ckelner / datadog-java-apm-containers

Repo for Datadog customers to get started with Java APM using Containers

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Datadog Java APM Containers

Repo for Datadog customers to get started with Java APM using Containers.

Note: This is not meant to be a distributed tracing example, but simply a small helpful project to get started with running with Datadog Java APM in a containerized environment. Additionally it tests the OpenJ9 JVM w/ the Datadog Java APM. It should not be used as a production-grade reference of any kind.

Table of Contents


Get a sample Java application, running in a container using and reporting Java APM metrics to Datadog via the Dockerized Datadog Agent.


  • This small project is for demonstration purposes only.
  • It does not make use any container orchestrator.
  • It's original intent was to be used on a developer's local machine.


Project Structure

  • agent: Contains a dockerfile and datadog.conf for building the containerized Datadog agent locally w/ some minimal configuration.
  • clojure: Contains a clojure project for testing, see the Clojure section for more info
  • datadog: Contains the dd-java-agent.jar version 0.3.0 as of 2018/02/12. Ideally this gets pulled in at build time and incorporated into the gradle build process.
  • gradle: for gradle wrapper (run across multiple platforms)
  • src: Contains our very simple Sprint Boot application code.
  • .gitignore: For ignoring files and directories generated by build tools
  • build.gradle: Gradle build definition
  • Dockerfile: Primary Dockerfile for our simple Java app using OpenJDK
    • Copies over our WAR, exposes 8080 and sets several necessary Datadog Java APM properties
  • Dockerfile-openj9: A test bed for working with OpenJ9.
    • Uses ibmjava:jre - e.g. IBM Java/OpenJ9 JVM.
  • gradlew and gradlew.bat: Gradle wrapper files - used for building Java project.


  • Install Java; OpenJDK, Oracle, etc for your platform
  • Install Docker for your platform

Send APM Metrics to Datadog (OpenJDK)

Run the Datadog Dockerized Agent

  • Run to build the image: docker build -t dd-agent ./agent/
  • Run the following, replacing {your_api_key_here} with your own DD API key.
    docker run -d --rm --name dd-agent \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
      -v /proc/:/host/proc/:ro \
      -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/host/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
      -e API_KEY={your_api_key_here} \
      -e DD_APM_ENABLED=true \
      -p 8126:8126/tcp \
      -e SD_BACKEND=docker \
      -e LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG \
      -e DD_LOGS_STDOUT=yes \

Run the Java example

  • Run ./gradlew build (or gradlew.bat if on windows)
  • Run to build the docker image: DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dd-agent` docker build -t dd-java-apm --build-arg DD_AGENT_IP=$DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR .
  • Run to start the container:
    docker run -d -p 8081:8080 --rm --name dd-java-apm dd-java-apm \
    -e TAGS=host:dd-java-apm-demo-openjdk,env:demo

Additional Docker commands

  • Run to see the containers running: docker ps
  • Run to see container logs: docker logs dd-java-apm
  • Run to get to bash prompt for the container: docker exec -it dd-java-apm /bin/bash
  • Run to stop the container: docker stop dd-java-apm
  • Run to remove the container: docker rm dd-java-apm

See APM in Datadog

Send APM Metrics to Datadog (OpenJ9)

Run the Java example

  • Run ./gradlew build (or gradlew.bat if on windows)
  • Run to build the docker image: DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dd-agent` docker build -t dd-java-apm-j9 --build-arg DD_AGENT_IP=$DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR -f Dockerfile-openj9 .
  • Run to start the container:
    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --rm --name dd-java-apm-j9 dd-java-apm-j9 \
    -e TAGS=host:dd-java-apm-demo-openj9,env:demo
  • See Additional Docker commands above for more docker CLI cmds.

See APM in Datadog

Issues with OpenJ9

These may be due to user error, and therefore may not be valid issues with OpenJ9. These are being reviewed for validity.

