classicsong / graphstorm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The GraphStorm is a graph machine learning (GML) framework for enterprise use cases. It simplifies the development, training and deployment of GML models for industry-scale graphs. It provides scalable training and inference pipelines for various GML models and is optimized for extremely large graphs (measured in billons of nodes and edges). To help develop SOTA models, the framework allows very large degree of customization by providing a large collection of configurations for customizing model implementations and training pipelines as well as modularization in the training pipeline that allows users to replace every component in the pipeline.

GraphStorm architecture

Get Started


GraphStorm is compatible to Python 3.7+. It requires PyTorch 1.13+, DGL 1.0 and transformers 4.3.0+.

To install GraphStorm in your environment, you can clone the repository and run python3 install to install it. However, running GraphStorm in a distributed environment is non-trivial. Users need to install dependencies and configure distributed Pytorch running environments. For this reason, we highly recommend users to using Docker container to run GraphStorm. A guideline to build GraphStorm docker image and run it on Amazon EC2 can be found at here.

Run GraphStorm with OGB datasets

Note: we assume users have setup their Docker container following the Build a Docker image from source instructions. All following commands run within a Docker container.

Start the GraphStorm docker container First, start your docker container by running the following command:

nvidia-docker run --network=host -v /dev/shm:/dev/shm/ -d --name test <graphstomr-image-name>

After running the container as a daemon, you need to connect to your container:

docker container exec -it test /bin/bash

Node classification on OGB arxiv graph First, use the below command to download the OGB arxiv data and process it into a DGL graph for the node classification task.

python3 /graphstorm/tools/ --savepath /tmp/ogbn-arxiv-nc/ --retain_original_features true

Second, use the below command to partition this arxiv graph into a distributed graph that GraphStorm can use as its input.

python3 /graphstorm/tools/ --dataset ogbn-arxiv \
                                             --filepath /tmp/ogbn-arxiv-nc/ \
                                             --num_parts 1 \
                                             --num_trainers_per_machine 4 \
                                             --output /tmp/ogbn_arxiv_nc_train_val_1p_4t

GraphStorm distributed training relies on ssh to launch training jobs. These containers run ssh services in port 2222. Users need to collect the IP addresses of all machines and put all IP addresses in an ip_list.txt file, in which every row is an IP address. We suggest users to provide the ip_list.txt file’s absolute path in the launch script. If run GraphStorm training in a single machine, the ip_list.txt only contains one row as below.

NOTE: please do NOT leave blank lines in the ip_list.txt.

Third, run the below command to train an RGCN model to perform node classification on the partitioned arxiv graph.

python3 ~/dgl/tools/ \
        --workspace /tmp/ogbn-arxiv-nc \
        --num_trainers 1 \
        --num_servers 1 \
        --num_samplers 0 \
        --part_config /tmp/ogbn_arxiv_nc_train_val_1p_4t/ogbn-arxiv.json \
        --ip_config  /tmp/ogbn-arxiv-nc/ip_list.txt \
        --ssh_port 2222 \
        "python3 /graphstorm/training_scripts/gsgnn_np/ \
        --cf /graphstorm/training_scripts/gsgnn_np/arxiv_nc.yaml \
        --ip-config /tmp/ogbn-arxiv-nc/ip_list.txt \
        --part-config /tmp/ogbn_arxiv_nc_train_val_1p_4t/ogbn-arxiv.json \
        --save-perf-results-path /tmp/ogbn-arxiv-nc/"

Link Prediction on OGB MAG graph First, use the below command to download the OGB MAG data and process it into a DGL graph for the link prediction task. The edge type for prediction is “author,writes,paper”. The command also set 80% of the edges of this type for training and validation (default 10%), and the rest 20% for testing.

python3 /graphstorm/tools/ --savepath /tmp/ogbn-mag-lp/ --edge_pct 0.8

Second, use the following command to partition the MAG graph into a distributed format.

python3 /graphstorm/tools/ --dataset ogbn-mag \
                                                --filepath /tmp/ogbn-mag-lp/ \
                                                --num_parts 1 \
                                                --num_trainers_per_machine 4 \
                                                --predict_etypes author,writes,paper \
                                                --output /tmp/ogbn_mag_lp_train_val_1p_4t

Third, run the below command to train an RGCN model to perform link prediction on the partitioned MAG graph.

python3 ~/dgl/tools/ \
        --workspace /tmp/ogbn-mag-lp/ \
        --num_trainers 1 \
        --num_servers 1 \
        --num_samplers 0 \
        --part_config /tmp/ogbn_mag_lp_train_val_1p_4t/ogbn-mag.json \
        --ip_config /tmp/ogbn-mag-lp/ip_list.txt \
        --ssh_port 2222 \
        "python3 /graphstorm/training_scripts/gsgnn_lp/ \
        --cf /graphstorm/training_scripts/gsgnn_lp/mag_lp.yaml \
        --num-gpus 1 \
        --ip-config /tmp/ogbn-mag-lp/ip_list.txt \
        --part-config /tmp/ogbn_mag_lp_train_val_1p_4t/ogbn-mag.json \
        --feat-name paper:feat \
        --save-model-path /tmp/ogbn-mag/ \
        --save-perf-results-path /tmp/ogbn-mag/"


GraphStorm framework only works on GPU environments. It was only tested on AWS instances equipped with NVidia GPUs including P4, V100, A10 and A100.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 91.7%Language:Shell 8.3%