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Aspect Definition Language. A powerful and succinct replacement for XML, JSON, YAML, etc.

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Quick Introduction to the Aspect Definition Language

(c) Copyright, Clifford Heath, 1983-2018.

The Aspect Definition Language (ADL) is a language for defining the classification, attributes and values of arbitrary data objects. The language is extensible, as are objects defined using the language. Contextual extension (sometimes called Aspects or views) is also supported. The syntax is free-form, except inside value literals. Whitespace and newlines are considered as equivalent to a single space and are ignored. A comment (beginning with //) continues to the end of line and is considered as white-space.

Description Examples

Everything in ADL is an Object, including the top supertype which is called "Object". Any named object may have subtype objects, so there is no distinction between types (classes) and instances. Any object may also contain child objects.

Object is built-in. Foo is a subtype of Object.
Foo: Object;

Every Object has a value assigned to its Parent variable, except the TOP object, which serves as the outermost parent. The ADL builtin objects belong the TOP object. Variables (including Parent) may not be re-assigned. TOP and Object are built-in. We'll indicate others as we proceed.

You normally won't see TOP. This is because each file (including the built-in definitions) normally creates its own namespace, and subsequent files descend inside the last object from the previous file.


An Object may have a Name, which can be one or more words. A word is an sequence of alphanumeric or underscore characters, and may even start with a digit, so 42 is a valid Name. The amount of whitespace between the words may vary and is considered equivalent to a single space.

An object may also be anonymous, for purposes described below. Each Name is unique within a given Parent, but anonymous objects are unrestricted.

Declare an object called Person. It has Object for a supertype. Its parent depends on the context of this declaration.
New Objects

An object is declared using colon : after the name (if any) followed by the name of its Super (supertype object). If no supertype name is given, the supertype is Object. The supertype name is found in the current parent (searching that parent's supertypes) or in an enclosing parent, up to TOP.

Declare an object called Employee with supertype Person:
Employee: Person;
Children Any Object may have one or more child objects.

A single child object may be created by declaring it following a dot "." after the name of its parent, or by opening the Aspect (namespace) of the parent between braces (curly brackets), and declaring children separated by semi-colons. The semi-colon is not required before or after a closing brace.

Declare two child objects for Person. Each is a subtype of the built-in variable String (described below).
Person.Family Name: String;
Person: {
    Given Name: String[];

An object that is already defined cannot be redefined. Using the same name again with the same parent will re-open the existing object. If the supertype is provided it must match the existing definition; the supertype cannot be changed. An object with no name cannot be referenced so cannot be re-opened.

We saw this in the previous example. Person was re-opened to add Given Name.
Employee {
    Employee Number: Integer;
Extension Any existing named object may be re-opened to allow adding more children - just use its name without re-declaring its supertype, and add the new children in a brace-list, or after the "." operator.
Person: {
    Given Name: String {
	Max Length = 48;
Person {	// Re-open Person to extend it
    Family Name: String;
// Re-open Person.Family Name to set Max Length
Person.Family Name.Max Length = 24;

The object name is optional, which allows anonymous objects. An anonymous object cannot subsequently be re-opened or used as a supertype, so it is complete at the time of its declaration.

Declare an anonymous object which is a subtype of Person. Given Names is an array, so the assigned value must also be an Array, declared using square brackets.

: Person {
    Given Name = ['John'];
    Family Name = 'Smith';

Eponymous Naming

As a special case, if just a name (no colon) is used, and the name is of a Object that's not already a child of this object, and the Object is not being re-opened (by { or .), then a new child is created having the same name as the supertype. This is called eponymous naming.

If Date is an existing type, the following declares that an Event has a variable whose name and supertype are both Date.

Event: {
: Event { Date = 2001-03-19 }

This has the same effect as declaring

Date: Date;
Note that the supertype reference works in this case because it has not yet been defined locally, but if it had, a preceding dot would force an explicit up traversal.


Any Object with a value syntax allows value assignment, so serves as a variable. Any parent (including by inheritance) of such an object may contain one assignment to that variable. The variable may also contains one assignment to itself, which serves as a default value.

A number of variables are provided, or you can define your own. Just assign the Syntax variable of your object and it becomes a variable which accepts a value matching that syntax.

Syntax accepts a Regular Expression. Regular Expression also has a syntax, but that syntax is not regular (cannot be described by a Regular Expression), so it is a special built-in.

Reference is also a special Variable. Assignment to a Reference requires an ADL path name for an object, or an object literal. See below.

These are the true built-in variables:
Regular Expression:;
Object {
    Syntax: Regular Expression;
The following are provided, but are not true built-ins:
    Integer: Number;
    Decimal: Number;
    Real: Decimal;
    Float: Real;
    Date: Temporal;
    Time: Temporal;
    Date Time: Temporal;
Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions in ADL open and close with the / character. They provide a specific set of features.

