cicerojones / Hekaphone

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



This name is a complete misnomer.

These patches began with one focus but became about modeling a sequencer in order to work with and play back patterns that mimic the Volca beats drum machine.

But along the way toward that goal another reality dawned, which is that playing patterns “into” the microtonally-tuned Motif patches produced interesting results.

So the dilemma of using clojure to “script into” Pure Data templates versus using Pd automatic patch creation arises.

The existing sequencer-abstraction.pd file has a lot that works nicely, but also offers a great opportunity to scale up the level of abstraction to be able to actually work more “within” Pd to make these abstractions both more idiomatic to Pure Data as well as, most importantly, more flexible.

What are the abstractions?







duration abstractions




What is “uncategorized?”

for processing and organizing

All the subpatches that make up sequencer-abstraction, including numerous patches that have a single number difference that sets them apart:

tree .

non-pd (data and resources)

The form here is for loading into a coll object ~/repos/post-tonal-overtone/resources/patterns7.txt

The format here is for doing k-v lookup?: ~/repos/post-tonal-overtone/resources/hope-lookup.txt


