clessg / velocity-react

React components for Velocity.js

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React components for interacting with the Velocity DOM animation library.

Read our announcement blog post for details about why and how we built this.

Running the demo

$ git clone
$ cd velocity-react
$ npm install
$ npm run demo

Visit http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/ in your browser. Hot reloading is enabled, if you want to tweak the code in main.jsx.


The velocity-react library is provided as an NPM package:

$ npm install --save velocity-react

The VelocityComponent and VelocityTransitionGroup components, as well as the velocityHelpers utilities, are distributed as ES5-compatible JavaScript files with CommonJS require statements. You will need a dependency tool such as Browserify, RequireJS, or webpack to use them on the web.

This package depends directly on Velocity, as well as lodash for a handful of utility functions (which are required individually to try and keep bundle size down).

It is assumed that your application already depends on React. The VelocityTransitionGroup component particularly requires the React addons at version 0.13 or higher.



Component to add Velocity animations to one or more children. Wraps a single child without adding additional DOM nodes.


  <VelocityComponent animation={{ opacity: this.state.showSubComponent ? 1 : 0 }} duration={500}>


The API attempts to be as declarative as possible. A single animation property declares what animation the child should have. If that property changes, this component applies the new animation to the child on the next tick.

By default, the animation is not run when the component is mounted. Instead, Velocity's finish command is used to jump to the animation's end state. For a component that animates out of and back in to a default state, this allows the parent to specify the "animate into" animation as the default, and therefore not have to distinguish between the initial state and the state to return to after animating away.


animation: Either an animation key or hash defining the animation. See Velocity's documentation for what this can be. (It is passed to Velocity exactly.)

runOnMount: If true, runs the animation even when the component is first mounted.

targetQuerySelector: By default, this component's single child is animated. If targetQuerySelector is provided, it is used to select descendants to apply the animation to. Use with caution, only when you're confident that React's reconcilliation will preserve these nodes during animation. Also note querySelectorAll's silly behavior w.r.t. pruning results when being called on a node. A special value of "children" will use the direct children of the node, since there isn't a great way to specify that to querySelectorAll.

Unrecognized properties are passed as options to Velocity (e.g. duration, delay, loop).


runAnimation: Triggers the animation immediately. Useful for when you want an animation that corresponds to an event but not a particular model state change (e.g. a "bump" when a click occurs).


Component to add Velocity animations around React transitions. Delegates to the React TransitionGroup addon.


  <VelocityTransitionGroup enter={{animation: "slideDown"}} leave={{animation: "slideUp"}}>
    {this.state.renderSubComponent ? <MySubComponent/> : undefined}


enter: Animation to run on a child component being added

leave: Animation to run on a child component leaving

runOnMount: if true, runs the enter animation on the elements that exist as children when this component is mounted.

Any additional properties (e.g. className, component) will be passed to the internal TransitionGroup.

enter and leave should either be a string naming an animation registered with UI Pack, or a hash with an animation key that can either be a string itself, or a hash of style attributes to animate (this value is passed to Velocity its the first arg).

If enter or leave is a hash, it can additionally have a style value that is applied the tick before the Velocity animation starts. Use this for non-animating properties (like position) that are prerequisites for correct animation. The style value is applied using Velocity's JS -> CSS routines, which may differ from React's.

Any hash entries beyond animation and style are passed in an options hash to Velocity. Use this for options like stagger, reverse, &tc.


disabledForTest: Set this to true globally to turn off all custom animation logic. Instead, this component will behave like a vanilla TransitionGroup`.



Takes a Velocity "UI pack effect" definition and registers it with a unique key, returning that key (to later pass as a value for the animation property). Takes an optional suffix, which can be "In" or "Out" to modify UI Pack's behavior.

Unlike what you get from passing a style hash to VelocityComponent's animation property, Velocity "UI pack effects" can have chained animation calls and specify a defaultDuration, and also can take advantage of stagger and reverse properties on the VelocityComponent.

You will need to manually register the UI Pack with the global Velocity in your application with:




Please report any bugs to:


Thanks to Julian Shapiro and Ken Wheeler for creating and maintaining Velocity, respectively, and for working with us to release this library.

Thanks to Kevin Robinson and Sam Phillips for all of the discussions and code reviews.


Copyright 2015 Twitter, Inc.

Licensed under the MIT License:


React components for Velocity.js

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 75.0%Language:CSS 23.9%Language:HTML 1.1%