cipherstash / heroku-buildpack

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Heroku Buildpack for CipherStash Tandem

Deploy Tandem to Heroku with this Buildpack. It adds the tandem binary which can be run as a worker process.


If you have an existing app in Heroku, you can add this buildpack:

heroku buildpacks:add

This will add this buildpack to your app, alongside any others you might already have.

To start Tandem, you must add an entry to your Procfile. See the Heroku docs for more info.

# Existing web worker (example)
web: bundle exec rails server -p $PORT
# Add this line
worker: tandem

Commit the change to your Procfile and push to Heroku.

git add Procfile
git commit -m "Added tandem worker to Heroku Procfile"
git push heroku main

Scaling the worker

To spin up a Tandem Dyno instance, you need to scale to at least one worker.

heroku ps:scale worker=1

And you should see something like the following:

heroku ps
=== web (Basic): bundle exec rails server -p $PORT (1)
web.1: up 2023/11/27 08:00:04 +1100 (~ 26s ago)

=== worker (Basic): tandem (1)
worker.1: restarting 2023/11/27 08:00:29 +1100 (~ 1s ago)



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