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Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 本项目包括:1、我写的三十万字图解算法题典 2、100 张编程类超清晰思维导图 3、100 篇大厂面经汇总 4、各语言编程电子书 100 本 5、小浩算法网站源代码 ( 🚀🚀 国人项目上榜首不易,右上角助力一波!干就对了,奥利给 !🚀🚀)
.netcore micro service framework
Surging is a micro-service engine that provides a lightweight, high-performance, modular RPC request pipeline. The service engine supports http, TCP, WS,Grpc, Mqtt, UDP, and DNS protocols. It uses ZooKeeper and Consul as a registry, and integrates it. Hash, random, polling, Fair Polling as a load balancing algorithm, built-in service governance to ensure reliable RPC communication, the engine contains Diagnostic, link tracking for protocol and middleware calls, and integration SkyWalking Distributed APM
demos for WebSocket API