chvmp / champ_teleop

6DOF Teleoperation package to maneuver CHAMP

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Adjusting Robot Height

YandongJi opened this issue · comments


Hi, if I need to adjust the robots' height in, what parameters do I need to change? I tuned nominal_height but it's not working. Thx


You can change the robot height in this line.
The z value sent from the teleop is the required translation of the floating base from it's current height (nominal height). Current implementation only translates in the minus z axis .


thank you for helping! I'm trying to send pose command directly to robots and however I didn't find a topic named body_pose/raw. The command I used was "rostopic list"

If you want to control the robot's pose directly, you can use 'geometry_msgs/Pose' and publish to body_pose topic.
You can take a look at these lines

Hey @YandongJi just wondering are you from Dogotix?


hmm, no, am senior student from Nankai University, China.

excuse me@YandongJi ,I am learning how to use the motor of Dogotix mechanical dog, do you have the specific information, is it convenient to exchange,my email is Even though I know this conversation has been over for a long time


Hi Yuetao, I don't have its information yet.

any way thank you to reply so quick,i decide to chang to use unitree motor