cipher-tech / web_scrapper

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Table of Contents


local URL: localhost:4000/api/scrap_test_bank


  "token": "Your email",
  "passCode": "Your password"


Can be tested with postman

This is an app that help's a user to manage pricing schemes. It allows users to enter product and rules(special offers) that apply to those products. It is built like an online store so users can:

  • Add a product to the basket(cart)
  • Remove a product from the basket(cart)
  • See the calculated price in real time
  • Visualize the set of rules(special offers)
  • Add new rules (edit discounts, add new products), And
  • Remove rules

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd web_scrapper

Install dependencies

  npm install

Start the development server

  npm run dev

Open http://localhost:4000/api/scrap_test_bank with your browser to see the result.

you can send a get request with no request body to test with the default values or you can send a post request too the same route with a body with keys

  "token": "Your email",
  "passCode": "Your password"


  • Typescript support
  • Docker support
  • MVC patten
  • Fast
  • Object oriented approach
  • MongoDB integration
  • Database models
  • Error Handling



Project Structure

This project uses a backend script to scrape a test website It makes use of puppeteer package to programmatically get information from the website. It runs a headless Chromium browser and loads the website before scraping the website for information.

It Illustrates a scenario where a where a financial institution gets Authentication records of various Customers in various Accounts with the various Transactions linked to the Customer Account.

It is hosted on a serverless infrastructure using a docker container.

The project has four main entities.

  1. auth
  2. customer
  3. account
  4. transactionentity

The entities have a corresponding MongoDB database collection where the data for each entity is stored. The entities are related to one another using a primary key.


A Customer can have many Auth records in the Auth table for different banks while am Auth and only have one user hence there's a Many-To-One relationship between Customer and Auth entities.

Customer and Account entity also share a Many-To-One relationship

Account entity can have many Transactions but a transaction can only belong to one Account. This forms a Many-To-One relationship as well.

many transaction are related to one Customer via an Account this forms a Has-many-through relationship between a Customer and Transactions.

Customer has an auth field that is populated when Customer is fetched Account has a Customer field that holds Customer id for each account Transactions has an Account and Customer field that holds Ids for the linked Account and Customer

Auth - Customer (many-to-one) Transactions - Account (many-to-one) Account - Customer (many-to-one) Customer - Transactions (has-many-through)

in this manner it is easy to query for entities and also populate data no more than one level deep.

Model Structure

// Standard Customer format after formatting
export interface ICustomer {
    _id?: ObjectId;
    auth?: IAuth['_id']
    name: string
    address: string
    bvn: string
    phoneNumber: string
    email: string
export interface IAuth {
    _id?: string
    token: string,
    passCode: string,
    platform: string
    otp: number

export interface IAccount {
    _id?: ObjectId
    customer: ICustomer["_id"]
    title: string
    accountBalance: number
    ledgerBalance: number
    currency: string
    symbol: string
    bank: string
    accountNumber?: string
    accountType: string

export interface ITransaction {
    _id?: ObjectId
    transactionType: string
    account: IAccount["_id"],
    customer: ICustomer["_id"]
    approvalDate: string
    description: string
    amount: number
    destinationId: string
    senderId: string,
    status: string
    billerId: string
    tax: number
    totalPayment: number
    paymentMethod: string
    paymentMethodId: string
    eventId: string
    sourceBankId: string
    destinationBankId: string

Due to the fact that the application is built to support many banks the scrapped data has to be formatted to a general standard by a formatter service which is built into the app.

Tech Stack

Server: puppeteer, Node, express Typescript, docker.


Due too the time limit I could not add a test suit for the project. I will add a test suite with Jest subsequently.



Language:TypeScript 99.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.7%