  1. When using the OpenJ9 JRE all resources (/, /slow, & /sleepy) are NOT reported. To reproduce, follow the instructions in the section Send APM Metrics to Datadog (OpenJ9) to get the Datadog agent and Java container running. Then hit the following urls several times over the course of a few minutes:

    1. http://localhost:8080/
    2. http://localhost:8080/slow
    3. http://localhost:8080/sleepy

    What you should observe under OpenJ9 is that you'll only see one resource: However if you examine the trace metrics themselves it appears that they do exist: If you repeat these steps under OpenJDK (follow the Send APM Metrics to Datadog (OpenJDK) section) each of these resources will report as seen here:

  2. This error shows up in the logs even with in its most simple form (revision 5d00c7d6fbdb440ee1171d07442afa5d40533dd7); This may or may not be related to the issue above.

  3. Under OpenJ9, the @Trace annotation was required with Spring Boot - under OpenJDK this is not required (simply comment out the @Trace annotations and build the jar and run the docker container to verify).


Run the Scala example

  • Install sbt - brew install sbt@1 on OSX
  • Change into the Scala directory: cd scala
  • Run sbt update (likely not necessary)
  • Run sbt dist (likely not necessary)
  • Run sbt assembly to compile fat jar
    • Should result in something similar to:
      [info] Packaging /projects/java-apm-containers/scala/target/scala-2.12/hello-world-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar ...
      [info] Done packaging.
  • To test the Scala project locally outside Docker, run sbt run
  • Change back to the root project directory cd ..
  • Double check that Dockerfile-scala-oj contains the correct path to the scala jar in the target directory (changes based on scala version)
  • Run to build the docker image: DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dd-agent` docker build -t dd-java-apm-scala-oj --build-arg DD_AGENT_IP=$DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR -f Dockerfile-scala-oj .
  • Run to start the container:
    docker run -d -p 9000:9000 --rm --name dd-java-apm-scala-oj dd-java-apm-scala-oj \
    -e TAGS=host:dd-java-apm-demo-scala-oj,env:demo
  • See Additional Docker commands above for more docker CLI cmds.

See APM in Datadog



Run the Clojure example

  • Install leiningen
  • Change into the clojure dir: cd clojure
  • Run lein uberjar
  • Run to build the docker image: DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR=`docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' dd-agent` docker build -t dd-java-apm-c-oj --build-arg DD_AGENT_IP=$DD_AGENT_IP_ADDR -f Dockerfile-clojure-oj .
  • Run to start the container:
    docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --rm --name dd-java-apm-c-oj dd-java-apm-c-oj \
    -e TAGS=host:dd-java-apm-demo-clojure-openjdk,env:demo
  • See Additional Docker commands above for more docker CLI cmds.


  • The dd-java-agent.jar is stored in this repo at version 0.3.0 - it may need to be updated, to do so run wget -O datadog/dd-java-agent.jar '' and place the jar in the ./datadog directory.
    • TODO: This should probably get covered as part of the gradle build process

Notes on Java APM Support

As of 2018/02/12 Java APM has out of the box support for many popular Java frameworks, app servers, and data stores - check the Datadog APM docs for the up to date list.

  • Java Servlet Compatible - Many application servers are Servlet compatible, such as Tomcat, Jetty, Websphere, Weblogic, etc. Also, frameworks like Spring Boot and Dropwizard inherently work because they use a Servlet compatible embedded application server.
  • OkHTTP | 3.x
  • Apache HTTP Client | 4.3 +
  • JMS 2 | 2.x
  • JDBC | 4.x
  • MongoDB | 3.x
  • Cassandra | 3.2.x



Repo for Datadog customers to get started with Java APM using Containers

License:MIT License


Language:CSS 27.0%Language:Shell 25.6%Language:Scala 22.9%Language:HTML 16.4%Language:Java 3.6%Language:Batchfile 2.7%Language:Clojure 1.6%Language:JavaScript 0.2%