clarkwtc / webframework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The research project goal to understand what is a web framework tech stack.

The project includes three important parts:

  1. HTTP Protocol: The client can send a request, and then the server listens on a socket port. When the server receives the data, it processes it from request to response.
  2. Core Web Framework: This core framework provides developers with tools to build their services quickly.
  3. Domain Service: Developers build domain-specific services using the web framework. This is an easily user login system.

HTTP protocol

  • The client can send an HTTP request.
  • The HTTP request deserializes HTTP information, including the method, path, query, body, and headers, and then the server handles these requests.
  • When the requested task is finished, the server serializes the data into an HTTP response.
  • Finally, the client receives data from the HTTP response.

Core WebFramework

The current core stack includes the following components:

  • Router:
    • Developer can define controller, including request and response information.
    • The router will automatically reflect the defined request and response to the target class.
    • Finally, you can easily process received requests and transfer responses using your injection service.
  • TransformBodyTypeHandler:
    • When received a request needs to be deserialized and the transferred response needs to be serialized.
    • TransformBodyTypeHandler will transform your defined data type to offer developers convenient usage.
  • ExceptionHandler:
    • If the service encounters any exceptions, you want to respond with a response-specific status code, message, and so on.
    • ExceptionHandler can reduce the time needed to wrap the response format and efficiently decouple your code.
    • You just need to define handling exceptions and register a custom ExceptionHandler, ExceptionHandler will automatically handle exceptions.
  • Container:
    • Container helps the system maintain the injection state in your controller and service, preventing your service from recreating the injection object with every request.
    • You can freely choose injected objects and how to maintain the object state.

Domain Service

The service follows clean architecture and domain-driven design concepts in building its architecture

  • Domain layer:
    • This layer contains core domain knowledge of service, allowing you to wrap rich product domains and iteratively your best product.
    • To maintain clarity, this layer should not depend on any other layers.
  • Infrastructure layer:
    • This layer's main responsibility is handling external data or services.
    • You can define controllers to receive requests and transfer responses, access your database, manage third-party API, and so on.
  • Application layer:
    • This layer facilitates communication between the domain layer and the infrastructure layer for each use case.

Running service

  1. Locate the package named UserSystem.
  2. Run
  3. You will see the following information indicating that the service has successfully started on port 8080:
Server started. Listening for connections on port 8080...
  1. At this point, you can try to send an HTTP request using Postman or any browser or in any other way.

System Designing Diagram





  • Mehod: POST
  • Path: /api/users


  • content-type: application/json


name type
email string
name string
password string


  • status code: 201



  • Mehod: POST
  • Path: /api/users/login


  • content-type: application/json


name type
email string
password string


  • status code: 200

Response Headers

  • content-type: application/json
  • content-encoding: UTF-8

Response Body

name type
id int
email string
name string
token string



  • Mehod: PATCH
  • Path: /api/users/1


  • content-type: application/json
  • Authorization: Bearer


name type
newName string


  • status code: 204



  • Mehod: GET
  • Path: /api/users


  • Authorization: Bearer


name type
keyword string


  • status code: 200

Response Headers

  • content-type: application/json
  • content-encoding: UTF-8

Response Body

name type
id int
email string
name string

Contact me

If you are curious about the project, I have OOA and OOD design diagrams. Feel free to contact me to discuss anything you find interesting.



Language:Java 100.0%