cinsk / kafka-connect-manta

Kafka Connect Sink Connector for Joyent Manta

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Kafka Connect Sink Connector for Manta


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.

Run Requirements

Build Requirements

  • Java 8
  • Maven 3.0+


You will need to have the public/private keys needed to access Manta on the machine in which Kafka is running. It is often best to verify that these keys are setup correctly using the Node.js Manta CLI.


You need to have access to a running Zookeeper and Kafka. The following sections describe the steps for how to setup 1 node Zookeeper and Kafka on your local system.

Build kafka-connect-manta

Run maven to build the package:

$ mvn package

Zookeeper setup

  1. Download Zookeeper, untar it. (e.g. zookeeper-3.4.10.tar.gz)
  2. Create a zookeeper configuration by copying zookeeper-3.4.10/conf/zoo_sample.cfg to zookeeper-3.4.10/conf/zoo.cfg. For our experimental purposes, you won't need to change any configuration.
  3. cd to zookeeper directory (e.g. zookeeper-3.4.10/),
  4. Run bin/ start. Alternatively, you could run bin/ start-foreground if you want to start Zookeeper in foreground.

Kafka setup

  1. Read the documentation here to learn how to setup Kafka and how to create a topic. In short, once you have downloaded and untared it:
 $ bin/ config/
 # In another terminal, create a topic called "test".
 $ bin/ --create --zookeeper locahost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test

Kafka Connect

The Kafka Connect User Guide contains the details of setting up Kafka connect. Please refer to it for more information.

For our example, we are going to use Kafka Connect in distributed mode.

  1. In the misc directory of this respository, update the plugin.path value in the file. It should be the absolute pathname of the kafka-connect-manta/target. Try:

  1. Return to the Kafka base directory, and run bin/ DIRECTORY-OF-THIS-PACKAGE/misc/

Now, the Connect is running and listening on localhost:8083, you can verify by:

$ curl http://localhost:8083

Run Kafka-Connect-Manta connector

You can use the curl(1) command to manage the Kafka connector as described here, or use the small bash functions in kafka-connect-manta/misc/conn-common. Below, we are going to use the bash functions.

  1. Return to the kafka-connect-manta/misc directory.
  2. Load the bash functions in your bash session, by source conn-common.
  3. Run conn-list to verify it:
$ source conn-common
$ conn-list
  1. Copy kafka-connect-manta/misc/connector.json.example to connector.json, and update it providing your Manta account information. (esp. update manta.url, manta.key_path, manta.key_id, and manta.user.)

  2. Run conn-create connector.json to register the connector to Kafka Connect.

  3. Verify the registration by:

$ conn-list

Produce some data

  1. Go back to the Kafka bin/ directory.

  2. Run the following to generate some load to the Kafka test topic:

$ seq 1000000 | ./ --topic test --broker-list localhost:9092

Check for Manta objects

By default, Kafka topic XXX will have Manta directory, ~~/stor/kafka/XXX.

  1. Check your Manta directory. Note that depending on how you configured the topic, and the producer, you may see one or more directories here:
$ mls -l ~~/stor/kafka/test
  1. Check the actual file that Kafka-Connect-Manta generated:
$ mls -l ~~/stor/kafka/test/01/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 csk       4458643 Nov 22 11:51 2017-11-22-19-51-34-00000000000000038684.msg.gz


Kafka Connect Sink Connector for Joyent Manta

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Java 72.1%Language:Shell 27.9%