=localhost port=5434 user=postgres dbname=test password=pass sslmode=disable" 
  1. Import ent schema from MySQL database
go run -dialect mysql -dsn "root:pass@tcp(localhost:3308)/test"
  1. Import only specific tables:

Note: When importing specific tables:
if the table is a join table, you must also provide referenced tables.
If the table is only one part of a relation, the other part won't be imported unless specified.
If the -tables flags is omitted all tables in current database schema will be imported

go run -dialect postgres -dsn "..." -tables "users,user_friends" 
  1. Import to another directory:
go run -dialect postgres -dsn "..." -schema-path "/some/path/here"

Future Work

  • Index support (currently Unique index is supported).
  • Support for all data types (for example uuid in Postgres).
  • Support for Default value in columns.
  • Support for editing schema both manually and automatically (real upsert and not only overwrite)
  • Postgres special types: postgres.NetworkType, postgres.BitType, *schema.SpatialType, postgres.CurrencyType, postgres.XMLType, postgres.ArrayType, postgres.UserDefinedType.

Known Caveats:

  • Schema files are overwritten by new calls to entimport.
  • There is no difference in DB schema between O2O Bidirectional and O2O Same Type - both will result in the same ent schema.
  • There is no difference in DB schema between M2M Bidirectional and M2M Same Type - both will result in the same
  • ent schema.
  • In recursive relations the edge names will be prefixed with child_ & parent_.
  • For example: users with M2M relation to itself will result in:
func (User) Edges() []ent.Edge {
return []ent.Edge{edge.To("child_users", User.Type), edge.From("parent_users", User.Type)}

Feedback & Support

For discussion and support, open an issue or join our channel in the gophers Slack.


A tool for generating Ent schema from SQL schema


Language:Go 100.0%