clemos / react-native-openalpr

An open-source React Native automatic license plate recognition package for OpenALPR

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OpenALPR integration for React Native. Provides a camera component that recognizes license plates in real-time. Supports both iOS and Android.

OpenALPR iOS Demo Video OpenALPR Android Demo Video


  • iOS 9+
  • Android 5.0+
  • RN 0.41+


Installation with React Native

Start by adding the package and linking it.

$ yarn add react-native-openalpr
$ react-native link react-native-openalpr

or if you are using npm:

$ npm i -S react-native-openalpr
$ react-native link react-native-openalpr

Unfortunately, the react-native link command does not do everything it needs to do, so continue on to the project specific instructions below.

iOS Specific Setup

Camera Permissions

  • Add an entry for NSCameraUsageDescription in your info.plist explaining why your app will use the camera. If you forget to add this, your app will crash!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
 	<string>We use your camera for license plate recognition to make it easier for you to add your vehicle.</string>


The project needs to be linked against four libraries: leptonica, opencv, tesseract, and openalpr.

  • In Xcode, open your project (.xcodeproj).
  • Go to File -> Add Files (or Option + Command + A)
  • Click the Options button on the bottom and tick the Copy items if needed option.
  • Add all four frameworks (leptonica, opencv, tesseract, openalpr) from the node_modules/react-native-openalpr/ios/Frameworks. This should cause the project to add a framework search path to the project's build settings (e.g. $(PROJECT_DIR)/../node_modules/react-native-openalpr/ios/Frameworks).
  • Ensure that all four frameworks are included in the Link Binary With Libraries build phase by selecting your project in the tray on the left, selecting the Build Phases tab, then checking that each framework is included in the list of Link Binary With Libraries.


The alpr library requires a config file (openalpr.conf) and a data folder (runtime_data), both of which are included in the openalpr framework, but must be copied to the application resources:

  • Select your project on the project navigator, then, on the main pane, go to Targets<Your Project>Build PhasesCopy Bundle Resources, and click on the +.
  • Select Add Other...
  • Browse into the openalpr.framework bundle, and command-select both runtime_data and openalpr.conf. Unselect Copy items if needed and select Create folder references.


Because the OpenCV binary framework release is compiled without bitcode, the other frameworks built by this script are also built without it, which ultimately means your Xcode project also cannot be built with bitcode enabled. Per this message, it sounds like we want this feature disabled for OpenCV anyway.

To disable bitcode in your project:

  • In Build SettingsBuild Options, search for Enable Bitcode and set it to No.

Android-specific Setup

Camera Permissions

  • Add permissions for CAMERA and FLASHLIGHT and the related features (below) to AndroidManifest.xml. If you forget to add these permissions, your app will crash!
<manifest xmlns:android=""
  <!-- Camera Permissions -->
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

      android:required="false" />
      android:required="false" />

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT" />

Add to Gradle

Your android/settings.gradle file should have following lines:
include ':openalpr'
project(':openalpr').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-openalpr/android/libraries/openalpr')
include ':opencv'
project(':opencv').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-openalpr/android/libraries/opencv')
include ':react-native-openalpr'
project(':react-native-openalpr').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-openalpr/android')
and android/app/build.gradle file should have the following under dependencies:

compile project(':react-native-openalpr')


The library is linked automatically with leptonica, opencv, tesseract, and openalpr (openalpr). To make it work, copy and paste the directory with the runtime needed data to your project at path android/app/src/main/assets/runtime_data.

The runtime_data file can be found in /Example/android/app/src/main/assets/ in this repo. Open runtime_data/openalpr.conf file and replace com.awesomeproject with your package name

Add to an Activity

Open your activity, usually located in android/app/src/main/java/[your package]/ Add import com.cardash.openalpr.CameraReactPackage; to the imports at the top of the file. Add new CameraReactPackage() to the list returned by the getPackages() method.


OpenALPR exposes a camera component (based on react-native-camera) that is optimized to run OpenALPR image processing on a live camera stream. Among other parameters, the camera accepts a callback, onPlateRecognized, for when a plate is recognized.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

import Camera from 'react-native-openalpr';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
  textContainer: {
    position: 'absolute',
    top: 100,
    left: 50,
  text: {
    textAlign: 'center',
    fontSize: 20,

export default class PlateRecognizer extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    super(props); = null;
    this.state = {
      camera: {
        aspect: Camera.constants.Aspect.fill,
      plate: 'Scan a plate',

  onPlateRecognized = ({ plate, confidence }) => {
    if (confidence > 90) {

  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          ref={(cam) => {
   = cam;
        <View style={styles.textContainer}>
          <Text style={styles.text}>{this.state.plate}</Text>


AppRegistry.registerComponent('PlateRecognizer', () => PlateRecognizer);



The aspect ratio of the camera. Can be one of:

  • Camera.constants.Aspect.stretch
  • Camera.constants.Aspect.fill


The resolution at which video frames are captured and analyzed. For completeness, several options are provided. However, it is strongly recommended that you stick with one of the following for the best frame rates and accuracy:

  • Camera.constants.CaptureQuality.medium (480x360)
  • Camera.constants.CaptureQuality.480p (640x480)


Specifies which OpenALPR config file to load, corresponding to the country whose plates you wish to recognize. Currently supported values are:

  • au
  • br
  • eu
  • fr
  • gb
  • kr
  • mx
  • sg
  • us
  • vn2


This callback receives a hash with keys:

  • plate, representing the recognized license plate string; and
  • confidence, OpenALPR's confidence in the result


Hex string specifying the color of the border to draw around the recognized plate. Example: #ff0000 for red.


If true, this draws an outline over the recognized plate


Turns the flashlight on or off. Can be one of:

  • Camera.constants.TorchMode.on


If true, this focuses the camera where the user taps



  • This project works with iOS and Android. It may have some bugs depending on how the underlying native components are updated

Running the Example project on Android While Developing

  1. Clone the repo and enter the Example directory
git clone
cd react-native-openalpr
cd Example
  1. From the Example directory, run npm install

  2. Copy the android folder from /react-native-openalpr/android to /react-native-openalpr/Example/node_modules/react-native-openalpr/

  3. Open Android Studio and import the project react-native-openalpr/Example/android and wait until Android Studio indexes and links.

  4. Run npm start from dir /react-native-openalpr/Example/

  5. Open the path in your browser http://localhost:8081/

  6. Create file the /react-native-openalpr/Example/android/app/src/main/assets/ Copy and paste the data from browser window to the file you just created and save.

  7. Return to Android Studio and run project on your development device.

Note: If you are getting errors, double check that you have completed all of the steps above. If you are having issues running npm start on Mac OSX and are using homebrew, this issue might help.



An open-source React Native automatic license plate recognition package for OpenALPR

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 64.4%Language:Java 19.0%Language:C 15.2%Language:Objective-C 0.6%Language:Objective-C++ 0.4%Language:JavaScript 0.3%Language:Python 0.0%Language:Ruby 0.0%