chymaera3301 / AccountManagement.ps1

Powershell scripts and JSON Schemas for account management utilizing Power Apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Scripts are ran within Power Automate Desktop, process utilizes both Web and Desktop flows

The Web flow is started when a webhook is received from an HR service, containing JSON

JSON is then parsed and variables created in PAW*
Data is then sent to PAD* where attached Powershell scripts and Desktop Recordings are utilized
Data from PAD* is converted to JSON, parsed, then sent back to PAW*
Sharepoint lists are then updated for tracking. Shows when an item is in process, then if it passed or failed
Emails sent out to those in management roles containing associated account information
Additional email sent to Account Management to add access that has yet to be automated

PAW = Power Automate Web
PAD = Power Automate Desktop

Power Automate configuration not available

Sensative information has been swapped out with *******
"%variable%" is used as variables that Power Automate feeds into the Powershell script


Powershell scripts and JSON Schemas for account management utilizing Power Apps