chylli / perl-Math-Util-CalculatedValue

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Math::Util::CalculatedValue - Represents an adjustment to a value (which can contain additional adjustments).

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my $tid = Math::Util::CalculatedValue->new({
    name        => 'time_in_days',
    description => 'Duration in days',
    set_by      => 'Contract',
    base_amount => 0,

my $tiy = Math::Util::CalculatedValue->new({
    name        => 'time_in_years',
    description => 'Duration in years',
    set_by      => 'Contract',
    base_amount => 1,

my $dpy = Math::Util::CalculatedValue->new({
    name        => 'days_per_year',
    description => 'days in a year',
    set_by      => 'Contract',
    base_amount => 365,

$tid->include_adjustment('reset', $tiy);
$tid->include_adjustment('multiply', $dpy);

print $tid->amount;


  • name

    This is the name of the operation which called this module

  • description

    This is the description of the operation which called this module

  • set_by

    This is the name of the module which called this module

  • base_amount

    This is the base amount on which the adjustments are to be made

  • metadata

    Additional information that you wish to include.

  • minimum

    The minimum value for amount

  • maximum

    The maximum value for amount


  • new

    New instance method

  • amount

    This is the final amount from this object, after applying all adjustments.

  • adjustments

    The ordered adjustments (if any) applied to arrive at the final value.

  • include_adjustment

    Creates the ordered adjustments as per the operation.

  • exclude_adjustment

    Remove an adjustment by name. Returns the number of instances found and excluded. Excluded items are changed into 'info' so that that still show up but are do not alter the parent value

    THis can be extremely dangerous, so make sure you know where and why you are doing it.

  • replace_adjustment

    Replace all instances of the same named adjustment with the provided adjustment

    Returns the number of instances replaced.

  • peek

    Peek at an included adjustment by name.

  • peek_amount

    Peek at the value of an included adjustment by name.

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You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

perldoc Math::Util::CalculatedValue

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License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Perl 100.0%