circul-io / Catalyst

Kotlin Retry Library

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Catalyst (1.0.0)

Kotlin Multiplatform License: Apache-2.0 Maven Central

Catalyst is a Kotlin Multiplatform coroutine-based retry library that offers an expressive DSL for building complex retry policies.

Table of Contents


Catalyst is on Maven Central. To use Catalyst in your Kotlin project, follow these steps:

  • Ensure you've added the Maven Central repository to your project's build file:
repositories {
  • Add the dependency:

    • For Kotlin (build.gradle.kts):
    dependencies {
    • For Groovy (build.gradle):
    dependencies {
        implementation 'io.circul:Catalyst:1.0.0'


Catalyst allows you to create expressive and composable retry policies. A retry policy is a combination of a retry predicate (logic expressing the conditions under which a retry should occur) and a delay strategy (the formula for determining successive delay times between retry attempts).

Compose a RetryPredicate

RetryPredicate is an interface provided by Catalyst that is used by the RetryPolicy.retry(...) method to determine whether a retry should occur through its shouldRetry(...) method.

You can combine as many RetryPredicate objects as necessary using boolean operators and, or, xor, nand, nor, xnor, and !(not).

You may choose to simply implement the RetryPredicate interface yourself, E.g.,

import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.RetryPredicate

val customPredicate = object : RetryPredicate {
    override fun shouldRetry(result: Result<Any?>, retryCount: Int, elapsedTime: Duration): Boolean =
        result.isFailure && retryCount < 9 && elapsedTime < 10.seconds

However, for convenience, Catalyst provides several predefined predicate implementations as discussed below.

Limiting Retries

To impose an upper limit on the number of attempts a retry block will make, you can use the attempts(Int) function, or the Int.attempts extension property. E.g.,

import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.attempts

// Both attemptsPredicate1 and attemptsPredicate2 return a RetryPredicate that limits attempts to 10.
val attemptsPredicate1 = attempts(10)
val attemptsPredicate2 = 10.attempts

On its own, the attempts RetryPredicate is not particularly useful as it will return true for shouldRetry() on every attempt up to the specified maximum, irrespective of the result at each iteration. It should be combined using the and operator with another predicate that considers the result (e.g., onException, onNull, or untilResult)

Catalyst also provides a way to limit retries based on the total elapsed time since the beginning of the first attempt, either via the timeLimit(Duration) function, or the Duration.timeLimit extension property. E.g.,

import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.timeLimit
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

// Both timeLimitPredicate1 and timeLimitPredicate2 return a RetryPredicate that
// prevent retries from occurring beyond 30 seconds since the first try.
val timeLimitPredicate1 = timeLimit(30.seconds)
val timeLimitPredicate2 = 30.seconds.timeLimit

Considering the Result

Depending on how the block of code you are using the RetryPolicy on returns for successes and failures, you may use any of a number of RetryPredicate objects that check for various result conditions.

  • onException will return true for shouldRetry if the block throws an exception
  • onNull will return true for shouldRetry if the block does not throw an exception but returns null
  • untilResult is a combination of onException OR onNull, meaning it will return true for shouldRetry if either an exception is thrown or the result is null.

The composed equivalent of the customPredicate example given earlier is:

import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.attempts
import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.onException

val composedPredicate = onException and 10.attempts

If you want to retry based on execution results other than null or exceptions, you can use one of two inline functions with a reified type parameter:

  • onResultType<T>() will retry as long as the result is of type T
  • untilResultType<T>() will retry until the result is of type T


import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.onResultType

// Example error type
data class ErrorDTO(val errorCode: String, val errorMessage: String)

// Example success type
data class SuccessDTO(val response: String)

// If the result of the retry() lambda's execution is of type ErrorDTO, then a retry should be attempted
val onErrorPredicate = onResultType<ErrorDTO>()

// If the result of the retry() lambda's execution is of type SuccessDTO, then a retry should NOT be attempted
val untilSuccessPredicate = untilResultType<SuccessDTO>()

For even more complex retry predicates, Catalyst provides two inline functions that take a single PredicateFunction lambda argument that receives the result of the most recent execution and the number of retries that have occurred so far:

