citizensense / airsift3

Version 3 of the Airsift platform for viewing, analyzing and storying citizen data on air quality. Part of the AirKit toolkit by Citizen Sense (2020).

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Version 3 of the Airsift citizen-data air-quality platform. Part of the AirKit toolkit by Citizen Sense.

.. image:: :target: :alt: Built with Cookiecutter Django .. image:: :target: :alt: Black code style

Instructions for running the app on your system

Developing this app requires the following tools:

  • Git version control system
  • Yarn package manager
  • Docker (or your own Postgres server and configuration details in .env)
  • Python 3.8 (recommended: install using pyenv)
  • Pip package manager

First, copy .env.template to .env in the root.

1. Run the javascript app

cp .env.template .env

Then run the following commands in a terminal window:

# Install frontend dependencies

# Build the CSS and JS for the site
yarn watch

When you make changes to the Javascript files and CSS, changes will reload in the browser automagically.

2. Run the django app

Now open another terminal window and let's set up the database and app:

# Provision a postgres database in the background for the app to work with.
docker-compose up -d

# Optional: prepare a python environment with the right packages
python3.8 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements/local.txt

# Configure the app's database
python migrate

# Load a slice of real data into the system
# (this might take a few minutes)
python sync_data --max 50

# If you, for some reason, want to run the system with ALL available data, run this command instead:
# python sync_data --all

# Set up the pages
python setup_pages

# Start the app up
python runserver

You should now be able to see the site running at http://localhost:8000

Deploy an update to

  • Pushing new commits to main branch will trigger a new deployment
    • This is managed by a Github action in this repo
    • It adds new images to the Github Container Registry
    • Then it instructs the server to restart the system with those updated images
    • docker-compose is used to configure and run these images
      • production.yml is used in production
      • you can run local.yml to emulate the production setup on your own machine
  • The app is hosted at and served at
  • Server code is located at /var/www/airsift3

Server scripts

  • View logs: docker-compose -f /var/www/airsift3/production.yml logs
  • Ad-hoc django-admin commands: docker-compose -f /var/www/airsift3/production.yml run --entrypoint python -- django [...]

How to deploy the app to a new server

When you run the app for the first time, you will need to configure the pages:

python setup_pages

Configure the app on a server for the first time

  • Expects a .env file in /var/www/airsift3 to contain the server's environment config.
  • Expects a regular cron job to run sync_data

Install docker if required


Install yarn if required

See or

App setup

Then... run the following commands to initiate the app on first try:

# Optional: prepare a python environment with the right packages
python3.8 -m venv <virtual env path>
source <virtual env path>/bin/activate

# Install PRODUCTION python dependencies
pip install -r requirements/production.txt

# Install frontend dependencies

# Configure the app's database
docker-compose up
python migrate

# Create an admin user
python createsuperuser

# Pre-run
python collectstatic

# Production app up
gunicorn config.wsgi:application --bind= --bind=[::1]:8001

Production commands

Env is provided via .env.

# Run shell commands on Django
docker-compose -f /var/www/airsift3/production.yml run --entrypoint python  -- django shell

# Read the logs
docker-compose -f /var/www/airsift3/production.yml logs

# Restart the docker
docker-compose up --force-recreate


If you see errors relating to GDAL missing:

  • try sudo apt-get install gdal-bin
  • and also see to configure postgres to use postGIS extensions.


Basic Commands

Setting Up Your Users

  • To create a normal user account, just go to Sign Up and fill out the form. Once you submit it, you'll see a "Verify Your email Address" page. Go to your console to see a simulated email verification message. Copy the link into your browser. Now the user's email should be verified and ready to go.

  • To create an superuser account, use this command::

python createsuperuser

For convenience, you can keep your normal user logged in on Chrome and your superuser logged in on Firefox (or similar), so that you can see how the site behaves for both kinds of users.

Type checks

Running type checks with mypy:

mypy airsift

Test coverage

To run the tests, check your test coverage, and generate an HTML coverage report::

coverage run -m pytest
coverage html
open htmlcov/index.html

Running tests with py.test


Live reloading and Sass CSS compilation

Moved to Live reloading and SASS compilation:


Version 3 of the Airsift platform for viewing, analyzing and storying citizen data on air quality. Part of the AirKit toolkit by Citizen Sense (2020).



Language:Python 67.4%Language:TypeScript 19.7%Language:HTML 6.7%Language:Shell 2.3%Language:JavaScript 1.8%Language:CSS 1.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%