clebsonsh / john-task-list

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

John Task List


João is tired of forgetting his tasks that he need to do daily. Your goal is to create a tool that helps João to solve his problem in a simple way.

The solution: Implement a RESTful API for a task management application (to-do list).

API endpoints:

  • api/v1/tasks (GET): Returns the list of all tasks. [paginated]
  • api/v1/tasks (POST): Creates a new task.
  • api/v1/tasks/{id} (GET): Returns the details of a specific task.
  • api/v1/tasks/{id} (PUT): Updates the details of a specific task.
  • api/v1/tasks/{id} (DELETE): Removes a specific task.

Stack used

  • PHP
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Docker

How to run the API locally


Procedures tested on the Linux command line only

  • Git

  • Docker and the port 8000 free to run the API

Download e instalation:

  • Clone the repository

git clone

  • Go to API folder

cd john-task-list

  • Create the .env file based on .env.example (in this file are already the docker database settings)

cp .env.example .env

  • Build and start all docker containers (the first time you run the command may take a while, as it will download and configure all containers used by the API)

docker-compose up -d

  • Install Composer dependencies

docker-compose exec app composer install

  • Generate a APP_KEY

docker-compose exec app php artisan key:generate

  • Run migrations and seeds

docker-compose exec app php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

API deploy

Insomnia endpoints export

  • There is a file called endpoints.json at the project root folder with all local and remote endpoints for testing.



Language:PHP 99.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.9%