  • on will retry as long as the result of the lambda argument is true
  • until will retry as long as the result of the lambda argument is false


import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.on

// Example error type
data class ErrorDTO(val errorCode: String, val errorMessage: String)

// If the result is of type ErrorDTO AND the error code is 00007, then retry
val onPredicate = on { result, _, _ ->
    val dto = result.getOrNull()
    dto is ErrorDTO && dto.errorCode == "00007"

Combining Predicates

You can combine as many predicates as you like using the infix boolean operators and, or, xor, nand, nor, amd xnor. You may also negate a predicate with the ! (not) operator. This gives you a great deal of flexibility when it comes to composing your retry policies, but more than likely, you will get by with and and or most of the time. Remember to use parentheses to correctly group your predicates. E.g.,

import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.attempts
import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.onResultType

// Example response types
sealed interface ResponseType {
    data class ErrorA(val message: String) : ResponseType
    data class ErrorB(val message: String) : ResponseType
    data class SuccessA(val message: String) : ResponseType
    data class SuccessB(val message: String) : ResponseType

// Try up to 10 times to get a non Error response
val retryPredicate = (onResultType<ResponseType.ErrorA>() or onResultType<ResponseType.ErrorB>()) and 10.attempts 

Stateful Predicates

All of the predefined predicates are stateless as they depend on method arguments. I.e., the Result object is a result of the execution of the lambda function passed to retry(), and the retryCount and elapsedTime are tracked by the retry function itself.

However, if you wish to define a predicate that encapsulates its own state and you want to reuse your RetryPolicy throughout your code, you should use a factory function to ensure each retry() block has its own stateful instance.

For example, you may wish to define a retry predicate that takes into account specific types of results or exceptions and tracks their counts independently, using those counts as a condition for shouldRetry:

val retryPolicyFactory: () -> RetryPolicy = {
    object : RetryPredicate {
        // Track counts for each type of Throwable
        val mapOfExceptionCounts = mutableMapOf<KClass<out Throwable>, Int>()

        // Retry if the Result is a failure and the particular failure type has not occurred more than three times
        override fun shouldRetry(result: Result<Any?>, retryCount: Int, elapsedTime: Duration): Boolean {
            if (result.isFailure) {
                val exceptionClass = result.exceptionOrNull()!!::class
                val count = mapOfExceptionCounts.getOrPut(exceptionClass) { 0 } + 1
                mapOfExceptionCounts[exceptionClass] = count
                return count < 3
            return false

Define a DelayStrategy

Delay strategies are defined by objects that implement the DelayStrategy interface, overriding the [] (get) operator which returns a Duration.

// A custom delay strategy that starts from zero seconds retry delay and increments by one second each iteration 
val oneSecondIncrements = object : DelayStrategy {
    override fun get(index: Int): Duration = index.seconds

Constant Delay

Constant delays always delay subsequent executions of the retry block by a fixed amount. Catalyst provides several ways to define a constant delay. The example below shows three ways to define a one second constant delay.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.constantDelay
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

// constantDelay(Duration)
val delay1 = constantDelay(1.seconds)

// constantDelay(Long)
val delay2 = constantDelay(1000L)

// Duration.constantDelay
val delay3 = 1.seconds.constantDelay

Catalyst also provides noDelay, which is effectively a constant delay of Duration.ZERO.

Sequential Delay

A sequential delay simply takes a list of delays to use in sequence until the RetryPredicate returns false for shouldRetry().

The example below shows three identical ways of creating a sequential delay of 500 milliseconds, 500 milliseconds, 1 second, 5 seconds:

Note: if the number of retries allowed (as determined by the RetryPredicate) exceeds the length of the list of delays, then the last item in the list will effectively become a constant delay for the remainder of the retry block execution.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.sequentialDelay
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

// sequentialDelay(List<Duration>)
val delay1 = sequentialDelay(listOf(500.milliseconds, 500.milliseconds, 1.seconds, 5.seconds))

// sequentialDelay(vararg Long)
val delay2 = sequentialDelay(500L, 500L, 1000L, 5000L)

// List<Duration>.sequentialDelay
val delay3 = listOf(500.milliseconds, 500.milliseconds, 1.seconds, 5.seconds).sequentialDelay

Linear Backoff Delay

A linear backoff delay is a DelayStrategy that increments by a fixed amount with each successive attempt.

