cicerojones / quil-babe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

various administrative notes and experiments

hide testing misc. clojure blocks

(for [n (range 5)] (rand-int 8))
(for [n (range 5)] (rand-int 8))
(loop [n [1 2 3] x [10 100 1000]] (println (clojure.string/join [(first x) (first n)])) (if (empty? n) nil (recur (rest n) (rest x))))
(clojure.repl/dir quilbabel.dynamic)

Processing translation

README of processing-examples babel sandbox

current namespaces

Why does the namespace sometimes change when calling babel-blocks?

(in-ns 'quilbabel.core)
(defn blank [] ())

noise-grid for iterative distraction

;; pray for helpful iterating distraction
(require '[quil.helpers.seqs :as qs])
(require '[quil.helpers.calc :as qc])

(q/defsketch noise-grid
:size [300 300]
 :setup #(do (q/smooth) (dorun

   (let [x-start (q/random 10)
         y-start (q/random 10)]
     (for [y (qs/range-incl (q/height))
           x (qs/range-incl (q/width))]
       (let [x-noise (qc/mul-add x 0.01 x-start)
             y-noise (qc/mul-add y 0.01 y-start)
             alph    (* 255 (q/noise x-noise y-noise))]
         (q/stroke-int 0 alph)
         (q/line x y (inc x) (inc y))))))))

initial experiments based on wiki examples

Oh, do :reload my friends

first passes

deal with namespaces

(use :reload 'quilbabel.core)
(use :reload 'quilbabel.dynamic)
(in-ns 'quilbabel.dynamic)

versions of draw

Version currently in core:

Colored “rim” and greyscaled “center”

(defn draw []
  (q/stroke (q/random 255) (q/random 255) (q/random 255))
  (q/fill (q/random 255))
  (let [diam (q/random 100)
        x    (q/random (q/width))
        y    (q/random (q/height))]
    (q/ellipse x y diam diam)))
(in-ns 'quilbabel.dynamic)

Without changing namespace in the REPL!!


Must eval the namespace change in the REPL?

Black and white version with “proper” ellipses

(defn draw []
  (q/stroke (q/random 255))
  (q/stroke-weight (q/random 10))
  (q/fill (q/random 255))
  (let [diam (q/random 100)
	  x    (q/random (q/width))
	  y    (q/random (q/height))]
    (q/ellipse x y (* 2 diam) diam)))

Now, you need not even reload!! Just eval the block

Color version:

(defn draw []
  (q/stroke (q/random 255) (q/random 255) (q/random 255))
  (q/stroke-weight (q/random 10))
  (q/fill (q/random 255))

  (let [diam (q/random 100)
	  x (q/random (q/width))
	  y (q/random (q/height))]
    (q/ellipse x y diam diam)))


original as one block (quil-sketches.mouse namespace)

(ns quil-sketches.mouse
  (:require [quil.core :refer :all]))

(defn setup []
  (set-state! :mouse-position (atom [0 0])))

(defn draw
  (background-float 125)
  (stroke-weight 20)
  (stroke-float 10)
  (let [[x y] @(state :mouse-position)]
    (point x y)))

(defn mouse-moved []
  (let [x (mouse-x)  y (mouse-y)]
    (reset! (state :mouse-position) [x y])))

(defsketch mouse-example
  :title "Mouse example."
  :size [200 200]
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :mouse-moved mouse-moved)

(defn -main [& args])

use tangling to dynamically add code to project?

Here is the code copied straight from the quil-examples into a babel block

Note that I use a tangle argument to create this file in the src directory of this project

This is just to make sure I can get the basic thing working before moving on to a dynamic workflow.

(ns quilbabel.mousebabel
  (:require [quil.core :refer :all]))

(defn setup []
  (set-state! :mouse-position (atom [0 0])))

(defn draw
  (background-float 125)
  (stroke-weight 20)
  (stroke-float 10)
  (let [[x y] @(state :mouse-position)]
    (point x y)))

(defn mouse-moved []
  (let [x (mouse-x)  y (mouse-y)]
    (reset! (state :mouse-position) [x y])))

(defsketch mouse-example
  :title "Mouse example."
  :size [200 200]
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :mouse-moved mouse-moved)

;; (defn -main [& args])

Will reload sketch the whole, original version of the sketch

(use :reload 'quilbabel.mousebabel)

break up namespace

Now get ready to tangle two files, one for the core defsketch and one for the setup and draw, so that you can use the latter to dynamically reload the changes from babel


(ns quilbabel.mousebabel
(:require [quil.core :refer :all])
(:require [quilbabel.mousebabeldynamic :as dynamic]))

(defsketch mouse-example
  :title "Mouse example."
  :size [200 200]
  :setup dynamic/setup
  :draw dynamic/draw
  :mouse-moved dynamic/mouse-moved)


(ns quilbabel.mousebabeldynamic
  (:require [quil.core :refer :all]))

(defn setup []
  (set-state! :mouse-position (atom [0 0])))

(defn draw
  (background-float 125)
  (stroke-weight 20)
  (stroke-float 10)
  (let [[x y] @(state :mouse-position)]
    (point x y)))

(defn mouse-moved []
  (let [x (mouse-x)  y (mouse-y)]
    (reset! (state :mouse-position) [x y])))


(use :reload 'quilbabel.mousebabelcore)

Check that the change took hold here in babel-land.


functional mode using babel

original as one block

Use the repl to call “use” the “namespace/file” you create here:


(ns quilbabel.funbabel
  (:require [quil.core :as q]
            [quil.middleware :as m]))

(def min-r 10)

(defn setup []
  ; initial state
  {:x 0 :y 0 :r min-r

(defn my-update [state]
  ; increase radius of the circle by 1 on each frame
  (update-in state [:r] inc))

(defn draw [state]
  (q/background 255)
  (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) (:r state) (:r state)))

; decrease radius by 1 but keeping it not less than min-r
(defn shrink [r]
  (max min-r (dec r)))

(defn mouse-moved [state event]
  (-> state
      ; set circle position to mouse position
      (assoc :x (:x event) :y (:y event))
      ; decrease radius
      (update-in [:r] shrink)))

(q/defsketch fun-mode-example
  :size [200 200]
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :update my-update
  :mouse-moved mouse-moved
  :middleware [m/fun-mode])

Can I dynamically

(def min-r 30)
(use :reload 'quilbabel.funbabel)

Now, copy this to the REPL in order to get define functions that use the “dynamic” namespace

(in-ns 'quilbabel.dynamic)

But, no matter how much you want to change the frame-rate from setup, it appears that this is already done

(defn setup []
  (q/frame-rate 10))

(q/defsketch drawcircles-with-fun-mode
:size[480 120]
:setup (fn [] {:x 0, :y 0, :r 10})
:draw #(q/ellipse (:x %) (:y %) (:r %) (:r %))
:update #(update-in % [:r] inc)
:mouse-moved (fn [m e] (-> m (assoc :x (:x e) :y (:y e)) (update-in [:r] #(max 10 (dec %)))))
:middleware [m/fun-mode])


