Demos various aspects of Temporal using the Java SDK.
A Typescript SDK version of this example is also available.
The sample is configured by default to connect to a local Temporal Server running on localhost:7233.
To instead connect to Temporal Cloud, set the following environment variables, replacing them with your own Temporal Cloud credentials:
(optional) set a task queue name
Note: Use a Java 18 SDK.
Start a worker:
ENCRYPT_PAYLOADS=true ./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=io.temporal.samples.moneytransfer.AccountTransferWorker --console=plain
Run the money transfer web UI:
ENCRYPT_PAYLOADS=true ./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=io.temporal.samples.moneytransfer.web.WebServer --console=plain
Then navigate to http://localhost:7070/
A dropdown menu simulates the following scenarios
- The transfer will run to completion
The transfer will pause and wait for approval. If the user doesn't approve the transfer within a set time, the workflow will fail.
Approve a transfer using Signals
# where TRANSFER-EZF-249 is the workflowId
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=io.temporal.samples.moneytransfer.TransferApprover -Parg=TRANSFER-XXX-XXX
You can also do this through the temporal
temporal workflow signal \
--env prod \
--query 'WorkflowId="TRANSFER-XXX-XXX"' \
--name approveTransfer \
--reason 'approving transfer'
Approve a transfer using Updates
You can do this through the temporal
temporal workflow update \
--env prod \
--workflow-id TRANSFER-XXX-XXX \
--name approveTransferUpdate
The workflow's Update function has a validator. It will reject an Update if:
- The transfer isn't waiting for approval
- The transfer has already been approved
Comment out the RuntimeException in the workflow code (
) and restart the worker to fix the 'bug'.
Will introduce artifical delays in the withdraw
activity's API calls. This will cause activity retries. After 5 retries, the delay will be removed and the workflow will proceed.
Introduces an unrecoverable failure in the deposit
activity (invalid account). The workflow will fail after running compensation activities (undoWithdraw
Creates a Schedule that will run a set of workflows on a cadence.
Produces a schedule ID, which you can inspect in the Temporal UI's "Schedules" menu.
temporal workflow list --env prod -q 'ExecutionStatus="Failed" OR ExecutionStatus="Terminated"'
variable in each command to run without encryption.
You can decrypt these payloads in Temporal Cloud's UI/cli using the codec server:
(source). Ensure you switch on "Pass the user access token with your endpoint". Note: The codec server is only compatible with workflows running in Temporal Cloud.
Example command (run from root directory)
./gradlew -q execute -PmainClass=io.temporal.samples.moneytransfer.Replayer \
Introduce a non-determinism error by adding Workflow.Sleep or re-arranging activity executions:
Failure handling event 15 of type 'EVENT_TYPE_ACTIVITY_TASK_SCHEDULED' during replay.
No command scheduled that corresponds to event_id: 15
Note: This replayer doesn't work with histories using ENCRYPT_PAYLOADS=true