clean-code-projects / kata-bank-rust

Repository from Github https://github.comclean-code-projects/kata-bank-rustRepository from Github https://github.comclean-code-projects/kata-bank-rust

Bank Kata in Rust

This is a bank kata implemented in Rust.



# build library and executable
cargo build

# build + run
cargo run

# compile but don't build
cargo check


# run all tests: unit, integration, doc
cargo test

# run specific integration test file
# (assume `tests/` is the test file)
cargo test --test specific_test

If you like to run test continuously, consider installing cargo watch

cargo watch -x test

# with print out
cargo watch -x "test -- --nocapture"

Development Environment

We will primarily be using VS Code.

Here are some recommended extensions in VSCode used when working on this project:

  • Rust Extension Pack
  • vscode-rust-syntax
  • EditorConfig for VS Code
  • markdownlint



Language:Rust 100.0%