;; fails because no "draw"?
(q/defsketch diagonals
:size [480 120]
:setup (fn [] (do (q/stroke-weight 8) (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))))
;; succeeds!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/stroke-weight 8)
:draw #(q/line 10 40 (+ 10 60) 80)

use dorun


;; fails because lazy-seq ~for~
(q/defsketch diagonals
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/stroke-weight 8)
:draw #(for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))
;; succeeds with DORUN
(q/defsketch diagonals2
:size [480 120]
:setup #(dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80)))
;; succeeds with DORUN
(q/defsketch diagonals3
:size [480 120]
:setup #(do (q/stroke-weight 8) (dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))))

use setup with random values

;; captures same stroke-weight 
(q/defsketch diagonals3
:size [480 120]
:draw #(dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (do (q/stroke-weight (rand-int 34)) (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))))
;; use overtone function
;; when used with ~:draw~ runs through all rand n?
  (q/defsketch diagonals3
    :size [480 120]
    :draw #(let [x (overtone.algo.chance/weighted-choose [1 20 40 90] [0.5 0.3 0.125 0.075])]
	    (do (q/stroke-weight (rand-int x))
		(q/line 10 40 (+ 10 50) 80))))
;; when used with ~:setup~ get different behavior
  (q/defsketch diagonals3
    :size [480 120]
    :setup #(let [x (overtone.algo.chance/weighted-choose [10 20 40 90] [0.5 0.3 0.125 0.075])]
	    (do (q/stroke-weight (rand-int x))
		(q/line 10 40 (+ 10 50) 80))))

use dorun in a setup function

;; use setup with dorun
(q/defsketch diagonals3
:size [480 120]
:setup #(dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))))
;; proper use of ~for~ loop with ~do~ block?!
  (q/defsketch diagonals3
    :size [480 120]
    :setup #(dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)]
		     (do (let [x (overtone.algo.chance/weighted-choose [10 20 40 90] [0.5 0.3 0.125 0.075])]
			   (q/stroke-weight (rand-int x))
			   (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))))))

primitive overtone call in a quil sketch

(( ( 0 (
( 39)
;; proper use of ~for~ loop with ~do~ block?!
(q/defsketch diagonals3
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)]
		     (do (let [x (overtone.algo.chance/weighted-choose [10 20 40 90] [0.5 0.3 0.125 0.075])]
			   (q/stroke-weight (rand-int x))
			   (( ( 0 ( (+ (rand-nth [100 300 500]) (* 10 (rand) ))))))
			   (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80))))))

save a frame?

Without an argument…


;; writes to wherever notion of "current directory" is
  (q/defsketch diagonals3
    :size [480 120]
    :setup #(do (q/stroke-weight (rand-int 8))
		  (dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80)))
		  ;; (q/save-frame)
;; stroke-weight set just once
(q/defsketch diagonals3
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(do (q/stroke-weight (rand-int 8))
		(dorun (for [n (range 20 400 60)] (q/line n 40 (+ n 60) 80)))
		(q/save-frame "./resources/lines1.jpg")
(clojure.repl/doc q/save-frame)

translating arbitrary GSWP code

size(480, 120);
background(204, 226, 225);    // Light blue color
fill(255, 0, 0, 160);         // Red color
ellipse(132, 82, 200, 200);   // Red circle
fill(0, 255, 0, 160);         // Green color
ellipse(228, -16, 200, 200);  // Green circle
fill(0, 0, 255, 160);         // Blue color
ellipse(268, 118, 200, 200);  // Blue circle
  (q/defsketch diagonals3
    :size [480 120]
    :setup #(do (q/no-stroke)
(q/background 204, 226, 225)
(q/fill 255, 0, 0, 160)
(q/ellipse 132, 82, 200, 200)
(q/fill 0, 255, 0, 160)
(q/ellipse 228, -16, 200, 200)
(q/fill 0, 0, 255, 160)
(q/ellipse 268, 118, 200, 200)
;; save-frame?
;; (q/save-frame "./resources/colors1.jpg")

use Letter.pde model from Processing Basics

failed attempts

  (q/defsketch texty
    :size [640, 360]

    :setup #(do (q/background 0)
		 (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		(q/text-align :center, :center))
    :draw #(dorun 
	    (let [counter 35]
	      (for [y (range 0 360 46)]
		(for [x (range 0 640 46)]
		  (let [letter (char counter)]
		    (q/fill 255)
		    (q/text letter, x, y)
		    (inc counter)
(q/defsketch texty
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)) (q/text-align :center, :center))
  :draw #(loop [counter 35]
  (dorun (for [y (range 0 360 46)]
	       (for [x (range 0 640 46)]
		 (let [letter (char counter)]
		   (q/fill 255)
		   (q/text letter, x, y)))))
	     (if (> counter 98) nil (recur (inc counter)))))

use loop and recur to draw diagonals

(q/defsketch diagonals3
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(loop [n 20] 
	      (q/line n 40 (+ (* 8 n) 60) 80)
	      (if (> n 40) nil (recur (inc n)))

draw a single character

Putting the q/text call in draw doesn’t use the font-created??

(q/defsketch simpler-text
:size [640, 360]
:setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))) 
:draw #(q/text (str (char 35)) 100, 40)

Why is using setup for all drawing is better?

(q/defsketch simpler-text
:size [640, 360]
:setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)) (q/text (str (char 35)) 100, 40)) 

Draw a random-character

(q/defsketch simpler-text
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)) 
		(q/text (str (char (+ 35 (rand-int 94)))) 600, 40))

Two characters

on top of one another with loop

(q/defsketch simpler-text
:size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		   (loop [letter 35] (q/text (str (char letter)) 600, 40) (if (> letter 35) nil (recur (inc letter)))))

Spread out

(q/defsketch simpler-text
:size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		(loop [letter 65]
		  (dorun (for [x [580 620]] (q/text (str (char letter)) x, 40)))
		  (if (> letter 36) nil (recur (inc letter)))))

Multiple characters on top of one another in multiple locations

(q/defsketch simpler-text
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		(dorun (for [x [580 620]
			     letter [65 66]]
			 (q/text (str (char letter)) x, 40)))))

No difference

(q/defsketch simpler-text
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		  (dorun (for [x [580 620]]
			   (dorun (for [letter [65 66]]
			     (q/text (str (char letter)) x, 40)))))))

Two different characters (Complains because…)

