The project was created as a school project. Its aim is to try and learn new technologies for developing user interfaces and create a fully functional information system for a hotel with nice and modern web user interface. Backend of the system is implemented in Node.js and frontend in React.js.
The system is able to:
- add/edit/remove an employee
- show all relevant employee information
- give/edit an employee's permissions to the system (none/regular user/root)
- add/edit a guest
- add/edit/remove/order a service
- create a stay/change state of a stay - (reservation, canceled, ended, in progress)
- show/book rooms
- filter all shown data, f.e. according to date (current guests, available rooms, ...)
- search in shown data
- calculate/show price of a stay according to number of days, ordered services and rooms prices
To install dependencies run the following command:
$ npm install
[1.] JSX syntax and ES6, are not supported in all browsers, so it's needed to translate them to .js:
$ npm run build #will make index.js*
[2.] Start server:
$ npm start
Following command will run frontEnd code in watchmode - index.js is retranslated after changes are made. The command also creates a server on port 8080 (available in browser as localhost:8080/public/) by running webpack-dev-server package
$ npm run dev
Note: the server is not running, so there won't be any interaction with back-end