Catalyst provides two ways to create a linear backoff delay. The example below demonstrates both ways to create a linear backoff delay strategy with an initial delay of 200 milliseconds, with increments of 100 milliseconds.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.sequentialDelay
import io.circul.catalyst.delay.delayWithIncrementsOf
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

// linearBackoffDelay(Duration, Duration)
val delay1 = linearBackoffDelay(200.milliseconds, 100.milliseconds)

// Duration delayWithIncrementsOf Duration
val delay2 = 200.milliseconds delayWithIncrementsOf 100.milliseconds

Fibonacci Backoff Delay

Catalyst provides a DelayStrategy that uses the fibonacci sequence to multiply a base delay. By default, the sequence will start with [0, 1], which means that the first multiplier is zero. The example below demonstrates the various options to create a fibonacci backoff delay strategy.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.fibonacciBackoffDelay
import io.circul.catalyst.delay.delayWithFibonacciSequenceOf
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

/* Default start sequence examples (0, 1) */
// fibonacciBackoffDelay(Duration)
val delay1 = fibonacciBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds)
// Duration.fibonacciBackoffDelay
val delay2 = 100.milliseconds.fibonacciBackoffDelay

/* Custom start sequence (1, 2)*/
// fibonacciBackoffDelay(Duration, Pair<Int, Int>)
val delay3 = fibonacciBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, (1 to 2))
// Duration delayWithFibonacciSequenceOf Pair<Int, Int>
val delay4 = 100.milliseconds delayWithFibonacciSequenceOf (1 to 2)

Exponential Backoff Delay

An exponential backoff delay is a DelayStrategy with exponentially increasing delay durations. The example below demonstrates two ways of creating a delay strategy that doubles for each subsequent attempt.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.exponentialBackoffDelay
import io.circul.catalyst.delay.delayWithScaleFactorOf
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

// exponentialBackoffDelay(Duration, Double)
val delay1 = exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0)

// Duration delayWithScaleFactorOf Double
val delay2 = 100.milliseconds delayWithScaleFactorOf 2.0

Custom Delay

If the predefined delay strategies described above do not suit your needs, you can define your own custom DelayStrategy. You could simply implement the interface and override the [] (get) operator, but Catalyst provides a higher-order function to simplify this. The example below shows two ways of creating a (rather contrived) custom delay strategy that will delay by the number of retries already attempted, in seconds, plus 500 milliseconds.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.customDelay
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

// customDelay((Int) -> Duration)
val delay1 = customDelay { it.seconds + 500.milliseconds }

// ((Int) -> Duration).customDelay
val delay2 = { i: Int -> i.seconds + 100.milliseconds }.customDelay

Composite Delay Strategies

As with predicates, different delay strategies can be combined to form a composite DelayStrategy. The following arithmetic operator methods are supported:

  • DelayStrategy + DelayStrategy
  • DelayStrategy - DelayStrategy
  • DelayStrategy * Int
  • DelayStrategy * Double
  • DelayStrategy / Int
  • DelayStrategy / Double
  • -DelayStrategy (unary minus)

Additionally, the following extension functions are provided by the library:

  • Int * DelayStrategy
  • Double * DelayStrategy

Constraining Delay Strategies

In addition to having the ability to arithmetically combine delay strategies, Catalyst also lets you constrain delay times to minimum and maximum values.