     (q/defsketch simpler-text
	:size [640, 360]
	:setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		    (loop [x [580 600] letter [65 66]]
		      (q/text (str (char (first letter))) (first x), 40)
		      (if (empty? x) nil (recur (rest x) (rest letter)))))
(q/defsketch simpler-text
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)) 
		 (loop [x [580 600] letter [65 66]] (q/text (str (char (first letter))) (first x), 40) (if (empty? x) nil (recur (rest x) (rest letter))))))
(q/defsketch simpler-text
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)) 
			 (loop [x [580 600] letter [65 66]] (q/text (str (char (first letter))) (first x), 40) (if (empty? x) nil (recur (rest x) (rest letter)))))
(q/defsketch simpler-text
  :size [640, 360]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))) 
  :draw #(loop [x [580 600] letter [65 66]] (q/text (str (char (first letter))) (first x), 40) (if (empty? x) nil (recur (rest x) (rest letter))))

dot and dots

Single dot

;; succeeds!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/stroke-weight 8) 
:draw #(q/point 100 40)

;; succeeds!
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/stroke-weight 8) 
:draw (fn [] (dorun (for [x (range 0 480 20)]
		  (dorun (for [y (range 0 120 40)] (q/point x y))))))

;; prints all on top of one place??
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(do (q/background 0)
		(q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		 (for [x (range 40 480 20)
		       y (range 20 120 40)]
		   (loop [letter (seq (range 65 100))]
		     (q/text (str (char (first letter))) x, y)
		     (if (empty? letter) nil (recur (rest letter))))

;; works, given all that it purports to do  

(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
    :size [640 360]
    :setup (fn [] (do (q/background 0)
		(q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
(dorun (map #(q/text (str (char %1)) %2 %3) (range 65 69) [40 200 360 480] [20 50 80 110])))))

testing out map

(map #(q/text (str (char %1)) %2)  (range 65 75) (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x)))
(map #(cons %1 %2) (range 65 75) (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x)))
(map #(cons %1 %2) (range 65 75) (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x)))
(map (fn [coll] (apply + coll)) (map #(cons %1 %2) (range 65 75) (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x))))
(map (fn [coll] (apply #(q/text (str (char (first coll)) (second coll) (third coll))))) (map #(cons %1 %2) (range 65 75) (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x))))

Does nothing

;; not really
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
  :size [480 120]
  :setup (fn [] (do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		      (dorun (map
			      (fn [coll] (apply #(q/text (str (char (first coll)) (second coll) (nth coll 2)))))
			      (map #(cons %1 %2) (range 65 75) (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x)))) ))))

Three dots and complains

;; hmm
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
  :size [480 120]
  :setup (fn [] (do (q/stroke-weight 8)
		      (dorun (map (fn [coll]
				    (apply q/point coll))
				  (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector y x)))))))
;; ohh
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
  :size [480 240]
  :setup (fn [] (do (q/stroke-weight 8)
		      (dorun (map (fn [coll]
				    (apply q/point coll))
				  (for [y [40 80 120] x [20 240 460]] (vector x y)))))))

rows and grids with map function (mostly problems)

;; ahh! something
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
  :size [480 240]
  :setup (fn [] (do (q/stroke-weight 8)
		      (dorun (map (fn [coll]
				    (apply q/point coll))
				  (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y)))))))

A problem with parens?

(q/defsketch rows-of-letterz
  :size [480 240]
  :setup (fn [] (do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		      (dorun (map (fn [coll]
				    (apply #(q/text (str (char %1)) %2 %3) coll)
				    (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y))))))))
(q/defsketch lettur
  :size [480 240]
  :setup (fn [] (do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		      (q/text "A" 80 120))))


(q/defsketch rows-of-letterz
  :size [480 240]
  :setup (fn [] (dorun (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
			 (map (partial #(q/text (str (char (first %))) (second %) (nth % 2)))
			      (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y)))
(q/defsketch a-lettur
  :size [480 240]
  :setup #(dorun (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
			 (map (partial (fn do-it [coll] (q/text (str (char (first coll))) (second coll) (nth coll 2))))
			      (map (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs)) (range 65 75) (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y)))
(q/defsketch no-lettur-with-doruns
  :size [480 240]
  :setup #(dorun (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))

		   (fn do-it [coll] (q/text (str (char (first coll))) (second coll) (nth coll 2))))

		    (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
		    (range 65 75)
		    (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y))))))
		(q/background 0)))

doesn’t use the font created with create-font?? (using :draw)

;;; uhhhh, ok

  (q/defsketch no-lettur-with-doruns
    :size [480 240]
    :setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)))
    :draw #(dorun

		   (fn do-it [coll] (q/text (str (char (first coll))) (second coll) (nth coll 2))))

		    (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
		    (range 65 75)
		    (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y))))))

Don’t call me plezz

;;; uhhhh, very bad to put text-font in draw??

  (q/defsketch no-lettur-with-doruns
    :size [480 240]
    :setup #(do (q/background 0))
    :draw #(dorun (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
		   (fn do-it [coll] (q/text (str (char (first coll))) (second coll) (nth coll 2))))

		    (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
		    (range 65 75)
		    (for [y (range 20 220 20) x (range 20 460 20)] (vector x y))))))

Basically reproduces original drawing template (missing color changes)!

Uses a dorun in setup to create a complicated map-ing scheme with anonymous functions

;; still complains
(q/defsketch something
  :size [660 360]
  :setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))

		    (fn do-it [coll] (q/text (str (char (first coll))) (second coll) (nth coll 2))))

		    (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
		    (range 35 127)
		    (for [y (range 40 360 46) x (range 40 640 46)] (vector x y)))))))

Set the background color to black and accurately replicate the “gap” and “margins” of the original

;; still complain
(q/defsketch something
  :size [640 360]
  :setup #(do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))

		    (fn do-it [coll] (q/text (str (char (first coll))) (second coll) (nth coll 2))))

		    (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
		    (range 35 127)
		    (for [y (range 0 (- 360 46) 46) x (range 0 (- 640 46) 46)] (vector x y)))))))

Changes fill-stroke, and uses destructuring names, but all is not well

(q/defsketch something
  :size [640 360]

  :setup #(do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))

		   (fn do-it [[letter x y]] 
		       (q/fill 255, 204, 0)
		       (q/text (str (char letter)) x y))))

		   (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
		   (range 35 127)
		   (for [y (range 0 (- 360 46) 46) x (range 0 (- 640 46) 46)] (vector x y)))))))

Running the text-drawing block from within draw somehow fails to load the font and the translate values

 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
   :size [640 360]
   :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
   :setup #(do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)))
   (fn [state] 
	 (fn do-it [[letter x y]] 
	      (q/fill 255, 204, 0)
	    (q/text (str (char letter)) x y))))

	 (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
	 (range 35 127)
	 (for [y (range 0 (- 360 46) 46) x (range 0 (- 640 46) 46)] (vector x y)))))))
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
   :size [640 360]
   :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
   :setup (fn [] (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)))

     (fn my-draw [& rest ]

	 (fn do-it [[letter x y]] 
	   (q/text (str (char letter)) x y)))