  • alternatives using |
  • grouping using (...)
  • character escapes prefixed by a \ character: 0befntr\*+?()|/[
  • repetitions and optionality using *, + and ?,
  • character classes
  • octal \0NNN, hexadecimal \xXXX and Unicode characters \uXXXX
  • negative lookahead (?!regexp) and capture groups (?<someName>regexp)
  • \s to skip whitespace. Note that literal whitespace is not allowed.

The provided syntax for some numeric variables is:

Integer.Syntax = /[-+]?[1-9][0-9]*/;
Decimal.Syntax =
Many languages (not ADL) define identifier names like this:
or following http://unicode.org/reports/tr31/

Any object that contains a variable (or that is a variable), or whose supertypes contain a variable that it inherits, may contain one Assignment to that variable. An Assignment is a special anonymous child object that associates a Value with that variable for that Parent object. Assignment has its own syntax, and cannot be declared using the usual object definition syntax.

If an assignment is inherited, a local assignment overrides it. If a variable has neither a local nor inherited assignment, the value of that variable is undefined for that object.

Here's an anonymous Employee object, with assignments to variables, including inherited Person variables. Each element of an Array value conforms to the syntax for that type of value.
: Employee {
    Family Name = 'Smith';
    Given Name = ['John'];
    Employee Number = 42317;
Here's a variable with an assignment to itself:
Forty Two: Integer = 42;

The variable Forty Two has an assignment to Forty Two (itself) with the value 42.

Tentative Assignment

The Assignments in the previous example were Final. If this object was named and had a subtype, the subtype inherits these assignments, but it cannot re-assign those variables. Assignment to Reference variables has a special version of this rule.

However, it's also possible that an assignment is tentative by defining it using the tentative assignment operator ~=. A tentative assignment may be re-assigned in a subtype or in another Context. (Contexts are described below.)

Baking Product: Product {
    Discount ~= 8.5;
Bread Slicer: Baking Product {
    Discount = 10;

A new Object may refer to an array (vector) of its supertype, using square brackets after the supertype name. When this variable is assigned, the array syntax must be used for its values

Given Name: String[];

As discussed, each variable has an associated Syntax for literal values. This syntax is used when processing an Assignment to that variable. If the variable is declared to be an array, the values are separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets (whitespace around these is skipped).

Note that the syntax for a regular expression cannot be encoded using the allowed syntax for regular expressions, since it is not itself regular. It's built-in.
Integer: Number {	// This is built-in
    Syntax = /-?[1-9][0-9]+|0/;
Some Primes: Integer[] = [2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17];
Names: String{Syntax = /[[:alpha:]\s]+\s[:alpha:]+/}
Names = [Fred Fly, Joe Bloggs];	// Using custom syntax
Reference Variables

The built-in variable Reference allows assigning a reference to another Object. The Syntax supports a path name for referring to a named object, or an object literal (an anonymous object of the right type).

There is a special rule for assigning to a Reference that already has a Final assignment. Any subtype of the type in the existing assignment may be assigned. This creates a further restriction that does not violate the finality of the previous assignment. The default assignment for all References is Object, and that assignment is final. However, any subtype of Reference may assign a more restricted type.

Employment is between a Company and a Person, and that's final (a Company cannot employ a Dog). Every value in the Project array must be a Project.

Project: { Codename: String }
Acme Inc: Company;
John Smith: Person;
Employment: {
    Company: Reference = Company;
    Person: Reference = Person;
    Project: Reference[] = Project;
: Employment {
    Company = Acme Inc;
    Person = John Smith;
    Project =	// Literal object:
    	[:Project{Codename = 'Sekrit'}]
Reference Shorthand

There is a short-hand syntax for defining Reference subtypes and their arrays, using -> and =>. Eponymous naming of reference variables is also allowed, see the description above.

Here, each Employment has a reference to one company (as Employer), to one Person (as Employee) and to an array of zero or more Projects (this variable uses eponymous naming). Any assignment to these variables must conform to the type of the implied Reference.

Employment: {
    Employer -> Company;
    Employee -> Person;
    => Project;

Reference short-hand provides a nice way to handle enumerations, such as the built-in Boolean.

Boolean is built-in, declared like this:

Enumeration: Object;
Boolean: Enumeration;
True: Boolean;
False: Boolean;
Boolean{Is Sterile = True}

Making an object Sterile prevents definition of any further subtypes. It is however possible to have a reference to such a thing:

Is Allowed -> Boolean ~= True;
Resolving Names

When an object name is used as a reference or as a supertype, and is not present within the current context, the supertype context is searched first. This search is recursive. If the name is still not found, the same search proceeds in the parent object, which is implicit traversal. If the object is found, a following dot may be used to search inside it, but after traversing down like this, following searches will not ever traverse to the object's parent, even though that name might be usable from that object.

