chvmp / champ

MIT Cheetah I Implementation

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Error When running base drive in RVIZ

abdksyed opened this issue · comments

When I am running the command
roslaunch champ_config bringup.launch rviz:=true
I am getting this error, and the RVIZ GUI is opening up, but I am unable to perform any task like moving forward or turning etc using keyboard controls of (u,i,o,j......).

Can you help me check the following:

  1. Have you build the workspace:

cd ~/<your_ws>/ && catkin_make

  1. You have sourced the workspace before running the demos:

source ~/<your_ws>/devel/setup.bash

  1. You have yocs_velocity_smoother in your 'src' folder
cd ~/<your_ws>/src
git clone
cd ..

I tried reinstalling everything from scratch, and it's working fine now.
Thanks for the help anyways.

I am facing a similar issue without any explicit error messages on the terminal.
I am unable to move the bot using teleop.launch.
I double-checked and followed the steps mentioned earlier by grassjelly. Even re-installing wasn't of help.
After firing up teleop.launch, performing rostopic echo /cmd_vel displays nothing. Likewise for rostopic echo \body_pose.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

After launching both terminals (teleop and rviz), press and HOLD the key in the controls terminal (U or I or O), the bot will move

It did! Thanks a lot!

Haha right! I spent a long time going through the code imagining that those warnings caused the bot to not move. Can we display a more explicit message in the teleop.launch to keep the key pressed?
The last line gave me the impression that it's constantly publishing to the velocity topics.

I am having a little problem @grassjelly whenever I run any config ANYmal or Champ itself rviz does not show any colors or the robot doesn't appear correctly I attached a screen shot Please help!

Screenshot from 2021-03-07 18-16-04

@trunc8 do you have any suggestions?

hey @offjangir are there any errors when you run the launch files?

@grassjelly no , not any error just 2 warnings also this is happening for all the configurations

[ WARN] [1615125291.797946407]: Warning: Some linear velocity entries in parameter imu0_config are listed true, but an sensor_msgs/Imu contains no information about linear velocities
[ WARN] [1615125291.802205050]: Warning: imu/data is listed as an input topic, but all its update variables are false

@offjangir can you post your rqt_graph here?

@grassjelly here it is
Screenshot from 2021-03-07 19-35-26

@grassjelly can you something that i am doing wrong here