	 (fn add-to [n xs] (cons n xs))
	 (range 35 127)
	 (for [y (range 0 (- 360 46) 46) x (range 0 (- 640 46) 46)] (vector x y))))))

If you include fun-mode, you need to pass state!!??

using doseq for side-effects?

simpler examples

draw points

;; succeeds!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/stroke-weight 8) 
:draw #(doseq [x (range 40 480 10)] (q/point x 40))

Animates random “points”

;; succeeds!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(do (q/frame-rate 1) (q/stroke-weight 8))
:draw #(do (q/background 255) (doseq [x (range 40 480 10)] (q/point x (q/random 10 110))))

lots of small points

;; succeeds!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(do (q/frame-rate 1) (q/stroke-weight 2))
:draw #(do (q/background 230) (doseq [x (range 0 (q/width))] (q/point x (q/random 10 110))))

lots of ellipses time

(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/ellipse 132, 82, 200, 200))
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/smooth) 
:draw #(q/ellipse 132, 82, (* (q/random 1) 200), (* (q/random 1) 200)))
;; wigging out with random colors in the draw!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
;; :setup #(q/stroke-weight 1) 
:setup #(q/ellipse-mode (rand-nth [:center]))
:draw #(doseq [x (range 40 480 20)] (q/fill (q/random 255)) (q/ellipse x 40 20 20))
;; wigging out with random colors in the draw!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/frame-rate 1) ;; #(q/ellipse-mode (rand-nth [:radius :center :corner]))
:draw #(dorun (do (for [y (range 0 120 10) x (range 0 480 10)] (doseq [n (range 20)] ;; (q/fill (q/random 255))
								    (q/ellipse x y n n)))))
;; definitely not wigging out (boring random ellipses)
  (q/defsketch diagonals1
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(q/frame-rate 1) ;; #(q/ellipse-mode (rand-nth [:radius :center :corner]))
  :draw #(dorun (do (q/background 255) (q/ellipse 20 20 (q/random 10 20) 10)))

drawing many ellipses with random values

;; wigging out with random colors and (random-ellipse mode transformations) in the draw!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(q/ellipse-mode (rand-nth [:radius :center :corner]))
:draw #(doseq [n (range 10) y (range 0 120 20 ) x (range 0 480 20)] (q/fill (q/random 255)) (q/ellipse x y n n))
;; slower wigging out with random colors in the draw!
(q/defsketch diagonals1
:size [480 120]
:setup #(do (q/smooth) (q/ellipse-mode (rand-nth [:radius :center :corner])) (q/frame-rate 10))
:draw #(doseq [n (range 10) y (range 0 120 20 ) x (range 0 480 20)] (q/fill (q/random 255)) (q/ellipse x y n n))
;; whoa, randomness   
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
      :size [640 360]
      :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
      :setup (fn my-setup [] (do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0)))
      :draw (fn my-draw [state] (dorun (apply q/ellipse (repeatedly 4 #(q/random 20 120))))
;; will fail if you remove "state" argument but still include fun-mode middleware
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
      :size [640 360]
      :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
      :setup (fn my-setup [] (do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0)))
      :draw (fn my-draw [] (dorun (apply q/ellipse (repeatedly 4 #(q/random 20 120))))
;; basically succeeds if you remove fun-mode middleware
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
      :size [640 360]
      :middleware [quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
      :setup (fn my-setup [] (do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0)))
      :draw (fn my-draw [] (dorun (apply q/ellipse (repeatedly 4 #(q/random 20 120))))
;; whoa, randomness   
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
      :size [640 360]
      :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
      :setup (fn my-setup [] (do (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0)))
      :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/fill (q/random 255)) (dorun (apply q/ellipse (repeatedly 4 #(q/random 20 120)))))
;; whoa, randomness   
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
      :size [640 360]
      :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
      :setup (fn my-setup [] (do (q/background 0)))
      :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (apply q/translate (repeatedly 2 #(q/random 20 320))) (q/fill (q/random 255)) (dorun (apply q/ellipse (repeatedly 4 #(q/random 20 40)))))
;; whoa, randomness   
 (q/defsketch wrong-number-of-args-passed-fn
      :size [640 360]
      :middleware [quil.middleware/fun-mode quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
      :setup (fn my-setup [] (do (q/background 0)))
      :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/translate (q/random 20 600) (q/random 20 320)) (q/fill (q/random 255)) (dorun (apply q/ellipse (repeatedly 4 #(q/random 20 40)))))

trying out pause-on-error with rows-of-dots

;; succeeds! (IN SPITE OF ITSELF!) (must have fun-mode turned-off)
(q/defsketch rows-of-dots
:size [480 120]
:middleware [quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
:setup #(q/stroke-weight 8) 
:draw (fn [] (dorun (for [x (range 0 480 20)]
		  (dorun (for [y (range 0 120 40)] (q/point x y))))))

try to replicate “alphabet” example

;; paints all sectors with all characters
(q/defsketch doseqs-pleazz
:size [640 360]
:middleware [quil.middleware/pause-on-error]
:setup (fn my-setup [] (q/translate 40, 40) (q/background 0) (q/text-font (q/create-font "data/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24)))
:draw #(dorun (for [y (range 0 360 35) x (range 0 640 35)] (doseq [n (range 35 110)] (q/text (str (char n)) x y))))

test out update functions with fun-mode

Will need to have “m” (as opposed to “quil.middleware”), ya know, active somehow.

(clojure.repl/doc m/fun-mode)

circle simply gets bigger with inc update of radius

;; use update with inc to get bigger
    (q/defsketch diagonals1
    :size [480 120]
    :setup #(do (q/frame-rate 10) {:x 0 :y 0 :r 1})
    :draw (fn my-draw [state] (q/background 255) (q/ellipse 20 20 (:r state) (:r state)))
    :update (fn my-update [state] (update-in state [:r] inc))
    :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]

moves diagonally

;; map-range using sin values
(q/defsketch diagonals1
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(do (q/ellipse-mode :corner) (q/frame-rate 30) {:x 0 :y 0 :r 1})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state]
	    (q/background 255)
	    (q/ellipse (q/map-range (q/sin (:r state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30)), 
		       (q/map-range (q/sin (:r state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30)), 30, 30))
  :update (fn my-update [state] (update-in state [:r] #(+ 0.1 %)))
  :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]

