cl-kuthirgal / scheduler

Extensible Scheduler written in Common Lisp

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Instinct Engine Scheduler

Module is designed for regular tasks which need to be performed on specific date or on regular basis. For now main component client is reporting module, but it may be used for scheduling calculation refresh, regular cleanups and similar.

Specifying a task

Task should be added in a format similar to the one used in cron tables. There are a few note-worthy differences. Each entry is composed of six fields separated by space:


  • MINUTE Minutes within the hour (0–59)
  • HOUR The hour of the day (0–23)
  • DAY-OF-MONTH The day of the month (1–31)
  • MONTH The month (1–12)
  • DAY-OF-WEEK The day of the week (0–7) where 0 and 7 are Sunday
  • SEXPRESSION The Lisp form to be evaluated at given time.

To specify multiple values for one field, the following operators are available. In the order of precedence,

  • * specifies all valid values
  • M-N specifies a range of values
  • M-N/X or */X steps by intervals of X through the specified range or whole valid range
  • A,B,...,Z enumerates multiple values
  • H specifies random value chosen from all valid values for the field (or specified as argument)


# make report every fifteen minutes (perhaps at :07, :22, :37, :52)
H/15 * * * * (ie-reports:make-report "foo" "bar" "zzzur")

# refresh data every ten minutes in the first half of every hour (three times, perhaps at :04, :14, :24)
H(0-29)/10 * * * * (grc:refresh-data)

# once every two hours at 45 minutes past the hour starting at 9:45 AM and finishing at 3:45 PM every weekday.
45 9-16/2 * * 1-5 (grc:restart)

# once in every two hours slot between 9 AM and 5 PM every weekday (perhaps at 10:38 AM, 12:38 PM, 2:38 PM, 4:38 PM)
H H(9-16)/2 * * 1-5 (grc:restart)

# once a day on the 1st and 15th of every month except December
H H 1,15 1-11 * nil

Specifying a task with a function

For convenience it is possible to specify a task as a cons of the time spec (a string time specification and a function with no arguments). Such tasks will be harder to serialize, however they should be fine for systems that doesn't require serialization.

> (scheduler:create-scheduler-task *scheduler*
   (cons "* * * * *" (lambda () (print :minute))))

Using scheduler

Using scheduler is fairly simple. First user has to create a scheduler instance of desired class1. Then add some tasks to it. The last task is to stop the scheduler in the first or in the second minute (depends on whenever we have started it on even or odd minute).

> (defvar *scheduler* (make-instance 'scheduler:in-memory-scheduler))
> (scheduler:create-scheduler-task *scheduler* "@reboot (print :reboot)")
> (scheduler:create-scheduler-task *scheduler* "@shutdown (print :shutdown)")
> (scheduler:create-scheduler-task *scheduler* "* * * * * (print :minute)")
> (scheduler:create-scheduler-task *scheduler* "*/2 * * * * (scheduler:stop-scheduler *scheduler*)")

Important note regarding the last task. It assumes, that start-scheduler is run in the same package as *scheduler* is defined. Listing tasks is also very easy. Same goes for starting the scheduler loop:

> (scheduler:list-scheduler-tasks *scheduler*)
> (scheduler:start-scheduler *scheduler*)
;; Starting scheduler.
;; Exiting scheduler

Since we have started scheduler in the same thread we should see output in the same console we have started it. If it were started in a separate thread *standard-output* would be bound to wherever *inferior-lisp* output is.

Remember, to add package prefixes to commands. Also keep in mind, that we have no means in the cron specification to set a second of occurance (this may be done with update-scheduler-task) and by default seconds are assigned to a random value between 0-59 (to distribute tasks on the timeline a little).

Now let us update the task which stops the scheduler so it ends in 5 minutes from now:

> (let ((task (find "(scheduler:stop-scheduler *scheduler*)"
                    (scheduler:list-scheduler-tasks *scheduler*)
                    :key #'scheduler:command :test #'equal)))
     *scheduler* task
     :start-at (local-time:timestamp+ (local-time:now) 5 :minute)))
> (scheduler:start-scheduler *scheduler*)
;; Starting scheduler.
;; Exiting scheduler.

This illustrates a capability of the scheduler to postpone the first occurance of the event. After shutdown is triggered, next occurance is recomputed from the stored time specification.

Another interesting aspect of having next occurance precomputed is a capability of running tasks, which was missed (i.e computer was down, or scheduler wasn't running). If the scheduler encounters task with its activation time set in the past it will start it at some point in the future2.

