cleaniquecoders / inviteable

Simplest way to have invitation to your domain - class, system, group, etc.

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About Your Package

Inviteable, inspired from Laravel Auth Invitations, but in this package, not for Auth, but for anything. Yes, we mean anything! Invitation to group, to class room, to meeting. Can be anything!


  1. In order to install cleaniquecoders/inviteable in your Laravel project, just run the composer require command from your terminal:
$ composer require cleaniquecoders/inviteable
  1. Then in your config/app.php add the following to the providers array:
  1. Run the migration file:
$ php artisan migrate


Inviteable provide a trait \CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Traits\HasInviteable.

Following are the sample usage.


use CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Traits\HasInviteable;

class User extends Authenticatable 
	use HasInviteable;

Creating Invitation

$invitation = User::create([
    'email'    => '',
    'name'     => 'Test Name',
    'password' => bcrypt('secret'),
        'name'       => 'Invitation',
        'token'      => str_random(64),
        'invited_by' => 1,
        'is_expired' => false,
        'expired_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addHours(24),

Once you have create the invitation, you may use the invitation with events and notifications.

Will add dispatching event on invitation created, so you can extend the use of the invitation to something else like notification.

More sample usage using routes/console.php:

use App\User;

Artisan::command('invite', function() {
    // create a user that will invite other person
    $invitor = factory(User::class)->create();
    // to invite who
    $to_invite = factory(User::class)->create();
    // login using invitor

    // invite user to a class
        'name'       => 'Live Coding Class',
        'token'      => str_random(64),
        'invited_by' => auth()->user()->id,
        'is_expired' => false,
        'expired_at' => \Carbon\Carbon::now()->addHours(24),
})->describe('Inivite the fastest way via cli.');

Event and Listener

  1. On Invitation Created - \CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Events\InvitationAccepted
  2. On Invitation Accepted - \CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Events\InvitationAlreadyAccepted
  3. On Invitation Already Accepted - \CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Events\InvitationCreated

Added Listener to send out e-mail invitation:

  1. CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Listeners\Invitations - You need to configure in your app/Providers/EventServiceProvider to have this in your app.
     * The event listener mappings for the application.
     * @var array
    protected $listen = [
        '\CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Events\InvitationCreated' => [


Added Middleware to be use to check only active invite able to get through

'inviteable' => \CleaniqueCoders\Inviteable\Http\Middleware\Inviteable::class,


Added config/inviteable.php to handle redirection - using route name:


return [
    'redirect' => [
        'accepted_token' => 'invitation.index',
        'already_accepted_token' => 'invitation.index',
        'middleware' => 'invitation.access_denied'


Default route php artisan route:list --name=invitation consist of

  1. Activation invitation - on success, you will redirect to inviteable.redirect.accepted_token route. You may overwrite this. In this route also handle already accepted invitation. Do specify inviteable.redirect.already_accepted_token route name to redirect to other page.
  2. Access denied route - You can change the redirect by specify route name in config.redirect.middleware


Run php artisan vendor:publish --tag=inviteable to publish configuration and views for Inviteable.


To run the test, type vendor/bin/phpunit in your terminal.

To have codes coverage, please ensure to install PHP XDebug then run the following command:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit -v --coverage-text --colors=never --stderr


Everyone are welcome to contribute to this package. However, it's a good practice to provide:

  1. The problem you solved
  2. Provide test
  3. Documentation

Without these 3, you may add extra work for the maintainer.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


Simplest way to have invitation to your domain - class, system, group, etc.

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 72.8%Language:Blade 27.2%