Uses randomness to change counter updating amount of black circle

    ;; map-range using sin values
    (q/defsketch diagonals1
      :size [840 120]
      :setup #(do (q/ellipse-mode :corner) (q/frame-rate 30) {:x 0 :y 0 :counter1 1 :counter2 1 :radius 30 :noiz 1 })
      :draw (fn my-draw [state]
  (q/fill 10)
	      (q/background 255)
	      (q/ellipse (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter1 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30)), 
			 (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter1 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30)), 
			 (:radius state), 
			 (:radius state))
  (q/fill 255)
	      (q/ellipse (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter2 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30)), 
			 (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter2 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30)), 
			 (:radius state), 
			 (:radius state))
      :update (fn my-update [state]
		(update state :counter1 #(+ (* 0.5 (rand)) 0.1 %))
		;; (update state :counter2 #(+ (* 0.1 (rand)) 0.1 %))
		;; (update state :noiz #(+ (rand) %))
      :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]

uses reduce for same basic diagonal

    ;; map-range using sin values
    (q/defsketch diagonals1
      :size [840 120]
      :setup #(do (q/ellipse-mode :corner) (q/frame-rate 30) {:counter1 1 :counter2 (* 10 (rand)) :radius 30 })
      :draw (fn my-draw [state]
  (q/fill 10)
	      (q/background 255)
	      (q/ellipse (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter1 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30)), 
			 (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter1 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30)), 
			 (:radius state), 
			 (:radius state))
  (q/fill 255)
	      (q/ellipse (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter2 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30)), 
			 (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter2 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30)), 
			 (:radius state), 
			 (:radius state))
      :update (fn my-update [state]
		(reduce (fn [m k] (update-in m [k] #(+ % 0.1 ))) state [:counter2] )
      :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]

uses reduce on multiple keys (to get both circles moving)

    ;; map-range using sin values
    (q/defsketch diagonals1
      :size [840 120]
      :setup #(do (q/ellipse-mode :corner) (q/frame-rate 30) {:x (q/random 20 40) :y (q/random 10 30) :counter1 1 :counter2 1 :radius 30})
      :draw (fn my-draw [state]
  (q/fill 10)
	      (q/background 255)
	      (q/ellipse (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter1 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30)), 
			 (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter1 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30)), 
			 (:radius state), 
			 (:radius state))
  (q/fill 255)
	      (q/ellipse (+ (:x state) (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter2 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/width) 30))), 
			 (+ (:y state) (q/map-range (q/sin (:counter2 state)) -1 1 0 (- (q/height) 30))), 
			 (:radius state), 
			 (:radius state))
      :update (fn my-update [state]
		(reduce (fn update-all [m k] (update-in m [k] #(+ 0.1 %))) state [:counter1 :counter2] )
      :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]

various file and i/o

failed file loading

:setup #(do (q/load-image “shapez1.jpg”) (q/image “shapez1.jpg” 20, 40))

you can live reload quite easily!

(q/defsketch imagey
:size [480, 240]
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:setup setup
:draw draw
(defn setup []
  "Runs once."
  (q/fill 226)
  (q/frame-rate 10))
(defn draw
  "Example usage of with-translation and with-rotation."
  (q/background-float 125)
;; (q/load-image "shapez1.jpg")
(q/image (q/load-image "shapez1.jpg")  20, 0)
(defn draw
  "Example usage of with-translation and with-rotation."
  (q/background-float 125)
  (let [pic1 (q/load-image "shapez1.jpg")
	  pic2 (q/load-image "shapez-0002.jpg")]
    (q/image pic1 20, 0)
    (q/image pic2 140, 0)

draw with mouse

(q/defsketch mousey
:size [480, 120]
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:setup #(do (q/fill 0, 102) (q/no-stroke))
:draw #(q/ellipse (q/mouse-x) (q/mouse-y), 9, 9)
(q/defsketch mousey
:size [480, 120]
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:draw #(do (q/background 204) (q/line 20, 20 , 220, 100)
(if (q/key-pressed?) (q/line 220, 20, 20, 100)))

draw most recently pressed key

(q/defsketch keyey
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:size [120, 140]
:setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center))
:draw #(do (q/background 0) (q/text (str (q/raw-key)) 60, 80))

Detect a press of a “coded key”

(q/defsketch keyey
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:size [820, 140]
:setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center))
:draw #(do (q/background 0) (q/text (if (q/key-coded? (q/raw-key)) "9" (str (q/raw-key))) 60, 80))

display the key-code as an integer (for coded keys like the arrow keys)

(q/defsketch keyey
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:size [820, 140]
:setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center))
:draw #(do (q/background 0) (q/text (if (q/key-coded? (q/raw-key)) (str (q/key-code)) (str (q/raw-key))) 60, 80))

All is not quite right here!

(q/defsketch keyey
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error]
  :size [820, 140]
  :setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center))
  :draw #(let [pic1 (q/load-image "shapez1.jpg")
		 pic2 (q/load-image "shapez-0002.jpg")] 
	     (q/background 0) 
	     (if (q/key-pressed?)
	       (if (q/key-coded? (q/raw-key))
		 (cond (= 38 (q/raw-key)) (q/image pic1 20, 0)
		       (= 39 (q/raw-key)) (q/image pic2 20, 0))
		 (q/text (if (q/key-coded? (q/raw-key)) (str (q/key-code)) (str (q/raw-key))) 660, 80))))

conditionally draw different pictures to the screen based on key-input

(q/defsketch keyey
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error]
  :size [120, 140]
  :setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center))
  :draw #(let [pic1 (q/load-image "shapez1.jpg")
		 pic2 (q/load-image "shapez-0002.jpg")] 
	     (q/background 0) 
	     (if (q/key-pressed?) (cond (= "k" (str (q/raw-key))) (q/image pic1 20, 0)
					(= "j" (str (q/raw-key))) (q/image pic2 20, 0))

get the pixel array for letters

(q/defsketch keyey
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:size [120, 120]
:setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center) (q/text "a" (* 0.5 (q/width)) (* 0.5 (q/height))))
(q/defsketch keyey
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:size [120, 120]
:setup #(do (q/text-size 64) (q/text-align :center) (q/text "a" (* 0.5 (q/width)) (* 0.5 (q/height)))
(q/load-pixels) (def pxls (q/pixels))

[#A] use midi controller with overtone

test and debug MIDI controller (debug-on)

Why is overtone not always immediately available once “used” in the repl?