Note, that the missing task will be performed only once even if more calls were missed. With our scheduler, if we have waited at least two minutes after last invocation and start the scheduler once more it stopped immedietely after start:

> (scheduler:start-scheduler *scheduler*)
;; Starting scheduler.
;; ; missed (scheduler:stop-scheduler *scheduler*) is called
;; :MINUTE ; <- another missed task, we go through full loop iteration before exit
;; :REBOOT ; <- "ordinary" reboot task
;; :SHUTDOWN ; <- "ordinary" shutdown task
;; Exiting scheduler.

In this case scheduler loop will exit immedietely. It is an important clue, that it is unwise to schedule stop-scheduler call in scheduler, but rather call this function asynchronously.

Extending Scheduler

This is extensible software. Scheduler is arranged around a simple protocol based on CRUD(L) principle. Reference implementation in-memory-scheduler is provided for conveniance and testing.

More advanced backends may be written by subclassing scheduler class for task storage. Optionally scheduler-task may be subclassed to extend tasks.

Each scheduler must have implemented the following methods: create-scheduler-task, read-scheduler-task, update-scheduler-task, delete-scheduler-task and list-scheduler-tasks. Methods implementation should be fairly straightforward.

Each task must obey the protocol based on the following methods: last-occurance, next-occurance, time-specs and command. Methods create-scheduler-task and update-scheduler-task must be aware of the scheduler-task implementation to be able to manipulate its internal structure.

last-occurance and next-occurance should be set on update-scheduler-task invocation according to key parameters last-run and start-at (when present). Format of these dates is an instance of local-time:timestamp and that's what these methods should return.

time-spec is a property list, which stores occurance time specification. It may be a symbol indicating some supported event, like :reboot and :shootdown or a property list.

Property list must have keys :minute :hour :day-of-month :month day-of-week, which values are lists with integer values when task should be repeated, or a keyword :every. For example:

(list :minute (30)
      :hour (1)
      :day-of-month (7 14)
      :month :every
      :day-of-week :every)

Command is a string, which will be read and evaluated each time the task is executed.

Reference manual

SCHEDULER:SCHEDULER                                              [class]

Abstract class from which each driver has to inherit. Thread-safety of
CRUDL operations is implemented in :AROUND methods. Class should not
have direct instances.
SCHEDULER:IN-MEMORY-SCHEDULER                                   [class]
base-class: SCHEDULER

Reference implementation of a scheduler. Data is kept in a
memory. Class may be instationalized.
SCHEDULER:SCHEDULER-TASK                                         [class]

Class representing a single task. All scheduler entries added by
CREATE-SCHEDUELR-TASK should be instances of this class.
SCHEDULER:CREATE-SCHEDULER-TASK                       [generic function]

Creates and returns scheduler task instance of class SCHEDULER-TASK.
SCHEDULER:READ-SCHEDULER-TASK                         [generic function]

Look for a task in scheduler entries. Programmer may specialize second
argument on other types like UUID.
SCHEDULER:UPDATE-SCHEDULER-TASK                      [generic function]
args: SCHEDULER TASK &key CRON-ENTRY START-AT &allow-other-keys

Updates TASK. CRON-ENTRY contains TIME-SPECS and command as described
earlier in this document. START-AT is LOCAL-TIME:TIMESTAMP instance
used to set a date of the first task invocation.

If a key argument is not supplied then slot is not updated. Remember,
that you shouldn't use direct slot write, because scheduler driver may
store data in a database or in a file. Always update tasks with this
SCHEDULER:DELETE-SCHEDULER-TASK                      [generic function]

Removes task from the scheduler so it is not invoked when it's next
occurance time comes.
SCHEDULER:LIST-SCHEDULER-TASKS                       [generic function]

Returns a list of all tasks associated with the scheduler. List
elements are instances of class SCHEDULER-TASK.
SCHEDULER:START-SCHEDULER                                    [function]

Starts scheduler in a loop. Function blocks until STOP-SCHEDULER is
called, so it may be wise to start it in another thread. All tasks are
evaluated in the package this function is invoked in. NB: if function
is started with

  (bt:make-thread (lambda () (scheduler:start-scheduler *s*)))
the package is CL-USER because that is how BORDEAUX-THREADS is

If scheduler loop encounters task which was missed (it was meant to be
started in the past) it will schedule this tasks by itself in the near
future (when exactly is not specified). After each task activation
next activation date is recomputed automatically and updated with
SCHEDULER:STOP-SCHEDULER                                     [function]

Stops scheduler. Scheduler main function should stop after finishing
currently pending task loop iteration.


  1. Currently only reference scheduler is implemented called in-memory-scheduler. It should be fairly usable for scheduling tasks in running software, but for persistance it may be necessary to write a new backend.

  2. In this case - immedietely, but it is not specifed to allow task distribution to balance the load after restart.


Extensible Scheduler written in Common Lisp

License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Common Lisp 100.0%