Here Product is defined in the current scope. Then in the Retail object, we define Toaster to be a Product - referring to Product as it was defined in the Parent's scope. Finally after returning to the top scope, we traverse the Retail space again to assign the Toaster a Price.
Product: {
    Name: String;
    Price: Decimal {
	Syntax = /$[1-9]+\.[0-9][0-9]/
Retail: {
    Toaster: Product {
	Name = "Toastmaster 9000";
Retail.Toaster.Price = $45.96;
Traversing up

If a Name is present in an object, but also in a parent object, a reference to the parent object is still possible. Prefix the name by its parent's name, and the search will find the parent first. Otherwise, prefix the name by one or more dots. Each dot starts the search one level further up, and prevents the search from stepping any further up. The local object (and inherited objects) will be ignored, and the search will start at the parent.

Without the ability to traverse up, the definition of Alternate would create a second reference to the eponymous Product variable inside Sale Item, instead of the global Product.
Sale Item: {
    -> Product;
    Alternate -> ..Product;
Parameter Variables

Some variables contain their own parameter variables. For example String (which has Max Length) and Number (Minimum, Maximum). These parameter variables do not appear special; you can assign to them anywhere you might expect to. Refer to the definition of the built-ins for full details. However, enforcement of the meaning of a parameter is up to an implementation.

Note the combined definition, assignment and child assignments for the Discount data type here:
Given Name: String[] {
    Max Length = 48;
Discount: Integer = 0 {
    Minimum = 0;
    Maximum = 99;
Aliasing An inherited object may be aliased (renamed or hidden) using the alias operator "!". The right-hand side names the existing object, and the left-hand side provides the new name (or if it's missing, there is no name and the object is hidden). Inherited assignments to hidden variables are also hidden. Aliasing changes what is seen in the subtype, it doesn't change the supertype's child.
Person: {
    Surname: String;
    Given Name: String[];
Employee: Person {
    Family Name! Surname;
Contextual Extension

We've seen what happens when an object is re-opened from the same parent where it was defined. However when a namespace traversal is used to re-open it, there are two possibilities for any changes:

  • Make the changes to the original object,
  • Make changes that are only seen from the point of view (the Context) of the place where the object was re-opened. From other places, the object will still appear unchanged.
This latter case is called Contextual Extension. The context object provides a point-of-view, which is the Aspect. The objects visible from that Aspect (whether base objects or contextual extensions) are collectively the Facets of that Aspect. This is the reason that this language is called Aspect Definition Language.

As discussed, there are two kinds of namespace traversal. When a name is found in a parent or some further ancestor, that's a traversal. If the object is reopened by {...} at this point, any changes will be made to its original definition. This also works when traversing down to a child using a dot.

However if the traversal ends with a dot, then any changes will be contextual - only visible from the context where the traversal starts. The contextual definitions (objects, variables, aliases, or assignments) have a Context value which indicates this starting point. All objects actually have a Context, but for most, it's the same as the Parent.

A new variable called Ordinal is added to Integer. This is a normal extension, not contextual. The object called 3 (an Integer assigned the value 3 - the object is distinct from the value here) is given the Ordinal 'third'. Now German opens a new context. The assignment to 3.Ordinal has a dot at the end of the name, so in the German context, 3 uses the verbalisation "dritte". In all other contexts, 3 still uses "third".

Integer {
    Ordinal: String;
3: Integer {
    Ordinal ~= "third";
} = 3;
German: {
    3.Ordinal. = "dritte";

Here's another case. Two variables are defined to carry the names of two operations. In the German context, the two names are different.

    Insert : String ~= "Insert";
    Delete : String ~= "Delete";

German: { OperationNames { Insert. ~= "Einfügen"; Delete. ~= "Löschen"; } }

Contextual Aliasing This is an extended example for contextual extension, showing how it works with aliasing.

In New Context, Person.Surname is called Family Name, but this alias is contextual, it doesn't affect the widespread view of Surname. We can use Family Name to define a Person's Surname, and outside this context, that will be seen as a Surname. Note that joe smith's Given Name is assigned Final.

Back in the top context for these declarations, New Context is re-opened and the Family Name 'Smith' (seen in the global context as Surname) is contextually re-assigned. Note that from the point of view of New Context, joe smith is still has a Family name of Smith (this assignment applies) but from the global context looking in, his Surname is Schmidt. The Given Name cannot be re-assigned (even contextually), since it had a final assignment already.

Person {
    Surname: String;
New Context: {
    Person. {
	Family Name! Surname;
    joe smith: Person {
	Family Name ~= "Smith";
	Given Name = ["Joseph"];
New Context.joe smith.Surname.
    = 'Schmidt';


Aspect Definition Language. A powerful and succinct replacement for XML, JSON, YAML, etc.


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