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Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby

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Bh · Bootstrap Helpers

Bh provides a set of helpers that streamlines the use of Bootstrap 3 components in Ruby views.

The full documentation is available at

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Bootstrap 3 is a great framework, but requires many lines of HTML code even for simple components. For instance, you need to write the following HTML to show a dismissible alert:

<div class="alert alert-info alert-dismissible" role="alert">
  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">
    <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
    <span class="sr-only">Close</span>
  You accepted the Terms of service.

Writing this for every dismissible alert is cumbersome, repetitive, and prone to errors.

With Bh, you can achieve the same thing with just one line of code:

<%= alert_box 'You accepted the Terms of service.', dismissible: true %>

alert_box is only one of the helpers provided by Bh. You can use the helpers you need and even mix-and-match the "standard way" of writing Bootstrap 3 components (many HTML lines) with the "Bh way".

A comprehensive guide to Bh helpers

All the helpers available in Bh are detailed on the Bh homepage:

Bh homepage

Please proceed to for more details and examples on how to use Bh.

How to install

Bh is meant to be included in Rails apps by adding this line to the Gemfile:

gem 'bh', '~> 1.0'

Since the gem follows Semantic Versioning, indicating the version number in your Gemfile in the '~> major.minor' format guarantees that your project won’t break when you bundle update to a new version.

Adding bh to your Gemfile is all you need! From now on, you will be able to use any Bh helper in your ERB views.

How to update

Whenever a new version is released, the CHANGELOG file will include a description of what features have changed and how to upgrade your code, if necessary.

The full history of Bh versions is also available.

To stay updated with the latest releases, to receive code examples, implementation details and announcements, please consider subscribing to the Bh mailing list:

Bh mailing list

How to release new versions

If you are a manager of this project, remember to upgrade the Bh gem whenever a new feature is added or a bug gets fixed.

Make sure all the tests are passing on Travis CI, document the changes in and, bump the version, then run

rake release

Remember that the bh gem follows Semantic Versioning.

Any new release that makes backward-compatible bug fixes should bump the patch version (1.0.x).

Any new release that adds backward-compatible features should bump the minor version (1.x.0).

Any new version that breaks compatibility should bump the major version (2.0.0)

How to contribute

Bh needs your support!

If you find that a method is missing, fork the project, add the missing code, write the appropriate tests, then submit a pull request, and it will gladly be merged!

To run the tests, simply type bundle exec rspec on the command line.

To see the HTML generated by helpers in a browser, edit the spec/dummy/index.html file, then type bundle exec middleman and point your browser to

Don’t hesitate to send code comments, issues or pull requests through GitHub and to spread the love. And don’t click here! Thanks! :)


Bootstrap Helpers for Ruby

License:MIT License