(in-ns 'quilbabel.core)

Pad events

event:  [:midi :note-on] ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x268ac78a ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681399660, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0}) 
event:  [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0] ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x268ac78a ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681399660, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-on 40) ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x268ac78a ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681399660, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-on) ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x268ac78a ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681399660, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0})
event:  [:midi :note-off] ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x296de226 ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681522587, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0}) 
event:  [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0] ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x296de226 ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681522587, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-off 40) ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x296de226 ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681522587, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-off) ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x296de226 ""], :note 40, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 40, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 289681522587, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0})

Keyboard event

event:  [:midi :note-on] ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0xd3a052a ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020673088, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0}) 
event:  [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0] ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0xd3a052a ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020673088, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-on 60) ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0xd3a052a ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020673088, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-on) ({:data2 127, :command :note-on, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0xd3a052a ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 1.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020673088, :velocity 127, :velocity-f 1.0})
event:  [:midi :note-off] ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x30b2b93e ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020740010, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0}) 
event:  [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0] ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x30b2b93e ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020740010, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-off 60) ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x30b2b93e ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020740010, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0})
event:  (:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0 :note-off) ({:data2 0, :command :note-off, :channel 0, :msg #object[ 0x30b2b93e ""], :note 60, :dev-key [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :status :note-on, :data1 60, :data2-f 0.0, :device {:description "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI", :vendor "M-Audio", :sinks 0, :sources 2147483647, :name "MIDI", :transmitter #object[$MidiInTransmitter 0x3e582327 "$MidiInTransmitter@3e582327"], [:midi-device "M-Audio" "MIDI" "Axiom A.I.R. Mini32 MIDI" 0], :info #object[$MidiInDeviceInfo 0x246b2166 "MIDI"], 0, :device #object[ 0x2025f9a4 ""], :version "Unknown version"}, :timestamp 290020740010, :velocity 0, :velocity-f 0.0})



“println” event-handlers for control-change and note-on events

(on-event [:midi :control-change]
          (fn [{cc-channel :note vel :velocity chan :channel}]
	       (println (list cc-channel vel chan)))
(on-event [:midi :note-on]
          (fn [{pad :note vel :velocity}]
	       (println (list pad vel)))
(remove-event-handler ::list-all)
(remove-event-handler ::list-all-pads)

create (very shitty) circle-size controller!

Requires a state-ful atom below:

(def rad-atom (atom 1.0))

Must have started-up overtone!

;; relies on the ~rad-atom~ var

  (on-event [:midi :control-change]
	    (fn [{cc-channel :note vel :velocity}]
	      (case cc-channel
		1 (do (println (list cc-channel vel @rad-atom))
		      (swap! rad-atom #(+ % (* 0.01 vel))))
		2 (do (println (list cc-channel vel @rad-atom))
		      (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.01 vel))))))
(on-event [:midi :note-on]
	    (fn [{pad :note vel :velocity}]
	      (case pad
		;; low C on a small MIDI controller
		;; 48 (println (list pad vel (with-precision 4 @rad-atom))) 
		48 (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)) ;; use format fn, not with-precision
		36 (do (reset! rad-atom 0) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		37 (do (reset! rad-atom 0) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		38 (do (reset! rad-atom 0) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		39 (do (reset! rad-atom 0) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		40 (do (swap! rad-atom #(+ % (* 0.01 vel))) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		41 (do (swap! rad-atom #(+ % (* 0.1 vel))) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		42 (do (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.01 vel))) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		43 (do (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.1 vel))) (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)))
		;; 37 (do (println (list pad vel @rad-atom)) (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.1 vel)))))
(remove-event-handler ::a-rad-swapper)
(remove-event-handler ::a-pad-resetter)
;; relies on a meaningful (postive) value for ~rad-atom~
  (q/defsketch diagonals1
  :size [480 120]
  :setup #(q/ellipse 132, 82, @rad-atom, @rad-atom
;; use update with inc to get bigger
    (q/defsketch diagonals1
    :size [900 300]
    :setup #(do (q/frame-rate 10) {:x 0 :y 0 :r 1})
    :draw (fn my-draw [state] (q/background 255) (q/ellipse 20 20 (:r state) (:r state)))
    :update (fn my-update [state] (update-in state [:r] #(+ % @rad-atom)))
    :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]

improved circle-size controller

(on-event [:midi :note-on]
	    (fn [{pad :note vel :velocity}]
	      (let [n (format "%.2f" @rad-atom)]
		(case pad
		  ;; highest G on small midi controller
		  79 (println (list pad n))
		  36 (do (reset! rad-atom 0.001) (println (list pad  n)))
		  37 (do (reset! rad-atom 0.001) (println (list pad  n)))
		  38 (do (reset! rad-atom 0.001) (println (list pad  n)))
		  39 (do (reset! rad-atom 0.001) (println (list pad  n)))
		  40 (do (swap! rad-atom #(+ % (* 0.01 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  41 (do (swap! rad-atom #(+ % (* 0.1 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  42 (do (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.01 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  43 (do (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.1 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  ;; 37 (do (println (list pad vel n)) (swap! rad-atom #(- % (* 0.1 vel)))))
;; use update with inc to get bigger
    (q/defsketch diagonals1
    :size [300 300]
    :setup #(do (q/frame-rate 10) {:x 0 :y 0 :r 1})
    :draw (fn my-draw [state] (q/background 255) (q/ellipse 150 150 (:r state) (:r state)))
    :update (fn my-update [state] (update-in state [:r] (fn [_] (identity @rad-atom))))
    :middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error]
;; expect a float (which an not!)
(reset! rad-atom 10.0)

;; @rad-atom

control text display


(q/defsketch texty
:size [480, 120]
:setup #(q/text-font (q/create-font "SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf" 24))
:draw #(do (q/text-size 48) (q/text "YO Adrian" 100, 50))

develop a scrolling “ticker” example

(def am-str-long "It is my contention that organizing a pedagogical practice around this notion of three \"languages,\" which babble together wherever artists rely heavily on digital technology, offers better prospects for artists and the arts more generally in an age in thrall to STEM.")
(def am-str-short "It is my contention that organizing a pedagogical")
(def words (clojure.string/split am-str-long #" "))
(q/defsketch texty
:size [480, 120]
:middleware [m/pause-on-error]
:setup #(q/text-font (q/create-font "Arial" 24))
:draw #(do (q/text-size 48) (q/text am-str-long 100, 50))


(q/defsketch texty
:size [480, 120]
:middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
:setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "Arial" 24)) {:x 450 :y 60 :r 1})
:draw (fn my-draw [state] (q/background 128) (q/text-size 48) (q/text am-str-short (:x state) (:y state)))
:update (fn my-update [state] (update-in state [:x] #(- % (:r state))))

use atoms and controller

(def rate (atom 0.1))
;; requires a loaded string (in ~am-str-long~)
(q/defsketch texty
:size [480, 120]
:middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
:setup #(do (q/text-font (q/create-font "Arial" 24)) {:x 450 :y 60 :r @rate})
:draw (fn my-draw [state] (q/background 128) (q/text-size 48) (q/text am-str-long (:x state) (:y state)))
:update (fn my-update [state] (update-in state [:x] #(- % (* 0.1 @rate))))
(on-event [:midi :note-on]
	    (fn [{pad :note vel :velocity}]
	      (let [n (format "%.2f" @rate)]
		(case pad
		  79 (println (list pad n))
		  36 (do (reset! rate 0.001) (println (list pad n)))
		  37 (do (reset! rate 0.001) (println (list pad n)))
		  38 (do (reset! rate 0.001) (println (list pad n)))
		  39 (do (reset! rate 0.001) (println (list pad n)))
		  40 (do (swap! rate #(+ % (* 0.01 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  41 (do (swap! rate #(+ % (* 0.1 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  42 (do (swap! rate #(- % (* 0.01 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  43 (do (swap! rate #(- % (* 0.1 vel))) (println (list pad vel n)))
		  ;; 37 (do (println (list pad vel n)) (swap! rate #(- % (* 0.1 vel)))))
		  (println "key not set")
(remove-event-handler ::a-pad-resetter)

overtone sounds

some background noise

(demo 10 (* (+ (bpf (sin-osc (+ 400 (* 100 (lf-noise1:kr)))) 400 1)
		  (pink-noise)) (+ 5 (* 0.5 (sin-osc:kr 2)))))
(demo 60 (g-verb (sum
		    (map #(blip
			   (* (midicps
			       (duty:kr % 0 (dseq [24 27 31 36 41] INF)))
			   (mul-add:kr (lf-noise1:kr 1/2) 3 4))
			 [1 1/2 1/4]
			 [1 4 8]))

