clemans / powershell

A collection of PowerShell resources that can be used to aid IT professionals in daily activities.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

clemans/powershell is a collection of Microsoft PowerShell resources that can be used to aid IT professionals in system administration, automation, and more. This project is comprised of:


A directory of functions for implementing Microsoft Windows infrastructure and other useful scripts for Development Operations.

>_: Add-CSPAzureAdministrator.ps1

An Azure function that automates the creation of external guest accounts and role assignments for Azure (IaaS) subscriptions.

>_: New-AzBasicInfrastructureFramework.ps1

An Azure (Az.*) script that automates the baseline implementation of an Azure infrastructure as a service (IaaS).

>_: Remove-CSPAzureAdministrator.ps1

An Azure function that automates the removal of external guest accounts and role assignments for Azure (IaaS) subscriptions.


A directory of functions relating to the subject of IT security and useful scripts for maintaining a safe environment.

>_: Delete-History.ps1

A collection of functions that assist with the deletion of browsing and explorer related history.

System Administration

A directory of functions that aim to automate and assist in Microsoft Windows system administration.

>_: Add-EnvironmentVariable.ps1

Function that takes the input of a folder path and appends it to the existing $ENV:PATH variable.

>_: Create-SecurePassword.ps1

A quick script that encrypts a password and outputs to a file.

>_: ConnectTo-Exchange.ps1

A function that creates and establishes a Microsoft Exchange command-line connection allowing to import the Microsoft.Exchange module.

>_: Delete-MicrosoftToken.ps1

A basic function that by default iterates through a localhost's userprofiles and archives the Microsoft Office 365 user license tokens.

>_: Find-ADUser.ps1

A function that attempts to return an Active Directory user object using string input such as a SQL record DisplayName string.

>_: Get-ADManager.ps1

A workaround function that fixes DisplayName overlap in Active Directory. See Main() for more information: Start-DatabaseSync.ps1.

>_: Get-PCs.ps1

A custom function that attempts to find a user's computer when searching their name in the ADComputer's description attribute.

>_: New-HttpsListener.ps1

A group policy script that creates an HTTP/HTTPS WS-Man listener for PowerShell remoting.

>_: New-SQLDataSet.ps1

A function that creates a new SQL connection, queries the specified MSSQL database, and outputs the specified tableset.


PowerShell remoting group policy object documentation. Requires scripts: New-HttpsListener.ps1 & Set-PowerShell_SDDL.ps1

>_: Set-CustomDirectoryACLs.ps1

A custom function that sets a root folders' parents' ACLs on child objects. Useful if there are multiple parent folders with identical child objects. (Created as a workaround)

>_: Set-PowerShell_SDDL.ps1

A group policy script that sets SDDLs on the PSSessionConfiguration of a client machine's PowerShell instance.

>_: Set-FullPermissions.ps1

A function that sets administration ownership and adds full permission inheritance to a specified path file or folder. By default, the local system administrators group takes ownership and is provided full permissions.

>_: Start-DatabaseSync.ps1

A Main() script that updates Active Directory user accounts by constructing PSObjects using a provided MSSQL database table.

>_: Start-TerminateUserProcess.ps1

A multi-function custom script which aims to automate a specific company's disable user account process.


The repository and all individual scripts are under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE


The default computer-level module path is: "$Env:windir\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules"

Script Style Guide


A collection of PowerShell resources that can be used to aid IT professionals in daily activities.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PowerShell 100.0%