cliambrown / battleship-data

Raw data from my online battleship game vs a probabilistic AI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Raw data from my online battleship game vs a probabilistic AI


The numbers of games that took any given number of moves, binned by AI mode, autoplay status, and game winner.

  • id (int): auto-incrementing id
  • ai_mode
    • 1 = "Random": The AI tries squares purely at random.
    • 2 = "Probability": The AI assumes a completely random ship distribution when calculating the best square. Also uses diagonal skewing.
    • 3 = "Learning": The AI uses data about how all previous players have placed their ships (as well as the normal Probability algorithm) to determine likely ship locations.
  • autoplay
    • 0 = The user has not activated the autoplay option
    • 1 = The user has activated the autoplay option, which tries squares on the user's behalf at random, at some point during the game
  • ai_win
    • 0 = The user won the game
    • 1 = The AI opponent won the game
  • moves (int): the number of moves made by the winning player
  • games (int): the number of games played that fit the above criteria


The number of times a ship was placed on each square of the board by users and by the AI, binned by game settings as above.

  • id, ai_mode, autoplay, ai_win: same as above
  • ai_ships
    • 0 = This row relates to user ship placement
    • 1 = This row relates to AI opponent ship placement
  • square (int): Board squares numbered from 1 to 100 (row 1 = 1, 2, 3, ...; row 2 = 11, 12, 13, ...)
  • games (int): the number of games played that fit the above criteria


Information about each individual game played.

  • timestampUTC: UTC timestamp of the end of the game
  • ai_win, moves, autoplay, ai_mode_id: same as above


Raw data from my online battleship game vs a probabilistic AI

License:MIT License