[ [24 28 31 35 39] [24 27 31 35 38]

(demo 15 (* 0.5 (g-verb (sum
		    (map #(blip
			   (* (midicps
			       (duty:kr % 0 (dseq [24 28 31 35 38 42 45 49 52 56 59 63] INF)))
			   (mul-add:kr (lf-noise1:kr 0.1) 6 8))
			 [4 2 1]
			 ;; [1 1/2 1/4]
			 [1 4 8]))


whew, finally

practicing reduce

Not quite tweening, but uses a (for now, complicated) reduce

  (q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [420, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
	      :x 20, :y 30,
	      :step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
:update (fn my-update [state] (reduce (fn update-all [m k] (update m k #(+ % 0.5))) state [:x :y]))

use a case in a reduce

Conditionally apply different version of a function in a reduce

  (q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [420, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
		:x 20, :y 30,
		:step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
    :update (fn my-update [state]
		(reduce (fn update-all [m k]
			  (case k
			    :x (update m k #(+ % 0.5))
			    :y (update m k #(+ % 0.1)))) state [:x :y]))

change the amount you add to y in each step

Ha! Exponential falling down??

  (q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [420, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
		:x 20, :y 30,
		:step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
    :update (fn my-update [state]
		(reduce (fn update-all [m k]
			  (case k
			    :x (update m k #(+ % 0.5))
			    :y (update m k #(+ % (:pct state)))
			    (update m k #(+ % 0.01)))) state [:x :y :pct]))

try to replicate full steps of original

  (q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [620, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
		:x 20, :y 30,
		:step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
    :update (fn my-update [state]
		(reduce (fn update-all [m k]
			  (case k
			    :x (update m k (fn x-update [_] (+ (:start-x state) (* (- (:stop-x state) (:start-x state)) (:pct state)))))
			    :y (update m k (fn y-update [_] (+ (:start-y state) (* (- (:stop-y state) (:start-y state)) (:pct state)))))
			    (update m k #(+ % (:step state))))) state [:x :y :pct]))

Hmm, problems occur once pct reaches 1.0?

  (q/defsketch tweens 
    :size [620, 120]
    :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
    :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
					      :x 20, :y 30,
					      :step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
    :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
    :update (fn my-update [state]
	      (if (< (:pct state) 1.0) 
		(reduce (fn update-all [m k]
			  (case k
			    :x (update m k (fn x-update [_] (+ (:start-x state) (* (- (:stop-x state) (:start-x state)) (:pct state)))))
			    :y (update m k (fn y-update [_] (+ (:start-y state) (* (- (:stop-y state) (:start-y state)) (:pct state)))))
			    (update m k #(+ % (:step state))))) state [:x :y :pct])
(q/ellipse (:x-stop state) (:y-stop state) 20 20)))

Without update, will just statically draw

(q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [620, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
					      :x 20, :y 30,
					      :step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
  ;; :update (fn my-update [state] (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20))
(q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [620, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
					      :x 20, :y 30,
					      :step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
  :update (fn my-update [state] (identity state))

Two cheers for identity!

(q/defsketch tweens 
  :size [620, 120]
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error m/fun-mode]
  :setup (fn my-setup [] (q/frame-rate 60) {:start-x 20, :start-y 30, :stop-x 160, :stop-y 80,
					      :x 20, :y 30,
					      :step 0.005 :pct 0.0})
  :draw (fn my-draw [state] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (:x state) (:y state) 20 20)))
  :update (fn my-update [state]
	      (if (< (:pct state) 1.0) 
		(reduce (fn update-all [m k]
			  (case k
			    :x (update m k (fn x-update [_] (+ (:start-x state) (* (- (:stop-x state) (:start-x state)) (:pct state)))))
			    :y (update m k (fn y-update [_] (+ (:start-y state) (* (- (:stop-y state) (:start-y state)) (:pct state)))))
			    (update m k #(+ % (:step state))))) state [:x :y :pct])
		(identity state)))

use a suite of stateful atoms within a range

four “changeable constants”

(def tenths (atom 0.1))
(def ones (atom 1))
(def tens (atom 10))
(def hundreds (atom 100))
(def smn (atom 0))
(def val (atom 0))

create a cycle-able atom

(mod (swap! smn inc) 3)
(on-event [:midi :note-on]
	    (fn [{pad :note vel :velocity}]
	      (case pad
		36 (do (println (list pad @ones)) (reset! ones (#(mod (swap! ones inc) 10))))
		;; 37 (do (println (list pad @val)) (reset! val ((fn uppdr [] (mod (swap! tens #(* 10 (inc %))) 100)))))
		37 (do (println (list pad @tens)) (reset! tens (mod (swap! tens #(+ 10 %)) 100)))
		38 (do (println (list pad @hundreds)) (reset! hundreds (mod (swap! hundreds #(+ 100 %)) 1000)))
(remove-event-handler ::a-pad-cycler)

draw some

(defn draw [] (q/ellipse 100 100 20 20))

(q/defsketch draah :title "draah" :size [400 400]
  :draw draw

(defn draw [] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse 100 100 20 20)))
(defn draw [] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse 50 50 (+ 100 @ones @tens @hundreds) (+ 100 @ones @tens @hundreds))))
(defn draw [] (do (q/background 0) (q/ellipse (+ 50 @ones @tens) (+ 50 @ones @tens) 20 20)))

