ciuji / SIGMOD2022-Programming-Contest-Public

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ACM SIGMOD Programming Contest 2022

Team Info

Team Name: April

Member: Chaoji Zuo, Zhizhi Wang

Advisor: Dong Deng


Data Curation Lab in Database Group, Computer Science Department at Rutgers University.


Our approach leverages similarity grouping, similarity join and overlap join to efficiently find a pool of candidate record pairs. After that, we rank all the candidate record pairs by their weighted similarities and output a fixed number of record pairs as the blocking result. We used efficient Jaccard similarity join (Deng et al. VLDB 2016) and overlap set join (Deng et al. SIGMOD 2018) algorithms to generate the candidate pool within the time limit. Our approach doesn't rely on heavy data preprocessing or fancy manual rules.

  • Dong Deng, Yufei Tao, Guoliang Li: Overlap Set Similarity Joins with Theoretical Guarantees. SIGMOD Conference 2018: 905-920 bibtex
  • Dong Deng, Guoliang Li, He Wen, Jianhua Feng: An Efficient Partition Based Method for Exact Set Similarity Joins. Proc. VLDB Endow. 9(4): 360-371 (2015) bibtex



This command will generate output.csv, trace the workflow and generate submission.rpz.


This command will generate output.csv directly, without using repro.

Other Scripts

The and execute our preprocessing and blocking scripts.

Specifically, we have two atomic scripts:

`` is our preprocessing script to clean the raw data using sed. It takes X1.csv and X2.csv as input and outputs clean_X1.csv and clean_X2.csv.

`` is our blocking script to execute blocking on the two datasets clean_X1.csv and clean_X2.csv, and generate the final output.csv.

Executable Program

Our core executable program blocking takes 8 parameters to work.

`SOURCE_CSV`: string, source dataset for blocking. It must be a CSV file.
`OUTPUT_CSV`: string, output file name containing blocking results. Each line is a pair of record IDs.
`RESULT_NUM`:  int, the number of possible duplicate record pairs to generate after blocking
`GROUP_THRESHOLD`: float in (0,1], jaccard threshold to group different entries
`JACCARD_THRESHOLD`: float in  (0,1], jaccard threshold to filter out non-candidate pairs
`OVERLAP_THRESHOLD`: int in [1, inf), number of overlap size to filter out non-candidate pairs
`POOL_SIZE_FACTOR`: int, determines the size of the candidate pool (= POOL_SIZE_FACTOR * RESULT_NUM), used to avoid memory overflow

An example complete command is:

./blocking clean_X1.csv output1.csv 1000000 0.8 0.57 9 15


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:C++ 98.4%Language:C 0.8%Language:Shell 0.5%Language:Makefile 0.4%