chughts / node-red-contrib-deebeetwoforzed

This node allows for SQL based queries against a Z DB/2 database.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This node allows for SQL based queries against a Z Db/2 database. This node is a simplification of the DashDB node, which should also work, but for some as yet undetermined reason doesn't. This node has been developed and tested to allow access to Db2 databases on Z, but as it is a simplification of the dashdb node it may also work with Db2 databases on other systems.


Please Note: You must be on Node.js V 6 or higher. If you install the dependencies for this node at a lower version, then you will need to remove the dependencies, and rebuild when you are at the right version level.

As this node requires a Z / Db2 end user licence, the only way to install it is through npm

Enter the directory for the newly cloned node code then run the command

    npm install node-red-contrib-deebeetowforzed

to fetch and build the dependencies for the node.


Access to a Z database requires a licence .lic file, which should be placed in the directory node_modules/ibm_db/installer/clidriver/license


To make a database connection the node will need a connection configuration. Create a configuration by double selecting a node. You will need to provide: database, host (which can be an IP address), port, username and password. The creator setting is used by the node to fetch table listings, and only needs to be set if the node is going to be used in this way.


There are three usage patterns for this node.

When no query is provided, the node will return a json object describing the creator tables.

You can provide a query in the node configuration, with optional parameters supplied as a comma separated list.

You can provide a query in msg.payload. If you don't want to provide a query in msg.payload, then msg.payload must not be set to a string.


The query in run in msg.payload. Otherwise the query to run is determined by the node's configuration settings.


If a query has been provided, then the response will be an array of json objects. Each array will represent one row returned from the query.

Sample Query

Any standard SQL query eg.

select * from customer.countries
where country_iso_code = ?
or country_iso_code = ?

Sample flow

[{"id":"7174afb1.6d1a","type":"inject","z":"55f4128e.cc1a7c","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"x":120,"y":140,"wires":[["524547dc.0baf78","6d673afc.ae5ce4","3ce0d0b.78e943","70db3787.cc4ae8"]]},{"id":"e9c4ac87.a8e89","type":"debug","z":"55f4128e.cc1a7c","name":"","active":true,"console":"false","complete":"true","x":530,"y":120,"wires":[]},{"id":"524547dc.0baf78","type":"db2z","z":"55f4128e.cc1a7c","name":"Fetch Table Information","connection":"cb26c202.bd3d8","query":"","params":"","x":330,"y":60,"wires":[["e9c4ac87.a8e89"]]},{"id":"6d673afc.ae5ce4","type":"db2z","z":"55f4128e.cc1a7c","name":"Zero Parameter Call","connection":"cb26c202.bd3d8","query":"select * from customer.countries","params":"","x":320,"y":100,"wires":[["e9c4ac87.a8e89"]]},{"id":"3ce0d0b.78e943","type":"db2z","z":"55f4128e.cc1a7c","name":"Single Parameter Call","connection":"cb26c202.bd3d8","query":"select * from customer.countries\nwhere country_iso_code = ?","params":"CG","x":320,"y":160,"wires":[["e9c4ac87.a8e89"]]},{"id":"70db3787.cc4ae8","type":"db2z","z":"55f4128e.cc1a7c","name":"Double Parameter Call","connection":"cb26c202.bd3d8","query":"select * from customer.countries\nwhere country_iso_code = ?\nor country_iso_code = ?","params":"CW , NI","x":320,"y":200,"wires":[["e9c4ac87.a8e89"]]},{"id":"cb26c202.bd3d8","type":"db2z-config","z":"","host":"","port":"42100","creator":"CUSTOMER","db":"DSNV12PH","name":"Yellow"}]


For simple typos and fixes please just raise an issue pointing out our mistakes. If you need to raise a pull request please read our contribution guidelines before doing so.

Copyright and license

Copyright 2017,2018 IBM Corp. under the Apache 2.0 license.


This node allows for SQL based queries against a Z DB/2 database.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:JavaScript 61.0%Language:HTML 39.0%