chunyanlian / Caffe-Python-Data-Layer

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Python Data Layer

This is implemenation of python data layer based on python_layer in caffe.


  1. [-] Add siamese layer, triplet sampling layer implementations[50%]
    1. Siamese layer
    2. Triplet Layer
  2. Add free sampling functions / interface to sampling functions in python data layer
  3. Write documents and instructions on how to use these layers (what's the input, what's the output)
  4. List all the options in param_str for python layer

Fileds and Keywords in 'param_str':

  • batch_size: default 256
  • resize: default -1, don't do any resizing
  • mean_file: default NA, filename / path of image mean file, or in formate of [mean_r, mean_g, mean_b]
  • source_type: type of input source, could be "CSV", "LMDB", "BCF". Default = "CSV"
  • Input Related (used by DataManager):
    • source: source of input file name
    • BCF MODE: bcf is compressed binary file format used in Adobe Research Lab
      • bcf_mode: FILE or MEM, read BCF into memory or open file in cache, default FILE
      • labels: the file name of label files, in numpy binary file format, each row should be labels for one sample
    • CSV MODE: in this mode, the input is a csv file, separator could be space, tab, or comma. The first column is image / sample file name, and the rest columns are labels. If there are multiple columns labels, it will read all labels and concate as a string
      • root: root dir relative to the file name in filename column, by default None
    • LMDB MODE: read compressed data from LMDB, will use to decode data
      • labels: path to Label LMDB. If exists, will read labels from label LMDB, otherwise, will use datum.label from data LMDB as labels


  • prefetch: if using a prefetch process or not, default = False
  • type: the type of sampling (not case sensitive), including:
    • RANDOM: random sampling
    • RANDOM_MULTILABEL: randomly sampling with assumption of multilabel. A margin (similarity of positive pair - similarity of negative pair) will also be provided as label
    • HARD_MULTILABEL: hard negative sampling based on multiple labels. It will pick several negative samples and find one with smallest similarity with the anchor image based on their labels.
    • HARD: hard negative sampling based on pre-calculated similarity graph. The graph is in the format of adjacant matrix.

These options are used for hard negative sampling:

  • k: how many negative smaples to choose as candidates to find the hardest negative one.
  • m: similarity graph filename, in format of python dict (or json, or CSV)
  • n: number of iterations to run randomly sampling before hard negative sampling, to ensure the network well initialized in the beginning.

How to deal with multi-labels

The way to deal with multiple labe is to encode all labels for one sample into a string separated by ":", for example, sample with labels 17, 24, 35 will be encoded into string "17:24:35".

Usage Example:

layer {
  name: "input"
  type: "Python"
  top: "Python1"
  top: "Python2"
  top: "Python3"
  python_param {
    module: "TripletDataLayer"
    layer: "TripletDataLayer"
    param_str: "{\'source_type\': \'CSV\', \'root\': \'../data/ALISC/train_image\', \'batch_size\': 32, \'source\': \'../data/ALISC/train_cat.csv\', \'prefetch\': True, \'type\': \'RANDOM\', \'resize\': [256, 256], \'compressed\': Tru


License:BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License


Language:Python 100.0%