There are a number of ways to do this:

  • minOf(DelayStrategy, vararg DelayStrategy) will create a composite DelayStrategy that will return the minimum delay duration of each of the provided DelayStrategy arguments for the [] (get) operator
  • maxOf(DelayStrategy, vararg DelayStrategy) will create a composite DelayStrategy that will return the maximum delay duration of each of the provided DelayStrategy arguments for the [] (get) operator
  • DelayStrategy.coerceAtLeast(Duration) will return a new DelayStrategy that constrains the receiving DelayStrategy to a minimum Duration
  • DelayStrategy.coerceAtMost(Duration) will return a new DelayStrategy that constrains the receiving DelayStrategy to a maximum Duration
  • DelayStrategy.coerceIn(Duration, Duration) will return a new DelayStrategy that constrains the receiving DelayStrategy to a minimum and maximum Duration
  • DelayStrategy.coerceIn(ClosedRange<Duration>) will return a new DelayStrategy that constrains the receiving DelayStrategy within a range of Durations.
import io.circul.catalyst.delay.*
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.seconds

val minDelay1Second = minOf(1.seconds.constantDelay, exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0))
val maxDelay10Seconds = maxOf(10.seconds.constantDelay, exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0))
val coercedMin1Second = exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0).coerceAtLeast(1.seconds)
val coercedMax10Seconds = exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0).coerceAtMost(10.seconds)
val coercedInMinMax = exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0).coerceIn(1.seconds, 10.seconds)
val coercedInRange = exponentialBackoffDelay(100.milliseconds, 2.0).coerceIn(1.seconds..10.seconds)

Jitter Factors

Catalyst also provides a way to apply random offsets to the calculated delay values. This can be useful to prevent synchronized spikes in load, avoid shared resource contention, and improve the stability and throughput when many clients are retrying.

To apply jitter to a DelayStrategy, you can use the withJitter method that takes a jitterFactor argument. The jitter factor is a multiplier applied to the calculated delay, determining a range for potential variation. This factor is multiplied by a random value between -1 and 1 and then combined with the base delay to introduce controlled randomness to the overall delay.

import io.circul.catalyst.delay.delayWithScaleFactorOf
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

val delay = (100.milliseconds delayWithScaleFactorOf 2.0).withJitter(0.2)

Create a RetryPolicy

A RetryPolicy is simply a class that contains a RetryPredicate and a DelayStrategy and has a public retry() method.

To create a RetryPolicy, you may either use its constructor or a number of other options.

The RetryPolicy constructor has named arguments for retryPredicate and delayStrategy. The default values for these arguments are onException and noDelay, respectively.

If you only want to differ from these defaults for one part, you can either use the constructor providing only the named argument of the part you wish to provide, or you can simply use the asRetryPolicy extension property on either the RetryPredicate or DelayStrategy object.

There is also a with infix function that returns a RetryPolicy when it is used between a RetryPredicate and a DelayStrategy (or vice versa).

// onException, noDelay
val retryPolicy1 = RetryPolicy()

// untilResult, noDelay
val retryPolicy2 = RetryPolicy(retryPredicate = untilResult)

// onException, constantDelay(100.milliseconds)
val retryPolicy3 = RetryPolicy(delayStrategy = 100.milliseconds.constantDelay)

// untilResult, constantDelay(100.milliseconds)
val retryPolicy4 = RetryPolicy(retryPredicate = untilResult, delayStrategy = 100.milliseconds.constantDelay)

// untilResult, noDelay
val retryPolicy5 = untilResult.asRetryPolicy

// onException, constantDelay(100.milliseconds)
val retryPolicy6 = 100.milliseconds.constantDelay.asRetryPolicy

// untilResult, constantDelay(100.milliseconds)
val retryPolicy7 = untilResult with 100.milliseconds.constantDelay

// untilResult, constantDelay(100.milliseconds)
val retryPolicy8 = 100.milliseconds.constantDelay with untilResult

Use a RetryPolicy

Once you have created your RetryPolicy, you simply need to call its retry method to define a retry-able block of code:

import kotlin.random.Random
import io.circul.catalyst.delay.constantDelay
import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.attempts
import io.circul.catalyst.predicate.onException
import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.milliseconds

fun fiftyFiftyChance(): String {
  if (Random.nextBoolean()) {
    return "Success!"
  } else {
    throw RuntimeException("Failed!")

suspend fun retrySomething() {
  val result = runCatching {
    ((onException and 3.attempts) with 100.milliseconds.constantDelay).retry {
  }.onFailure {
    println(it) // Handle final exceptions
  }.getOrNull() // returns a `String?`




Kotlin Retry Library

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Kotlin 100.0%