swap in and out multiple Generative Art Draws

some custom functions in origian gen_art 19

(defn mk-lines-stream
    (let [half-width   (/ (q/width) 1.1)
	  half-height  (/ (q/height) 1.1)
	  radius-steps (s/steps (q/random 10) 0.005)
	  angle-steps  (s/steps (q/random 10) 0.005)
	  x-steps      (s/steps (q/random 10) 0.01)
	  x-noises     (map q/noise x-steps)
	  y-steps      (s/steps (q/random 10) 0.01)
	  y-noises     (map q/noise y-steps)
	  angle-noises (map q/noise angle-steps)
	  angle-noises (c/mul-add angle-noises 6 -3)
	  angles       (s/steps (- (/ q/PI 2)) angle-noises)
	  angles       (map #(mod % 360) angles)
	  rads         (map q/radians angles)
	  center-xs    (c/mul-add x-noises 100 (- half-width 50))
	  center-ys    (c/mul-add y-noises 100 (- half-height 50))
	  radii        (map q/noise radius-steps)
	  radii        (c/mul-add radii 550 1)
	  cos-rads     (map q/cos rads)
	  sin-rads     (map q/sin rads)
	  opp-rads     (map #(+ q/PI %) rads)
	  cos-opp-rads (map q/cos opp-rads)
	  sin-opp-rads (map q/sin opp-rads)
	  x1s          (c/mul-add cos-rads radii center-xs)
	  y1s          (c/mul-add sin-rads radii center-ys)
	  x2s          (c/mul-add cos-opp-rads radii center-xs)
	  y2s          (c/mul-add sin-opp-rads radii center-ys)
	  lines        (map list x1s y1s x2s y2s)]
      (s/seq->stream lines)))
(defn mk-cols-stream
  (let [stroke-cols (s/cycle-between 0 255)]
    (s/seq->stream stroke-cols)))

originally used set-state! and pulled a few :key-values out of “state”

  (defn setup []
    (q/frame-rate 24)
    (q/background 180)
    (q/stroke 0)
    (q/stroke-weight 1)
    ;; (q/set-state! 
    ;;  :lines-str (mk-lines-stream)
    ;;  :cols-str (mk-cols-stream)
    ;;  :diam (atom 10)
    ;;  :cent-x (/ (q/width) 2)
    ;;  :cent-y (/ (q/height) 2))

initial non-looping draw

(defn draw []
    (let [cent-x (q/state :cent-x)
	  cent-y (q/state :cent-y)
	  diam   (q/state :diam)]
      (when (<= @diam 1000)
	(q/ellipse cent-x cent-y @diam @diam)
	(swap! diam + 1.0))))

looping draw

(defn draw []
  (let [lines-str (q/state :lines-str)
	  cols-str  (q/state :cols-str)
	  line-args (lines-str)
	  col       (cols-str)]
    (q/stroke col 60)
    (apply q/line line-args)))

attempt to reset state using separate call to set-state!

 :lines-str (mk-lines-stream)
 :cols-str (mk-cols-stream)
 :diam (atom 10)
 :cent-x (/ 500 2)
 :cent-y (/ 300 2))

call defsketch to make sketch

(q/defsketch my-prezi
  :title "Concentric Circles"
  :setup setup
  :draw draw
  :middleware [m/pause-on-error]
  :size [500 300])

can start with empty draw and setup (x) functions (?!)

(defn setup [])
(defn draw [])

original separate setups

(defn setup []
  (q/frame-rate 30)
  (q/background 255)
  (q/stroke-weight 3)
  (q/set-state! :lines-str (mk-lines-stream)
		  :cols-str (mk-cols-stream)))
(defn setup []
    (q/frame-rate 24)
    (q/background 180)
    (q/stroke 0)
    (q/stroke-weight 1)
    (q/set-state! :diam (atom 10)
		:cent-x (/ (q/width) 2)
		:cent-y (/ (q/height) 2)))

basic use of toggling between multiple updates

initial pass at bouncing betwee update functions

update a radius with an inc or stop it with identity

(defn update [state] (update-in state [:r] inc)) 
(defn update [state] (update-in state [:r] identity)) 
(defn update [state] (update-in state [:r] dec)) 
(q/defsketch drawcircles-with-fun-mode
:size[480 120]
:setup (fn [] {:x 0, :y 0, :r 10})
:draw #(q/ellipse (:x %) (:y %) (:r %) (:r %))
:update update ;; #(update-in % [:r] inc)
;; :mouse-moved (fn [m e] (-> m (assoc :x (:x e) :y (:y e)) (update-in [:r] #(max 10 (dec %)))))
:key-pressed (fn [] )
:middleware [m/fun-mode m/pause-on-error])

convert from set-states to updates

[#A] basic sketch with basic setup, update and draw

     (q/defsketch new-updater
	:title "Growing circle"
	:setup my_setup
	:update my_update
	:draw my_draw
	;; :features [:keep-on-top]
	:key-pressed key-pressed
	:middleware [m/fun-mode 
	:size [800 300]
	;; :keep-on-top true
(defn key-pressed [state event] (identity state))
(defn my_setup [] (q/frame-rate 1) {:diam 10 :frame-rate 2 :cent-x (/ (q/width) 2) :cent-y (/ (q/height) 2)})
(defn my_draw [state] (q/background 180))
  ;; (defn my_update [state] (update-in state [:diam] identity))
(defn my_update [state] (identity state ))
(println @(:state (meta new-updater)))

now draw circles

(defn my_draw [state] (q/frame-rate (:frame-rate state)) (if (< (:diam state) 800) (do (q/background 180) (q/ellipse (:cent-x state) (:cent-y state) (:diam state) (:diam state)))))
(defn my_update [state] (update-in state [:diam] inc))
(defn my_update [state] (update-in state [:diam] - @param1))
(defn my_update [state] (assoc state :diam @param6))
(defn my_update [state] (assoc state :diam 10))
(defn my_update [state] (update state :diam + @param1))

use update to change frame-rate

(defn key-pressed [state event] (identity state))
(defn my_setup []  {:diam 10 :param1 @param1 :frame-rate 2 :cent-x (/ (q/width) 2) :cent-y (/ (q/height) 2)})
;; (defn my_draw [state] (q/frame-rate (:frame-rate state)) (q/background 180))
(defn my_draw [state] (q/frame-rate (:frame-rate state)) (if (< (:diam state) 1820) (do (q/background 180) (q/ellipse (:cent-x state) (:cent-y state) (:diam state) (:diam state))) (q/background 10)))
;; (defn my_update [state] (identity state ))
(defn my_update [state] (update state :diam + @param1))
(defn my_update [state] (assoc state :frame-rate 10))
;; (defn my_update [state] (do (assoc state :diam 10 :frame-rate 1 :param1 @param1) (update state :diam + @param1)))
(defn my_update [state] (do (update state :diam + @param1)))
;; function defined from reduce clojuredocs
  (defn my_update [state] (update-map-entries state {:diam 10 :frame-rate 1}))
;; function defined from reduce clojuredocs
  (defn my_update [state] (update-map-entries state {:diam 10 :frame-rate 10}))
     (q/defsketch change-fr
	:title "Growing circle"
	:setup my_setup
	:update my_update
	:draw my_draw
	;; :features [:keep-on-top]
	:key-pressed key-pressed
	:middleware [m/fun-mode 
	:size [800 300]
	;; :keep-on-top true


(println @(:state (meta change-fr)))


License:Eclipse Public License 1.0


Language:Clojure 100.0%