cirnobaka99999 / all-shit-at-my-expense

White and black lists for shit delivery service at anireact.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

All shit at my expense!

White and black lists for shit delivery service at anireact.

Time by time, shit is sent to every user, included in the white list, and maybe to any other users. Shit is never sent to users, included in the black list.

If you want to opt out, or opt in, please file an issue or contact me.

White list

  • Солория.
  • Циферки.
  • Мекс.
  • Адам.
  • Анн.

Black list

  • Тося.
  • Оля.
  • Онитян.
  • Мун.
  • Алёна.
  • Ива.
  • Вака.
  • Хося.
  • Шам.
  • Рейн.
  • Аль.
  • Уайт.
  • Миф.
  • Богдан.
  • Сейка.
  • Ёдзорка.
  • Бака.
  • Мисака.
  • Марийка.
  • Тимурка.


White and black lists for shit delivery service at anireact.